This post is an update to my last blog about co-creating the universe 101 that I wrote last year. I AM predicting that the Seahawks will be in the Superbowl with the Baltamore Ravens. At the time of my prediction in 2018 the energy vortex was starting to form into manifestation so we did not win in 2019. The important thing is to not let doubt and fear get in the way. Even though it is late 2019 now, the energies are finally pulling together. Now it looks like these are the 2 top teams for Super Bowl 2020!
So now I'm going to place a sportbooks bet on it and if I win I will use the money to host a free retreat at mt cabin in Granite falls It's so fun to "play" with the universe this way. Gambling is so fun if you understand how the universe works. We pick and choose what we want to create based on available options. If we are neutral and not attached to outcomes then we can affect the quantum field in a powerful way..
So as co-creators with the universe we have to trust and not be afraid of failure. Let go and let the universe unfold beautifully.
Let's explore more what it means to be self-realized or enlightened. We give up judgement. Period. That means we don't beat ourselves up anymore when we fail to accomplish our goals. We don't compare ourselves to anyone else because that's futile. You can't change places with people folks. Get over it. So trying to be better than someone else is like a hamster running inside a wheel. You can try and try but in the end, you are just still you. Luckily being you is pretty awesome so let's move on from trying to be anyone else but you.
Once all that is behind you and you've reach a certain level of self awareness where you just know "it really doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong" then you can start co-creating consciously with the universe. Keep in mind that you are always creating your reality unconsciously. That's why "bad things happen to good people". There is a cosmic dance of lights going on here. We are like children playing cowboys and Indians and doing it so well that we are lost in our roles and forgetting we are really just playing and we can play any game we want. When we get lost in our roles we often box our minds into a corner, a limiting mental box of "I AM a cowboy, so I hate the Indians that's what I do, it's me, it's my world." Then someone comes along and says, hey someone is playing a new game called "peace on earth" and we say, "oh no, that's not who I AM. I'm a cowboy, so there can't be peace with Indians."
Then sooner or later enlightenment comes along and upends our world. This is a natural course of evolution. NOW we think "what am I without my role? ". I will tell you what you are. You are limitless! Period. So just relax. Take your time. Decide what you really want to co-create in your reality. It could be anything your soul desires. How fast and what way your creation will manifest in your reality is up to your God self to out picture into your mind/body and world. Often times, the manifestations appear as strange co-incidences that are so imaginatively subtle, even genius when we start to notice how the universe reflects back to us our deepest thoughts, desires, emotions. This is a very subjective process. If you are new to wielding your co-creative powers, it takes patience and focus. It feels like writing with the opposite hand when you first start it because the human mind does not easily focus well on one vision for long so directing creative energy takes practice and focus. In the same breath it also takes NEUTRALITY. This is an important concept. It means no fear or doubt regarding the outcome. You just send heart felt desires out to the universe and let it go!
Unconscious creations (which often result in undesirable outcomes) are not created in neutrality. They are often created by out of control thoughts and emotions, especially fear,stress and worry. Conscious creation (creating experiences you intend) require more consistency in your thoughts and emotions. But when we create from the heart it is easy to maintain consistency because the heart is so strong electromagnetically; it alters the matter-light (the light that creates the experience of matter or form).
Let me give you a personal example. When I first experienced the heighten state of self awareness in December 2012, I remembered my spiritual identity. So I knew that I can whimsically manifest anything I desired without effort because I was child of God and endowed with God's creative powers. One day as I was kicking around a football with a friend I had a spontaneous desire that my favorite football team, the Seahawks, should win the super bowl and play against my "arch enemy" team, the Denver Broncos. I did not doubt for a second that it could come true in my reality because I knew who I was. Now this is a high level of mind creations because there is perfect faith here. Perfect faith is an internal knowing so profound that there is no room for doubt.
What did I do? Did I keep my desire a secret? No. I pronounced it was a matter of fact to the entire world, "I love the Seahawks and they will make it to the super bowl and play against the Broncos!". I even posted it twice on my Facebook page and the date of the post was in December 2012. If you go to my Facebook page history you will see the 2012 post. At the time, I did not really follow NFL football day to day. I had no idea how the Seahawks were doing and it was very late in the season. So at the time that I made this call, both the Seahawks and the Broncos were not really doing well enough to make it to the playoffs that year.
However, in 2013, the very next year things changed. At that time, I had completely forgotten the crazy prediction I made the year earlier. That year, both teams did really well and not only made it to the play offs, but guess what? They both played in the super bowl in Feb 2014 and my beloved Seahawks won their first and only super bowl championship. As I look back I can see that my heart felt desire came true because I did not hesitate. I did not doubt even though the current information at the time did not support what I wanted to create, I trusted the universe would magically out picture my wishes in Divine time.
Now this year 2018, my husband and I wish to manifest Seahawks and the Baltimore Ravens in the super bowl. I have not posted it on Facebook, but I will just state it in this blog for all to see. My state of consciousness now is not the same as it was in Dec 2012. I am more integrated now. More balanced. I am curious to see how it unfolds this time. Go Seahawks!
Envision what you want to manifest in your mind's eye (your imagination) and play it over and over like a movie. Feel into it. Live it like it was real. Then don't obsess about it or when how or where it crosses over into your reality, just let the universe do all the heavy lifting for you. Release your attachment to it. A watch pot never boils right? Stay in NEUTRALITY. If things don't go your way, you have not failed. You are still the LOVE/LIGHT and you are still powerful. There is just a misalignment between what your human ego mind wants and what your greater mind (your soul) wants. This is when you have to let go and realize co-creating is not about force. It is about FLOW. Jesus tells me there will be a level of mastery that can be achieved by humans in which instant manifesting can easily occur, but this requires each individual to continue on the path towards Christhood, which is a high level of self-awareness when there is no longer any separation between the human mind and the God/universal mind. It's a beautiful process of evolution that we are all progressing towards. We first need to learn how to crawl before we can walk. It's like giving a sharp ninja sword to baby. Believe me, it is more wise to allow the baby time to mature. So have patience. You are the LIGHT of the world that is true but you have diapers on still and that's OK. We are each precious creations and the journey is eternal. We have eternity to explore and play with the energy of creation. The real goal NOW is to step into our power and stop the external search for God and look within ourselves where God is.
What if you wanted to manifest something more profound than football game outcomes? What if you wanted to heal cancer? This gets a little complicated. It depends on your soul journey and the reasons why your have cancer. I already posted previously about how my cancer tumor disappeared AFTER I went through some intense energy clearing. Cancer or illness can be tricky because of the energy involved. When you think about football games, it's light and just fun. When you think about cancer or illness, the energy is more severe and there can be some fear or pain. It's not easy to move creative energy when you are ill and not feeling or thinking at a higher vibration. When the body is sick, it is a message to look deep within your own mental and emotional systems to see what is causing the density and blockages in your field. I recommend those who are ill seek an energy healer who has had experience with clearing cancer. We are here to help each other after all.
What about co-creating wealth? It would depend on your individual relationship with money or success. Are you whole enough in your being so clearly see that you are a not here to experience lack of any kind? Many people (I AM one of them) grow up in poverty and have to learn how to view themselves in a different light. Some have a strong drive to succeed and become wealthy because of their childhood poverty, and some succumb to a lower mindset and do not try to lift themselves up. Poverty in itself can be a great teacher either way. I have an abundant view on life. Even when I grew up poor, or have had financial struggles in life, I knew that I would always have what I needed and truly wanted. This attitude has allowed me to share generously from the heart regardless of how much money I have. So address your personal reason on why you want wealth. If the reason is fear-based, like you feel others will love you more if you are wealthy or you feel insecure if you don't have a lot of money in your bank account because you don't trust the universe to provide for you in Divine timing, then you are in a state of low energy which will not produce the results you want.
So my beloved soul sisters and brothers, we co-create with our hearts and our minds fully united in self love. If we love ourselves fully we can co-create with ease. We FLOW with the universe and synchronicities pop up everywhere reflecting back to us what we put out. Trust that this creative process is in you and all around you. We are light. We are love. We are One. May the peace of God be with you.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Cancer is an opportunity for a NEW YOU!
I'm riding an incredible energy wave of love this full moon of Leo. My birthday is tomorrow! I'll be 51 years wise. I reflect on how amazing my life is NOW that I have progressed so far along my journey and I know things are just getting increasingly expansive with these 5D energies coming through. Exponentially compounded and allowing me to go deeper within my meditations and also expand outwards. I used to be this reclusive person these past years hiding behind all the excess weight I had gained since my 2012 awakening what opened my energy to FEEL more energies. This got me started on the spiritual journey towards becoming more wholly ME.
In 2018, I have my breast cancer journey to genuinely thank for the even more massive expansion of consciousness that FINALLY connected to my spirit, my soul energy. This trigger waves and waves of purging of old, dense, negative energies from my body's energy field. I literally physically started transforming from the inside out. My physically body (after the release of the dense energies) continued to shed all the weight that I had gained due to my food (sugar) addiction that I had resorted to in order to cope with FEELING the emotional void within me that was created by all the trauma both individual, ancestral, and global that I as a highly sensitive soul could not deal with.
I love my body! Not because it is now hot and slim. I started loving my body 18 months ago when I weighed close to 160 lbs and just diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer and given 2 years to live if I did not immediately submit to chemo, surgery, and radiation. From the first moment of my diagnosis, I vowed to do the real spiritual work that I came here to do and CONNECT to my God source, my spirit in order to find out the answers to my deeper questions. I was ready for the truth. It was this openness and devotion to SELF LOVE that caused my body to respond to my intentions. I was able to manifest a miraculous turn around in my health. I YES, I can claim my health without having an official scan that says "no cancer". It is the ego mind that thinks that healing must be "proven". If you are alive, feeling blissful in the body and living the life of your dreams, you are healed. The secret to my healing with understanding that the physical world manifests from the energetic realms, the SOURCE energy of creation. It takes energy to create physical changes. The human ego mind can not access this energy so it is limited in what it can perceive. But the pure awareness part of us can experience all this healing energy. This was a very scary and intense journey at times and I had to be very courageous and keep the FAITH. We are not here to copycat and follow the mass consciousness. We are here to BE our Divine selves within a limited human body. In allowing this natural unfolding, our sense of self will transform and expand into our energy body. We begin to identify with being spiritual energy beings and not just physical. We tap into the quantum field of possibilities and attract the HIGHEST outcomes, even miracles in our lives. We live from the heart in the moment being constantly guided by our higher God mind, our intuition, which is connected to EVERYTHING in the universe. Honestly: even if I do die of cancer, the amazing changes in my life and my sense of self worth has been beyond anything I could have ever hoped for. I would certainly die happy with no regrets about anything in my life. I am LOVE. I don't have to be right to BE LOVE. I just choose it NOW.
The 5D energies have liberated me from all this density. I am NOW pure love and light. Full and completely in LOVE with ME! This love flows as a real energy through my body and my energy field that it has an impact on everything and everyone around me often triggering emotional and energetic release and healing. I know I AM stepping into my power NOW. Healer heal thyself. As I heal, I step into my archetypal template as a healer. We actually don't heal each other at an ego level. We heal others when we heal ourselves first. We use self love to accept and completely love ourselves with ALL of our darkness. Then our darkness will integrate into our hearts. Then we realize the perfection in others because we no longer see ourselves as less than. We are standing in our WORTH as WORD. As creator incarnate into human form in order to express itself as LOVE.
Checkout my YouTube channel for healing energy transmissions:
Love yourself as GOD loves you. Then you will know the truth of who you are. You are healed. You are perfected. You no longer identify with your limited ego mind that traps you in fear. You are FREE to be who are really are and reach amazing potential as a Divine Human.
In 2018, I have my breast cancer journey to genuinely thank for the even more massive expansion of consciousness that FINALLY connected to my spirit, my soul energy. This trigger waves and waves of purging of old, dense, negative energies from my body's energy field. I literally physically started transforming from the inside out. My physically body (after the release of the dense energies) continued to shed all the weight that I had gained due to my food (sugar) addiction that I had resorted to in order to cope with FEELING the emotional void within me that was created by all the trauma both individual, ancestral, and global that I as a highly sensitive soul could not deal with.
I love my body! Not because it is now hot and slim. I started loving my body 18 months ago when I weighed close to 160 lbs and just diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer and given 2 years to live if I did not immediately submit to chemo, surgery, and radiation. From the first moment of my diagnosis, I vowed to do the real spiritual work that I came here to do and CONNECT to my God source, my spirit in order to find out the answers to my deeper questions. I was ready for the truth. It was this openness and devotion to SELF LOVE that caused my body to respond to my intentions. I was able to manifest a miraculous turn around in my health. I YES, I can claim my health without having an official scan that says "no cancer". It is the ego mind that thinks that healing must be "proven". If you are alive, feeling blissful in the body and living the life of your dreams, you are healed. The secret to my healing with understanding that the physical world manifests from the energetic realms, the SOURCE energy of creation. It takes energy to create physical changes. The human ego mind can not access this energy so it is limited in what it can perceive. But the pure awareness part of us can experience all this healing energy. This was a very scary and intense journey at times and I had to be very courageous and keep the FAITH. We are not here to copycat and follow the mass consciousness. We are here to BE our Divine selves within a limited human body. In allowing this natural unfolding, our sense of self will transform and expand into our energy body. We begin to identify with being spiritual energy beings and not just physical. We tap into the quantum field of possibilities and attract the HIGHEST outcomes, even miracles in our lives. We live from the heart in the moment being constantly guided by our higher God mind, our intuition, which is connected to EVERYTHING in the universe. Honestly: even if I do die of cancer, the amazing changes in my life and my sense of self worth has been beyond anything I could have ever hoped for. I would certainly die happy with no regrets about anything in my life. I am LOVE. I don't have to be right to BE LOVE. I just choose it NOW.
The 5D energies have liberated me from all this density. I am NOW pure love and light. Full and completely in LOVE with ME! This love flows as a real energy through my body and my energy field that it has an impact on everything and everyone around me often triggering emotional and energetic release and healing. I know I AM stepping into my power NOW. Healer heal thyself. As I heal, I step into my archetypal template as a healer. We actually don't heal each other at an ego level. We heal others when we heal ourselves first. We use self love to accept and completely love ourselves with ALL of our darkness. Then our darkness will integrate into our hearts. Then we realize the perfection in others because we no longer see ourselves as less than. We are standing in our WORTH as WORD. As creator incarnate into human form in order to express itself as LOVE.
Checkout my YouTube channel for healing energy transmissions:
Love yourself as GOD loves you. Then you will know the truth of who you are. You are healed. You are perfected. You no longer identify with your limited ego mind that traps you in fear. You are FREE to be who are really are and reach amazing potential as a Divine Human.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Finally free to be me!
It’s the full moon of August. A massive Leo energy gateway of transformation. Full moons give me a huge boost into higher more expansive states. August 16th is my 51st birthday. So this Leo full moon catapulted me into a deep state of peace after my morning meditation. I felt a deep connection to my inner child longing for my own acceptance and unconditional love. I was finally able to see my own perfection and worthiness. Gut wrenching sobs flowed out of me as I hugged my inner child and gave her back the light of my own soul that childhood neglect and trauma had suppressed. My mother’s soul energy met me in meditation and I was able to finally forgive her and truly accept the healing energy of forgiveness and nurturing that she offered. The emotional pain body legacy I “inherited” from her was OURS to work together to dissolve and finally heal from our ancestral lineage. By our release and recognition of this ancestral pain between mother and daughter, we complete our souls and come back into unity and love, Oneness. All my life I felt so separated from my mother and could never please her or get her to accept me. The four year old inner child was a piece of me that got “frozen” locked away in time due to trauma. It was the first time a clear pattern formed in my mind that my mother did not care for me. My father had made me a pin wheel and I ran and played with it and fell and gashed my knee. My mother freaked out yelled at my Dad for making me the toy and yelled at me as she wash and bandaged my wound in anger telling me how horrible I was for falling and ruining her day. She then put me on the floor in the corner without any dinner and told everybody in our family to ignore me as they ate silently listening to me cry in my corner. My Dad never made me another toy after that. And I tried very hard never to fall and hurt myself. I didn’t want my mom to be disappointed in me again. I developed a coping strategy of trying to be a good people pleaser which really didn’t work well for me because it caused me to develop other coping behaviors since pleasing people was impossible since I was also an empath and felt everyone’s pain around me. So I started turning to food and sweets to calm my anxious unsafe feelings.
This childhood experience was just one of many many times I felt unloved, even hated by my mother was such a terrible burden for my inner child. Self love, lots of it, gave me courage to look at the deep wounds within. It’s taken a great deal of inner work to get to HERE NOW.
The inner “work” would not have ever unfolded if I did not have the breast cancer and the lymph edema set back that triggered and even deeper dive into self love. Now I am so much lighter physically mentally and emotionally. I AM free of the emotional baggage and food addiction. I AM free to love without fear of being hurt. I now see the perfection in ALL. What happened between my mother and me was perfect. It allowed for growth and healing to occur and finally progress resulted. This progress is human evolution into a Divine light being making miracles!
Now that I’m finally healed within my energy and consciousness, I know my life is going to be even more full of incredible miraculous experiences. It’s all subjective folks. We can choose to completely change ourselves from the inside. Yes, we all eventually die and return our soul back to Heaven. But only to come back in a new body and continue our endless journey. We truly are free and limitless. We just need to release the trauma that keeps us vibrating at lower states of consciousness and feeling powerless and unable to truly live in joy. These lower vibrations block our energy flow and cause pain and dis-ease like cancer or addictions in our bodies. The 2 main causes of cancer is smoking and obesity. These are addictive behaviors. We have to ask ourselves why we have addictions?
Now that I’m light and free I plan on making the best use of my remaining time in this now healthy beautiful body. Healing is first a state of wellness in the mind and emotional body. The physical body always follows the mental and emotional bodies as a holistic unfolding. All is connected. All is energy. All is consciousness. All is happening within you first before it manifests in the physical. Remember it’s all a 3D holographic reality so you (consciousness) can explore itself as a self. It’s an endless cycle of self discovery through the imagination of our mind. How do you want to experience existence?
I’m going to LOVE like there’s nothing else I would rather do. I’m going to engage with life and nature with wonder, relish, intimacy, and gratitude! I’m my universe. I have the most awesome life. My husband and son are my glory, my soulmates and I can now see the Divine perfection in them. I’m going to love them and everyone I know like my long time soulmate. Life is just getting good! Finally....
Visit my YouTube Channel below for more frequent healing messages from my heart to yours:
This childhood experience was just one of many many times I felt unloved, even hated by my mother was such a terrible burden for my inner child. Self love, lots of it, gave me courage to look at the deep wounds within. It’s taken a great deal of inner work to get to HERE NOW.
The inner “work” would not have ever unfolded if I did not have the breast cancer and the lymph edema set back that triggered and even deeper dive into self love. Now I am so much lighter physically mentally and emotionally. I AM free of the emotional baggage and food addiction. I AM free to love without fear of being hurt. I now see the perfection in ALL. What happened between my mother and me was perfect. It allowed for growth and healing to occur and finally progress resulted. This progress is human evolution into a Divine light being making miracles!
Now that I’m finally healed within my energy and consciousness, I know my life is going to be even more full of incredible miraculous experiences. It’s all subjective folks. We can choose to completely change ourselves from the inside. Yes, we all eventually die and return our soul back to Heaven. But only to come back in a new body and continue our endless journey. We truly are free and limitless. We just need to release the trauma that keeps us vibrating at lower states of consciousness and feeling powerless and unable to truly live in joy. These lower vibrations block our energy flow and cause pain and dis-ease like cancer or addictions in our bodies. The 2 main causes of cancer is smoking and obesity. These are addictive behaviors. We have to ask ourselves why we have addictions?
Now that I’m light and free I plan on making the best use of my remaining time in this now healthy beautiful body. Healing is first a state of wellness in the mind and emotional body. The physical body always follows the mental and emotional bodies as a holistic unfolding. All is connected. All is energy. All is consciousness. All is happening within you first before it manifests in the physical. Remember it’s all a 3D holographic reality so you (consciousness) can explore itself as a self. It’s an endless cycle of self discovery through the imagination of our mind. How do you want to experience existence?
I’m going to LOVE like there’s nothing else I would rather do. I’m going to engage with life and nature with wonder, relish, intimacy, and gratitude! I’m my universe. I have the most awesome life. My husband and son are my glory, my soulmates and I can now see the Divine perfection in them. I’m going to love them and everyone I know like my long time soulmate. Life is just getting good! Finally....
Visit my YouTube Channel below for more frequent healing messages from my heart to yours:
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
A Star is born!
Watch out Lady Gaga, I'm coming out of the closet and sharing my gifts with the world:
I'm ready to embrace my mission and service to others as a light worker by letting my 5D Starseed consciousness shine! This will give an extra dimension to my blog and help spread the positive healing energy that I came here to share with any one who might be interested. There is a shift coming and humanity is becoming more sensitive to subtle energies. We are evolving and it's time to get out there. Time to SHINE and SHARE from the heart, no more judgments, no more resistance. Let's embrace light, innocence, forgiveness, vulnerability and creativity. And yes, human life is chaotic, toxic even at times, but it's what we came here to experience. By climbing out of the huge holes we individually and collective dig for ourselves, we triumph and discover our true nature which is pure LOVE.
It's time to make peace with our wounded egos. Set aside childish things and grow up. The key is self love. Connect to the heart for guidance no matter what you are dealing with. As more Starseeds heal their past karma, the consciousness of humanity will soften to a new way of being.
Special thanks to my new mentor, friend and fellow Starseed Mathew John for encouraging me to step forward on my path. This Lymphedema episode and subsequent fast that I went on has allowed me to become so clear in my mind that I AM not limited and I have the right to be truly me. It's so fantastic how Starseeds come from different backgrounds to enable us to connect to as wide a population as possible to spread this message of SELF LOVE and ONENESS. We got this!
I plan on making a lot more videos because the beautiful energy that comes through when I share the messages that flow through me. It's so fun! I can have an audience of ZERO in Youtube Land; it doesn't matter. I want to share my insights, my peaceful energy, and my connection to my I AM with anyone who might benefit. My wounded ego used to want to succeed so badly that it created a another counter ego that never wanted to be wrong which created another sabotager that never wanted to fail. All this static in my mental/emotional body choked the flow of inspiration from my experience and I didn't live the highest possible outcome. All was by design because those unwanted outcomes inspired within me a deep deep letting go of limiting thoughts and beliefs that have freed me from FEAR. I embrace it now and no longer resist it and it quickly dissolves and transforms into LOVE which is the source of all and heals all wounds.
No longer does my ego feel that putting myself out there is a scary thing. The practice of self love and devotion has expanded my heart to allow all the ego's shadows to return to the light of my soul. Those once abandoned orphans within me now have a home and they have no need to block my desires. The difference is the vibration I now consistently experience. This BLISS. All this energy wants to flow, so let love flow forth!
I'm ready to embrace my mission and service to others as a light worker by letting my 5D Starseed consciousness shine! This will give an extra dimension to my blog and help spread the positive healing energy that I came here to share with any one who might be interested. There is a shift coming and humanity is becoming more sensitive to subtle energies. We are evolving and it's time to get out there. Time to SHINE and SHARE from the heart, no more judgments, no more resistance. Let's embrace light, innocence, forgiveness, vulnerability and creativity. And yes, human life is chaotic, toxic even at times, but it's what we came here to experience. By climbing out of the huge holes we individually and collective dig for ourselves, we triumph and discover our true nature which is pure LOVE.
It's time to make peace with our wounded egos. Set aside childish things and grow up. The key is self love. Connect to the heart for guidance no matter what you are dealing with. As more Starseeds heal their past karma, the consciousness of humanity will soften to a new way of being.
Special thanks to my new mentor, friend and fellow Starseed Mathew John for encouraging me to step forward on my path. This Lymphedema episode and subsequent fast that I went on has allowed me to become so clear in my mind that I AM not limited and I have the right to be truly me. It's so fantastic how Starseeds come from different backgrounds to enable us to connect to as wide a population as possible to spread this message of SELF LOVE and ONENESS. We got this!
I plan on making a lot more videos because the beautiful energy that comes through when I share the messages that flow through me. It's so fun! I can have an audience of ZERO in Youtube Land; it doesn't matter. I want to share my insights, my peaceful energy, and my connection to my I AM with anyone who might benefit. My wounded ego used to want to succeed so badly that it created a another counter ego that never wanted to be wrong which created another sabotager that never wanted to fail. All this static in my mental/emotional body choked the flow of inspiration from my experience and I didn't live the highest possible outcome. All was by design because those unwanted outcomes inspired within me a deep deep letting go of limiting thoughts and beliefs that have freed me from FEAR. I embrace it now and no longer resist it and it quickly dissolves and transforms into LOVE which is the source of all and heals all wounds.
No longer does my ego feel that putting myself out there is a scary thing. The practice of self love and devotion has expanded my heart to allow all the ego's shadows to return to the light of my soul. Those once abandoned orphans within me now have a home and they have no need to block my desires. The difference is the vibration I now consistently experience. This BLISS. All this energy wants to flow, so let love flow forth!
Monday, July 15, 2019
How I got my high vibe back after Lympedema....
In a span of 7 days I have gone from freaking out and thinking "OMG my cancer is spreading and I'm dying" last week when my left arm swelled up due to Lympedema to how I am this moment singing to myself "chill baby...don't worry about a thing, every little thing's gonna be alright." Yes, Bob Marley. And I'm in a total state of bliss and joy dancing around the house. I feel so alive and yes, healthy. I feel so good and my arm doesn't hurt. The swelling has gone down significantly and I know my body is "taking care of business" so I can live the life I want to live. One of joy and abundance without suffering. Does this mean that I won't have anymore challenges with my health, or life in general? HELL NO. That's not how it works because I, like every other human on earth, am here for the HUMAN EXPERIENCE of facing, accepting, and transcending all my limitations. And my life has been full of challenges, and with each challenge I have faced it with the best of intentions and I have no regrets about how things played out because I AM HERE NOW feeling so blissful and complete in my being. That's what happens when we move from 3D to 5D living. We grow up and stop running from our "problems" or blaming others or giving our power away to the "specialists" who don't even know us but seem to know what's good for us. How does helplessness and victimization help us? It doesn't help me. I choose to have faith in ME and my connection to my I AM presence. I choose SELF LOVE. This means I embrace myself right where I'm at. No excuses, no buts.
When I self reflect on this "set back" in my health, I was able to let go of the need to be too critical because by making choices we learn from the results. I did fall off the wagon the past 3 months. I went off my plant based, low sugar diet and backed off on my exercise regime. I had been eating all the "bad" stuff again because I felt I wanted to enjoy life and I felt great at the time. I also stopped taking CBD oil and any supplements. All of these choices could have allowed the cancer the opportunity to active causing blockage in my lymphatic system. I have to be honest with myself without beating myself up about it. This is part of accepting the situation without going into negative guilt and blame which causes the flow of I AM connection to be blocked. It takes a high vibration of LOVE to connect to infinite source. Self love is the utmost important. Loving others is not possible until we love ourselves.
After my last post about my left arm, I meditated and doubled downed on the SELF LOVE. It was not easy to hold myself lovingly without resistance as I felt the fear, tears and sadness move through me. I am not afraid to die, but I felt after all I went through, I had so much love to share with the world and it's too soon. As I held myself lovingly in stillness, the love energy of my I AM poured this loving comfort over me and I felt so reassured that ALL IS WELL. I didn't know what this meant, whether my arm would heal or not, but I knew as long as I had this I AM connection I would not suffer. I feel peace and love always with my connection with my I AM, which is the God in me, the source of all manifestation and abundance. Then the inspiration came to me. It was an intuitive knowing that "I am not a helpless victim. I can take focused action to heal myself."
I received inspiration to exercise, practice self care through frequent meditation/visualization, daily exercise and yoga, resume taking CBD oil, self massage of the lymph under the skin, use compression bandages to reduce the swelling, and MOST IMPORTANTLY go on a water and fresh green juice FAST. YES, stop eating and allow the body to catch up and detox. Fast a long as I am guided to fast. This inspiration was so deeply encoded in me that I did everything with fun and ease. Even my husband Jeff and I had fun with the frequent massages and it increased our intimacy with each other and strengthened our relationship. My body has dropped a few lbs weight already and because the inspiration was from my I AM I don't have to "effort" through it. Caring for myself is quite fun. Maybe I manifested this experience subconsciously just for the positive benefits that the "bad" situation would inspire. We create our reality with our minds. There are different levels of mind. The human ego mind, the subconscious mind, and the Universal Mind of God. But these levels are not separate. All levels of mind are within the Mind. So our entire existence revolves around moving our awareness through this Mind which is the source of all energy, all creation. They are interconnected and serve the evolution of consciousness both individually and collectively. We as human creations existing in a 3D holographic universe which is projected by the Mind. This means all illness is created our subconscious minds. Not to punish us, but as a feedback loop so we can experience the "NEXT BEST" outcome manifested according to our desires. There is plenty of Divine energy to manifest the outcome we desire when we connect to our I AM presence. This is being in the flow. None of this makes sense until you personally experience in your own way. Then you will see the interconnection of ALL. Here's a pic of me today.
There's less swelling and my lower arm is not swollen at all like it was last week in Vegas. After 5 days of literally no food (just green juice, tea, water, maybe a small peace of fruit each day) I feel really GOOD. I mean it. I feel clear in my mind, and light in my body. There is a continuously high vibe sort humming around my body like my energy field is very bright and charged. I still have a swollen upper left arm, and tenderness in my armpit lymph nodes. But just feeling good and so much better than a few days ago gives me so much optimism. I'm so grateful for my life and my human existence. We are here to have a life that we desire. We just have to surrender the need to control HOW this wonderful life plays out and learn to open up to the flow of the universe. Who knows? Maybe illness and dying of cancer can be a part of the joyous journey of self discovery and attainment of true connection to source energy that all souls yearn for. What I have learned so far is to honor myself and the life journey. We need not judge and fear illness, poverty, or the unwanted things in life. What if these negative experiences are all part of the fuel that propels us higher and higher towards expansion and freedom. Believe me, if my life was perfect, I would be a totally different person; probably far less spiritual for sure. I'm going to embrace the life I have because so far, it's been truly unpredictable, miraculous, challenging, full of fun and a wild and crazy ride!
I'm honoring and letting others choose their healing options because this is part of our journey. We each have to make our own choices, so honor others and their choices. My choice was to seek healing from my I AM presence first and not go back to the doctor for invasive procedures. My beliefs are different because of my personal experiences with life force energy and the messages I receive from the higher realms that are intended for me only. I may have a follow up appointment with a doctor or naturopath. They might have useful advice for me also; maybe I will do a blood test. But my first stop for advice is always to go within and tune into the heart; connect to my I AM. From this place I can make the most loving choice for me instead of a fear based, more limited choice that might put me through unwanted experiences. Our inner vibration (emotional and mental states) attracts like experiences that resonate with our vibration. Part of self mastery to observe, and see how this creative process works. Two people can face very similar circumstances, but react differently based on each person's inner vibration. HOW we react to our current circumstances directly affects the NEXT manifestation or experience. This is all very confusing and complicated stuff that is not easy to explain with words because words are linear. The creative process is more like a sphere with 360 degree to inputs of vibrations that affect each persons perspective of reality. I just connect and meditate to receive insights and answers to my questions about reality and about how creation works. It's more of an energy communion and answers are telepathically understood. I am developing into a channel, medium, or gifted intuitive. These are spiritual gifts available when we connect within and remove our limiting blocks.
Bottom are eternal....this life is not your first are not your body/world...all is Divine including are not less than, broken, or a mistake, even if you are perfectly are the formless presence that peers through your eyes and the eyes of all you see. This presence is the real you, the I AM. It blesses all, loves all, and is all. This real you wants the you that feels less than, powerless and unlovable to know that you really are limitless and you are loved just as you are with all your limitations. These limitations are not you. They are your play things like Rubik cube. Don't run from it. Be curious. Learn. Touch. Attempt, try and fail. Get frustrated and lost in the process. Then when you are ready to quit. Solve it using the only tool that works....self love. This raises your vibration so you can connect to the I AM presence within for inspiration and guidance. Then insights will come and you will delight in how amazing you really are when flowing with the I AM that you are! Much love and light to all!
When I self reflect on this "set back" in my health, I was able to let go of the need to be too critical because by making choices we learn from the results. I did fall off the wagon the past 3 months. I went off my plant based, low sugar diet and backed off on my exercise regime. I had been eating all the "bad" stuff again because I felt I wanted to enjoy life and I felt great at the time. I also stopped taking CBD oil and any supplements. All of these choices could have allowed the cancer the opportunity to active causing blockage in my lymphatic system. I have to be honest with myself without beating myself up about it. This is part of accepting the situation without going into negative guilt and blame which causes the flow of I AM connection to be blocked. It takes a high vibration of LOVE to connect to infinite source. Self love is the utmost important. Loving others is not possible until we love ourselves.
After my last post about my left arm, I meditated and doubled downed on the SELF LOVE. It was not easy to hold myself lovingly without resistance as I felt the fear, tears and sadness move through me. I am not afraid to die, but I felt after all I went through, I had so much love to share with the world and it's too soon. As I held myself lovingly in stillness, the love energy of my I AM poured this loving comfort over me and I felt so reassured that ALL IS WELL. I didn't know what this meant, whether my arm would heal or not, but I knew as long as I had this I AM connection I would not suffer. I feel peace and love always with my connection with my I AM, which is the God in me, the source of all manifestation and abundance. Then the inspiration came to me. It was an intuitive knowing that "I am not a helpless victim. I can take focused action to heal myself."
I received inspiration to exercise, practice self care through frequent meditation/visualization, daily exercise and yoga, resume taking CBD oil, self massage of the lymph under the skin, use compression bandages to reduce the swelling, and MOST IMPORTANTLY go on a water and fresh green juice FAST. YES, stop eating and allow the body to catch up and detox. Fast a long as I am guided to fast. This inspiration was so deeply encoded in me that I did everything with fun and ease. Even my husband Jeff and I had fun with the frequent massages and it increased our intimacy with each other and strengthened our relationship. My body has dropped a few lbs weight already and because the inspiration was from my I AM I don't have to "effort" through it. Caring for myself is quite fun. Maybe I manifested this experience subconsciously just for the positive benefits that the "bad" situation would inspire. We create our reality with our minds. There are different levels of mind. The human ego mind, the subconscious mind, and the Universal Mind of God. But these levels are not separate. All levels of mind are within the Mind. So our entire existence revolves around moving our awareness through this Mind which is the source of all energy, all creation. They are interconnected and serve the evolution of consciousness both individually and collectively. We as human creations existing in a 3D holographic universe which is projected by the Mind. This means all illness is created our subconscious minds. Not to punish us, but as a feedback loop so we can experience the "NEXT BEST" outcome manifested according to our desires. There is plenty of Divine energy to manifest the outcome we desire when we connect to our I AM presence. This is being in the flow. None of this makes sense until you personally experience in your own way. Then you will see the interconnection of ALL. Here's a pic of me today.
There's less swelling and my lower arm is not swollen at all like it was last week in Vegas. After 5 days of literally no food (just green juice, tea, water, maybe a small peace of fruit each day) I feel really GOOD. I mean it. I feel clear in my mind, and light in my body. There is a continuously high vibe sort humming around my body like my energy field is very bright and charged. I still have a swollen upper left arm, and tenderness in my armpit lymph nodes. But just feeling good and so much better than a few days ago gives me so much optimism. I'm so grateful for my life and my human existence. We are here to have a life that we desire. We just have to surrender the need to control HOW this wonderful life plays out and learn to open up to the flow of the universe. Who knows? Maybe illness and dying of cancer can be a part of the joyous journey of self discovery and attainment of true connection to source energy that all souls yearn for. What I have learned so far is to honor myself and the life journey. We need not judge and fear illness, poverty, or the unwanted things in life. What if these negative experiences are all part of the fuel that propels us higher and higher towards expansion and freedom. Believe me, if my life was perfect, I would be a totally different person; probably far less spiritual for sure. I'm going to embrace the life I have because so far, it's been truly unpredictable, miraculous, challenging, full of fun and a wild and crazy ride!
I'm honoring and letting others choose their healing options because this is part of our journey. We each have to make our own choices, so honor others and their choices. My choice was to seek healing from my I AM presence first and not go back to the doctor for invasive procedures. My beliefs are different because of my personal experiences with life force energy and the messages I receive from the higher realms that are intended for me only. I may have a follow up appointment with a doctor or naturopath. They might have useful advice for me also; maybe I will do a blood test. But my first stop for advice is always to go within and tune into the heart; connect to my I AM. From this place I can make the most loving choice for me instead of a fear based, more limited choice that might put me through unwanted experiences. Our inner vibration (emotional and mental states) attracts like experiences that resonate with our vibration. Part of self mastery to observe, and see how this creative process works. Two people can face very similar circumstances, but react differently based on each person's inner vibration. HOW we react to our current circumstances directly affects the NEXT manifestation or experience. This is all very confusing and complicated stuff that is not easy to explain with words because words are linear. The creative process is more like a sphere with 360 degree to inputs of vibrations that affect each persons perspective of reality. I just connect and meditate to receive insights and answers to my questions about reality and about how creation works. It's more of an energy communion and answers are telepathically understood. I am developing into a channel, medium, or gifted intuitive. These are spiritual gifts available when we connect within and remove our limiting blocks.
Bottom are eternal....this life is not your first are not your body/world...all is Divine including are not less than, broken, or a mistake, even if you are perfectly are the formless presence that peers through your eyes and the eyes of all you see. This presence is the real you, the I AM. It blesses all, loves all, and is all. This real you wants the you that feels less than, powerless and unlovable to know that you really are limitless and you are loved just as you are with all your limitations. These limitations are not you. They are your play things like Rubik cube. Don't run from it. Be curious. Learn. Touch. Attempt, try and fail. Get frustrated and lost in the process. Then when you are ready to quit. Solve it using the only tool that works....self love. This raises your vibration so you can connect to the I AM presence within for inspiration and guidance. Then insights will come and you will delight in how amazing you really are when flowing with the I AM that you are! Much love and light to all!
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
We are what we think?
One of the reasons I didn’t want to get surgery, chemo and the invasive conventional cancer treatments was because I was fearful of the harm it would do to my body. For example one serious complication is Lymphedema which is a crippling swelling of the arm or leg due to build up of lymph fluid that is block from drainage because lymph nodes are damaged or missing.
Well guess what I’m officially the only person I know who has Lymphedema without having any conventional cancer treatment! A few days ago I started getting swelling and pain in my left arm and it got worse after I flew to Vegas this week. The arm swelled bigger! Then I stupidly decided to check my blood pressure (which was unusually low) on that left arm and it hurt as the cuff squeezed. After that my arm swelled even more! So I frantically Internet searched and diagnosed my condition which initially brought relief because I knew what was happening to my body. Then it sunk in that I have Lymphedema which is what I wanted to avoid by not getting cancer treatment!
I was frantic and scared. My brave side gave way to a whimpering little mouse. Will the rest of my likely short life be in agony dragging around a useless large left arm? But after a good long meditation during which tears flowed and self love came up to greet self doubt in loving embrace I slowly came to realize the potential gift of this experience. Perhaps the universe reflects our fear to us as an experience so we can grow in self love? Maybe karma (this cosmic mirroring) is not something to try to avoid. Maybe if we just allow the universe to teach us by embracing what is present in the moment to feel and experience we can find what we are truly seeking. Completion. This peace. I feel it as a current in the
unified field of energy that is us and is everything.
Our thoughts came from this field and creates our reality. Good or bad we are ever constantly experiencing our thoughts. Just be still and meditate and these deep insights come and I don’t feel so powerless. I see that there is connection in all things. We are part of something vast. Tap into this field and feel the peace underlying the reality being experienced. That is unconditional love. I’m at peace with death, cancer, Lymphedema, or the next thought that enters my vibrational pallet. There is joy in being present with life and not judging what manifests for my eternal musings. Much love to you all!
Well guess what I’m officially the only person I know who has Lymphedema without having any conventional cancer treatment! A few days ago I started getting swelling and pain in my left arm and it got worse after I flew to Vegas this week. The arm swelled bigger! Then I stupidly decided to check my blood pressure (which was unusually low) on that left arm and it hurt as the cuff squeezed. After that my arm swelled even more! So I frantically Internet searched and diagnosed my condition which initially brought relief because I knew what was happening to my body. Then it sunk in that I have Lymphedema which is what I wanted to avoid by not getting cancer treatment!
I was frantic and scared. My brave side gave way to a whimpering little mouse. Will the rest of my likely short life be in agony dragging around a useless large left arm? But after a good long meditation during which tears flowed and self love came up to greet self doubt in loving embrace I slowly came to realize the potential gift of this experience. Perhaps the universe reflects our fear to us as an experience so we can grow in self love? Maybe karma (this cosmic mirroring) is not something to try to avoid. Maybe if we just allow the universe to teach us by embracing what is present in the moment to feel and experience we can find what we are truly seeking. Completion. This peace. I feel it as a current in the
unified field of energy that is us and is everything.
Our thoughts came from this field and creates our reality. Good or bad we are ever constantly experiencing our thoughts. Just be still and meditate and these deep insights come and I don’t feel so powerless. I see that there is connection in all things. We are part of something vast. Tap into this field and feel the peace underlying the reality being experienced. That is unconditional love. I’m at peace with death, cancer, Lymphedema, or the next thought that enters my vibrational pallet. There is joy in being present with life and not judging what manifests for my eternal musings. Much love to you all!
Monday, June 17, 2019
Hey, Soul Sister!
My favorite song of the moment is "Hey, Soul Sister" and it's moves me to reach out and SHOUT OUT to all my soul sisters (and brothers) out there! But is there really an "out there"? Maybe....or not. If it's all vibrating light particles then I'm experience a really miraculous show where there seems to be a very realistic epic drama unfolding and I'm the main character. That's what enlightenment does to you. It turns you "outside in" when all my life I've been outwardly focused thinking and feeling that there is a material world outside of what I thought was "me". Then all the layers and layers of me slowly dissolved away which each exquisite sensation of the electric aliveness emanating from my heart. Visceral experiences that transcend any other experience I've ever had. It's beyond description. Yet my mind is fully alert and observing each moment and yes, attempting to record and understand what is happening. Each moment is like a flickering flame of consciousness moving between "me" and "no-me" which is pure awareness. I come in and out of existence, engaged one minute, then floating away the next. It's like balance yet continuous flow. One moment I'm engrossed in the dream, and then awareness arises recognizing the active parts of "me" and switches back to this bliss, this profound peace. This switch is a momentary choice to let go of anything within me that keeps me from experience this incredible bliss. I am beginning to experience the body as a finely tuned vehicle that can navigate reality through emotions as part of the co-creative process. Mastering this process is my true purpose, and playing Blackjack is perhaps may or may not be relevant. It is relevant only as it allows me to employ the co-creative process, and not relevant if it distracts from the process. The engine that drives this process is letting go and surrendering to the present NOW moment. This means letting go of the entire backstory (the past) and what I think "should" happen next "considering" the past. The merry-go round of the mind spinning different variations of "what ifs" and "what could happen". And because we overly identify with our bodies, all this baggage I carry around is stored as suppressed dense energy which drains the body's energy over time.
Once I let go of the ego identification with the body and the fear of death, I was able to feel more energy flow into my body. The blocks and dense energy of fear can choke off energy flow. The energy raises the vibrations in the body and causes it to heal and reset from trapped trauma, illness, and dis-ease. The vibrations and energy movement feel so good and my cells are vibrating with joy!
It's the joy I want to share and transmit to all my soul sisters! What we heal in ourselves we release in the collective consciousness. Fear and self doubt are not our forever friends. They are only here for a moment and this too shall pass. Our bodies need our acceptance, love, and mercy. I am willing to look at the "me's" I've created to deal with negative judgments coming from all directions all my life. My energy drained as I created little "me's" each time I was judged or hurt by others. When I experience emotional trauma, I would start thinking there's something wrong with me. If I could be better, they wouldn't reject me. I must not be good enough. These thoughts trigger emotional energy and fear and sadness. Some of the "me's" were quite angry. Then to "cope" with the hurt of these emotions, I would create a version of "me" that had to prove to the world that I really was good enough. This "me" had to be lovable some how because I know that love is what we are, so I can not, at the level of awareness I had as a child, understand why others don't love me the way I love them. The more the "me" that wanted approval tried to get approval from others, the more of my energy it used up. Then the more rejection it got from people, the other "me" that was angry about being rejected got angrier which was a drain over time. Anger can be very toxic for the body. All this created a war within and I was not a peace within my body. So since I was a little child, the innate joy and bliss became denser and denser vibrations as I aged. I intuitive feel this caused my cancer and now I'm ready to regain my lost joy and bliss. Even if I die from cancer, I will die the way I came into the world.
Enough is enough! I'm not going to judge myself any longer. I want unconditional love, because these "me's" are the lost, hurt and wounded parts of me that deserve to be acknowledged, accepted, and hugged in the most heart felt way! I mean crazily radically hugging those little me's until they willingly join me in the bliss. Each one that joins (transmute back into pure light) opens up the pathways to energy more.
All the "bad" things that happen to me have been a spring board into deeper levels to SELF and now I'm ready to truly forgive and let go of all my hang ups about myself. Other's opinions and reaction to me are to going to influence me for the better no matter if it's negative or positive. I welcome interaction with life, but I'm no longer attached to outcomes. I'm still rooting for me. The real me under all the other "me's" crying out for the real me to awake up and hold them. And I'm going to express the love energy coming through me the best way I know how in each moment no matter the outcome. And with each new NOW moment I become more free to be the real me! This real me is LOVE, and I want to share my love with all my soul sisters and brothers. May peace, joy and bliss create your next moment and the next....
Once I let go of the ego identification with the body and the fear of death, I was able to feel more energy flow into my body. The blocks and dense energy of fear can choke off energy flow. The energy raises the vibrations in the body and causes it to heal and reset from trapped trauma, illness, and dis-ease. The vibrations and energy movement feel so good and my cells are vibrating with joy!
It's the joy I want to share and transmit to all my soul sisters! What we heal in ourselves we release in the collective consciousness. Fear and self doubt are not our forever friends. They are only here for a moment and this too shall pass. Our bodies need our acceptance, love, and mercy. I am willing to look at the "me's" I've created to deal with negative judgments coming from all directions all my life. My energy drained as I created little "me's" each time I was judged or hurt by others. When I experience emotional trauma, I would start thinking there's something wrong with me. If I could be better, they wouldn't reject me. I must not be good enough. These thoughts trigger emotional energy and fear and sadness. Some of the "me's" were quite angry. Then to "cope" with the hurt of these emotions, I would create a version of "me" that had to prove to the world that I really was good enough. This "me" had to be lovable some how because I know that love is what we are, so I can not, at the level of awareness I had as a child, understand why others don't love me the way I love them. The more the "me" that wanted approval tried to get approval from others, the more of my energy it used up. Then the more rejection it got from people, the other "me" that was angry about being rejected got angrier which was a drain over time. Anger can be very toxic for the body. All this created a war within and I was not a peace within my body. So since I was a little child, the innate joy and bliss became denser and denser vibrations as I aged. I intuitive feel this caused my cancer and now I'm ready to regain my lost joy and bliss. Even if I die from cancer, I will die the way I came into the world.
Enough is enough! I'm not going to judge myself any longer. I want unconditional love, because these "me's" are the lost, hurt and wounded parts of me that deserve to be acknowledged, accepted, and hugged in the most heart felt way! I mean crazily radically hugging those little me's until they willingly join me in the bliss. Each one that joins (transmute back into pure light) opens up the pathways to energy more.
All the "bad" things that happen to me have been a spring board into deeper levels to SELF and now I'm ready to truly forgive and let go of all my hang ups about myself. Other's opinions and reaction to me are to going to influence me for the better no matter if it's negative or positive. I welcome interaction with life, but I'm no longer attached to outcomes. I'm still rooting for me. The real me under all the other "me's" crying out for the real me to awake up and hold them. And I'm going to express the love energy coming through me the best way I know how in each moment no matter the outcome. And with each new NOW moment I become more free to be the real me! This real me is LOVE, and I want to share my love with all my soul sisters and brothers. May peace, joy and bliss create your next moment and the next....
Friday, May 24, 2019
My Little Brother, My Hero
As I write these words tears flow. My youngest brother Khanh who is 47 (the last born of 6 siblings in our large family) is in the hospital on life support from a severe heart brain stroke. Doctors say he may die in a matter of days. An ongoing vigil of loving friends and family surround him with hopeful prayers. Why would the youngest of us be the first to pass away, leaving behind his 7 year old daughter and loving wife, is a question that the human mind can never get a satisfactory answer. So the best way I can answer this question is with no answer and just a story....
During my 2018 awakening I briefly mentioned having a vivid dream/vision in which I merged with a golden being of light that I call my I AM presence. There is more to this dream that I will mention now. Before this dream I had been going through massive energy purges and periods of heart openings and euphoria that eventually led to my breast cancer tumor disappearing. The night of the dream occurred in early November. I was in a state of spiritual ecstasy and sent out a prayer that I wanted to go higher and further. In the dream a huge golden being of light appeared before me. It placed in my right hand a glowing ball of pulsating light and transmitted to me that this represented my "world" and everything that I was attached to (friends, family, material possessions). The being instructed me to look closely at the pulsating ball in my hand. As I looked at it the ball slowly disappeared. The being telepathically said "You see, it's all illusion. To go further you must let it go, say goodbye, and merge with me." I felt a moment of conflict. My attachments, even though illusions, were very dear to my heart. I shed tears of sorrow as I said good bye to the dearest things of my world -- my husband Jeff and son Evan. I knew they would be OK without me even though it hurt me to not be with them. But I knew the being of light was where I belonged if I really wanted to go further on my journey.
At that moment of decision I peered into the being of light and saw the face of my brother Khanh. I was surprised that he was already in the being of light. I pondered what that meant and received a heart knowing that Khanh was really part of the over-soul that I belonged to and that he was already there because he (though youngest among the siblings) had already advanced on his journey where he accomplished this sacred merge, this enlightenment. Seeing his face in the light gave me courage to finally let go and merge into it even though it felt like I was truly dying. An indescribable feeling of bliss and peace overcame me as I became One with the light, One with Khanh.
Then I woke up from the dream and realized that I had not died. A feeling a deep gratitude came over me because somehow I had accomplished a state of "non-attachment" to the dearest things in my world, yet I was still in my body. What this meant to me was FREEDOM from suffering. I knew going forward that no matter what happened in my life I would not suffer. That I was really spirit. I was a physical manifesting of this being of light which is ALL and eternal.
A couple of weeks later I met Khanh and his wife Lhing at Thanksgiving dinner. I was so excited to tell them about my vivid dream and what I might mean for Khanh. I told them about the golden being of light and that Khanh's face was already in it and it gave me courage to merge with it and let go "from my worldly attachments". They seem to have felt moved by the vision but they did not know from the human mind what it really meant. I implied that it meant that Khanh is much further along on the journey to enlightenment than he might think, and that he and I are somehow more connected on our journeys. Then other people came into the room and everyone "moved on" from this discussion and things go back to normal conversion and jokes about me being "crazy". I know they did not meant to brush me off. It is very difficult for humans to really talk about spiritual stuff because it means dealing with "death" or releasing attachments and the human ego does not want to address such topics unless it is forced to do so through suffering and crisis. So I gave up trying to get them to listen to me.
Fast forward to his past week, when Khanh very suddenly had a massive stroke and we are all visiting him at the hospital. It became clear to me that Khanh, who has always been everyone's favorite sibling, really was a very evolve spiritual being and not just my little brother who likes to joke about me being crazy. He, unlike me, never needed to have a spontaneous spiritual awakening like I did in 2012. He was always since birth a very kind compassionate person. He never once followed in his older siblings footsteps and created drama in his relationships. We were a dysfunctional family and there were many arguments, finger pointing, and disconnection among us. Khanh never took sides and always chose the higher road of forgiveness. He even seemed to circumvent the need for forgiveness by never really getting himself into dramas where there was even a need to forgive. It was clear by the large number of long time friendships he was cultivated in his life. He NEVER took himself seriously. I also didn't take his teasing me as serious in anyway because he is full of light and fun. He always sought to balance worldly responsibilities without letting work get in the way of family and recreational activities. Instead of choosing jobs that would increase his salary or provide promotions, he always went for the jobs that allowed him to spend more time with family and friends. During the past 47 years, he lived it to the fullest and had absolutely nothing to regret. The number of really good friends who flew in from out of state to be by his hospital bed exemplified his inherent positive and loving heart and the kind of life he has lived. They all seem to know each other too, which indicates that he was very inclusive and often encouraged connections in his network. Everyone loves him because he loves everyone unconditionally. They all described him as someone who was always light and joking; dirty jokes were his expertise. Someone you can always rely on and who was a generous giver and a gracious receiver. He has impeccable integrity also. He is my hero and someone I strive to emulate.
Now the dream about the golden being of light is starting to make more sense. I told my sister about this dream when we were in his hospital room. She took it to mean that merging with the being of light means Khanh was to die first and the fact that the being of light asked me to let go of my attachments and merge with it meant that I would die next, so she asked "Does this mean you are next to die? How long do you think you have? One year? Two years?". I smiled and thought how funny the human mind can be so linear in conclusions. Yes, of course if Khanh dies, then I would die AFTER him, since don't we all die? Life is not about how long you live, it is about how well you live. How much heart and love do you give out, versus, fear and negativity? This is the real question. My reply to her was "I'm not exactly sure when I will die but I think the dream indicates that enlightenment, or merging with the being of light and letting go of our attachments, does not have to wait until we die (since I woke up from the dream and realized I was still alive), we can choose it NOW, and also that Khanh is the Buddha among us because he exemplifies a very evolved soul who is ahead of us on the journey."
Later that night after this conversation, I dedicated my evening meditations to connecting with Khanh. I started getting visions of him playing in a beautiful field with my mom, who passed away in September 2016, and Khanh was very close to her and really missed her. They were both young looking, almost the same age. I floated up to him and asked him when he plans on getting back in his body. He telepathically sent me so much love as a reply that my question was not relevant. He was in a state of bliss and joy and is where he wants to be. He told me to keep connecting with him through my heart and as I can see he and my mom are alive and well. The next night I meditated with him again, and this time he sent me waves and waves of healing bliss energy. More than I had every felt before. If you have read my previous posts, you will know I feel a lot of bliss energy, but connecting to Khanh's soul catapulted me into even higher states of bliss. I felt so overwhelmed my his love for me and the cells of my body sang and danced with joy! I telepathically said to him, "why are you giving me so much, should you not use this for you own body in the hospital?" He replied that we are of One soul all of us. That by my ability to connect to him, we can experience what is always and already available to all and it is amplified when two souls merge as One and if I was feeling the bliss, he was also feeling it by giving it -- the giving and receiving it how the bliss energy is experienced. He asked me to shine this forth to his family and all who will be open to it.
The next day, I visited him in the hospital and meditated holding his hand. We shared more bliss energy and I observed his visions. He was showing me holographic pictures of things he liked to do, like cuddling with his daughter in the living room chair, going on road trips to Canada with family and friends, walking around his work office cubicle and campus, laughing and joking with his wife, etc. Then he gave me a message to give his wife. He said (telepathically since souls don't use words to communicate) she was burdened in her heart and he could not transmit the same healing bliss energy to her and that he asked me to help her relieve the burden and lighten up so he could get through. I sat down with her and shared the message. I feel that there will be more messages and more transmissions from him as he is very much alive and wants all who love him to know this and feel his bliss and merge with it. I love you Khanh so much and I thank you for so generously sharing with me and being my hero and leader showing and encouraging me to let go of my worldly attachments and connect with the One soul that you already are!
During my 2018 awakening I briefly mentioned having a vivid dream/vision in which I merged with a golden being of light that I call my I AM presence. There is more to this dream that I will mention now. Before this dream I had been going through massive energy purges and periods of heart openings and euphoria that eventually led to my breast cancer tumor disappearing. The night of the dream occurred in early November. I was in a state of spiritual ecstasy and sent out a prayer that I wanted to go higher and further. In the dream a huge golden being of light appeared before me. It placed in my right hand a glowing ball of pulsating light and transmitted to me that this represented my "world" and everything that I was attached to (friends, family, material possessions). The being instructed me to look closely at the pulsating ball in my hand. As I looked at it the ball slowly disappeared. The being telepathically said "You see, it's all illusion. To go further you must let it go, say goodbye, and merge with me." I felt a moment of conflict. My attachments, even though illusions, were very dear to my heart. I shed tears of sorrow as I said good bye to the dearest things of my world -- my husband Jeff and son Evan. I knew they would be OK without me even though it hurt me to not be with them. But I knew the being of light was where I belonged if I really wanted to go further on my journey.
At that moment of decision I peered into the being of light and saw the face of my brother Khanh. I was surprised that he was already in the being of light. I pondered what that meant and received a heart knowing that Khanh was really part of the over-soul that I belonged to and that he was already there because he (though youngest among the siblings) had already advanced on his journey where he accomplished this sacred merge, this enlightenment. Seeing his face in the light gave me courage to finally let go and merge into it even though it felt like I was truly dying. An indescribable feeling of bliss and peace overcame me as I became One with the light, One with Khanh.
Then I woke up from the dream and realized that I had not died. A feeling a deep gratitude came over me because somehow I had accomplished a state of "non-attachment" to the dearest things in my world, yet I was still in my body. What this meant to me was FREEDOM from suffering. I knew going forward that no matter what happened in my life I would not suffer. That I was really spirit. I was a physical manifesting of this being of light which is ALL and eternal.
A couple of weeks later I met Khanh and his wife Lhing at Thanksgiving dinner. I was so excited to tell them about my vivid dream and what I might mean for Khanh. I told them about the golden being of light and that Khanh's face was already in it and it gave me courage to merge with it and let go "from my worldly attachments". They seem to have felt moved by the vision but they did not know from the human mind what it really meant. I implied that it meant that Khanh is much further along on the journey to enlightenment than he might think, and that he and I are somehow more connected on our journeys. Then other people came into the room and everyone "moved on" from this discussion and things go back to normal conversion and jokes about me being "crazy". I know they did not meant to brush me off. It is very difficult for humans to really talk about spiritual stuff because it means dealing with "death" or releasing attachments and the human ego does not want to address such topics unless it is forced to do so through suffering and crisis. So I gave up trying to get them to listen to me.
Fast forward to his past week, when Khanh very suddenly had a massive stroke and we are all visiting him at the hospital. It became clear to me that Khanh, who has always been everyone's favorite sibling, really was a very evolve spiritual being and not just my little brother who likes to joke about me being crazy. He, unlike me, never needed to have a spontaneous spiritual awakening like I did in 2012. He was always since birth a very kind compassionate person. He never once followed in his older siblings footsteps and created drama in his relationships. We were a dysfunctional family and there were many arguments, finger pointing, and disconnection among us. Khanh never took sides and always chose the higher road of forgiveness. He even seemed to circumvent the need for forgiveness by never really getting himself into dramas where there was even a need to forgive. It was clear by the large number of long time friendships he was cultivated in his life. He NEVER took himself seriously. I also didn't take his teasing me as serious in anyway because he is full of light and fun. He always sought to balance worldly responsibilities without letting work get in the way of family and recreational activities. Instead of choosing jobs that would increase his salary or provide promotions, he always went for the jobs that allowed him to spend more time with family and friends. During the past 47 years, he lived it to the fullest and had absolutely nothing to regret. The number of really good friends who flew in from out of state to be by his hospital bed exemplified his inherent positive and loving heart and the kind of life he has lived. They all seem to know each other too, which indicates that he was very inclusive and often encouraged connections in his network. Everyone loves him because he loves everyone unconditionally. They all described him as someone who was always light and joking; dirty jokes were his expertise. Someone you can always rely on and who was a generous giver and a gracious receiver. He has impeccable integrity also. He is my hero and someone I strive to emulate.
Now the dream about the golden being of light is starting to make more sense. I told my sister about this dream when we were in his hospital room. She took it to mean that merging with the being of light means Khanh was to die first and the fact that the being of light asked me to let go of my attachments and merge with it meant that I would die next, so she asked "Does this mean you are next to die? How long do you think you have? One year? Two years?". I smiled and thought how funny the human mind can be so linear in conclusions. Yes, of course if Khanh dies, then I would die AFTER him, since don't we all die? Life is not about how long you live, it is about how well you live. How much heart and love do you give out, versus, fear and negativity? This is the real question. My reply to her was "I'm not exactly sure when I will die but I think the dream indicates that enlightenment, or merging with the being of light and letting go of our attachments, does not have to wait until we die (since I woke up from the dream and realized I was still alive), we can choose it NOW, and also that Khanh is the Buddha among us because he exemplifies a very evolved soul who is ahead of us on the journey."
Later that night after this conversation, I dedicated my evening meditations to connecting with Khanh. I started getting visions of him playing in a beautiful field with my mom, who passed away in September 2016, and Khanh was very close to her and really missed her. They were both young looking, almost the same age. I floated up to him and asked him when he plans on getting back in his body. He telepathically sent me so much love as a reply that my question was not relevant. He was in a state of bliss and joy and is where he wants to be. He told me to keep connecting with him through my heart and as I can see he and my mom are alive and well. The next night I meditated with him again, and this time he sent me waves and waves of healing bliss energy. More than I had every felt before. If you have read my previous posts, you will know I feel a lot of bliss energy, but connecting to Khanh's soul catapulted me into even higher states of bliss. I felt so overwhelmed my his love for me and the cells of my body sang and danced with joy! I telepathically said to him, "why are you giving me so much, should you not use this for you own body in the hospital?" He replied that we are of One soul all of us. That by my ability to connect to him, we can experience what is always and already available to all and it is amplified when two souls merge as One and if I was feeling the bliss, he was also feeling it by giving it -- the giving and receiving it how the bliss energy is experienced. He asked me to shine this forth to his family and all who will be open to it.
The next day, I visited him in the hospital and meditated holding his hand. We shared more bliss energy and I observed his visions. He was showing me holographic pictures of things he liked to do, like cuddling with his daughter in the living room chair, going on road trips to Canada with family and friends, walking around his work office cubicle and campus, laughing and joking with his wife, etc. Then he gave me a message to give his wife. He said (telepathically since souls don't use words to communicate) she was burdened in her heart and he could not transmit the same healing bliss energy to her and that he asked me to help her relieve the burden and lighten up so he could get through. I sat down with her and shared the message. I feel that there will be more messages and more transmissions from him as he is very much alive and wants all who love him to know this and feel his bliss and merge with it. I love you Khanh so much and I thank you for so generously sharing with me and being my hero and leader showing and encouraging me to let go of my worldly attachments and connect with the One soul that you already are!
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Another Full Moon Breakthrough!
I was full of hope and anticipation that yesterday's May 18th full moon would bring about another trans-formative experience within me. The universe did not disappointment. I had the most self-empowering, beautiful dream that was so real I woke up KNOWING that I had finally made the breakthrough I have been "working" on for so long. NOW, I can say that the journey of life is truly not about accomplishing anything on the external or seeking money, power, validation, relationships, or medical cures. It is about transcending all the mental limitations within the human psyche that blocks us from FEELING our true power. Only when we achieve this level of self-awareness can all mental, emotional, and physical suffering end. This is "The Way" out of the 3D matrix of separation, drama, trauma, and dis-ease. It is an inward journey as wells as making moment to moment choices in the external reality to be more loving and compassionate towards oneself and others and release attachments to the distractions of the external in order to focus more on the inner. For me, the journey has been a lot of energy work which involves dream work. Dreams, like everything, are made of energy created by the subconscious mind. Everything is created by mind even the solid things we call our bodies and our world. Nothing exists outside our consciousness. Going from 3D to 5D is an expansion of consciousness by means of massive energy that moves into the human mind from the Divine mind which is inseparable from the human mind. So technically the human mind experiences limitations and suffering only temporarily until we each make a choice to expand our consciousness beyond the limitations. This is the journey. The suffering we experience is actually the catalyst that keeps us focused on the journey when we are tired of experiencing pain and suffering and want to experience true FREEDOM. The journey goes on and on infinitely so there is no ultimate destination, just breakthroughs after breakthroughs each one propelling us further and further away from suffering and closer and closer to Oneness with God/Source. I've been on this journey consciously since my 2012 awakening. But all of humanity is on this journey either subconsciously or consciously each with our own individual twists and turns.
Let me first give a little background on the "dream work" that I have been doing. In dreams we process our mental and emotional experiences. We also "travel" to other parallel realities and expand our consciousness beyond our normal waking reality and explore possibilities that allow us to bring back into our waking reality what we need to progress along our path. The path I speak of is the "journey" towards self-discovery, which is also the journey to connecting to our spiritual nature and thus end human suffering. Suffering is our limiting human mind's experience of feeling disconnected from our source (our spirit, the part of us that is One with God). When we are disconnected we become a closed loop energetically and suffer mentally, emotionally, physically because we do not have the Divine energy required to clear all the denser reactive energies of fear, anger, confusion, hopelessness that occur when we get bombarded with the 3D programming that runs in the collective human consciousness. In a closed loop we are trapped in the 3D matrix and experience the illusions of separation that perpetuate endless suffering, war, strife, illness, hopelessness.
After my 2012 awakening, I received a massive download of energy into my mind and soon realized that I could become very aware in my dreams. Most people don't remember their dreams due to a lack of mental energy or self-awareness. Some of my dreams became lucid dreams in which I realized I was dreaming while I was still in the dream. This is a power state of mind because I began to connect the truth that EVERYTHING in my experience even my waking state, was happening in a dream, within my mind (my consciousness). This level of self-awareness allowed me to choose differently than most people. I became less fearful and reactive and more curious about how this all works and why I experience what I experience. This is why in 2018 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer that I knew that I was free to pick a less painful way to deal with it. I decided to do more "inner work" or energy work instead of traditional surgery and chemo which would have been more painful and in my mind, not really bring about REAL healing. I knew that illness is a distortion of mind and my body is a creation of my mind so I had to address WHY my mind was creating the illness.
Because of my choices I began to receive more energetic downloads that have progressively brought me into more expansive states of consciousness where I experience a deeper connection to my own soul and also connection to the higher realms of spirit where Divine energies purified my mental and emotional energetic fields from the dark and dense traumas that I held within my body and energy field. This was initially an difficult, sometimes horrific experience because I actually experienced the fear, anger, sadness move through and out of my consciousness. But I knew I had to surrender to the experiences and venture into the unknown that my limited human mind did not understand. If I did not keep going on the path, I knew the cancer would kill my body and I knew that was not the path I wanted. I wanted to heal my body and mind. After the tough purging experiences, the journey became less bumpy and I began to experience the energy of BLISS during my meditations. This melted away all my pain and resistance. This BLISS is a vibration in very cell of my being that was so pleasurable, beyond anything I had every experienced.
Every full moon and equinox/solstice I get an energetic boost. Yesterday's full moon resulted in more BLISS energy vibrating in my body as I laid in bed doing my evening meditation. Then I fell asleep blissfully and had this amazing dream that was a huge breakthrough. This past month, I was dreaming almost every night and some of the dreams were very dark. They were about releasing ancestral karma and releasing fear and blockages that were preventing me from accessing my full potential for co-creating magic and miracles. Releasing the dark, dense energies from my consciousness has been an ongoing process. There are layers upon layers. It's no surprise to me why I got breast cancer. WOW. There was so much "suppression of the feminine" in my energy field. It was from my ancestral line and also deep within the collective human consciousness that I am also inseparable from. All the violence against women throughout all time was stored within me. I believe we all have this same core wound within us. I had to witness and release it within my dreams. With each release I felt lighter and more BLISS energy came.
Last night, I finally had a dream that was not dark or addressing some block or fear. I had finally made it to a breakthrough point where it was fully able to experience a higher state of being that I knew was my true heritage after moving past and releasing all the hurt and trauma of my past and my ancestors. In this wonderful dream, I was in a parallel reality where I lived in a huge mansion overlooking a gorgeous scenery of rolling hills, blue clouds and ocean. In the dream I was "practicing" my mind powers within some fresh plant clippings. I would hold the leaves in my hand and "command" them with my mind to wither and dry up. Magically it worked and the leaves transformed as commanded in my hands. I got really excited that I could finally do this. So I traveled over to where a group of friends gathered. They were like my respected colleagues in this dream world like we were scientists working on how to accomplish mind over matter together and I was the first to figure it out. I brought them to my house and demonstrated to them with the plant clippings what I had just done and they were in awe and celebration. I was so excited. Then I told them that I could also now levitate myself. I confidently jumped into the air and levitated spinning around the room and floated with my legs crossed in a yogi position. They were all in shock. I told them to record this phenomenon with their iphones, which they all began to take pictures of me. I felt exhilaration, all my efforts have finally paid off and my magical abilities have finally come on line! I next went outside to the beautiful view and catapulted myself over the air floating over the hills and ocean flying around. I felt so empowered and magical. I then floated back in for a smooth landing on the concrete patio. Then I woke up slowly from this beautiful dream feeling like all my inner work and clearing of dark energies from the past has finally lifted me into this new state of being where I could now confidently and joyfully express my true powers not only within this dream state, but also carry this forth into my waking state, which is also a form of dream within the One mind.
Laying in bed feeling so vindicated, grateful, and confident I basked in the glory of this moment. I wondered how I should wield this new "level up" power. I felt a tension in my back, a knot that was hurting me yesterday. So I sent bliss charged energy into that area feeling very confident in my new abilities. Sure enough, energy began to flow into that knot and I felt a warm vibration so pleasure fill my entire back area. Within seconds this vibration dissolved the knot that I tried and tried to massage out yesterday and could not. Next, I sent the bliss energy into my armpit area where I had been feeling some discomfort and the vibration moved into my armpit and all the tensions melted away. It felt so good!
I'm so excited about how this wonderful dream affects my waking reality going forward. I know it has something to do with commanding the energy of bliss, Divine energy and using it to heal myself and affect my waking reality in miraculous ways. What a beautiful journey this has been and continues to be. I know if I keep flowing with the universe and surrendering to this inner work I will keep having these magical trans-formative experiences. This gives me not only hope but also a clear understanding of why I AM here and how I can serve by sharing my experiences and being an example of how we can each reach within ourselves overcome our fear and suffering and free ourselves from the 3D matrix that keeps us limited and powerless. May the PEACE of God be with you!
Let me first give a little background on the "dream work" that I have been doing. In dreams we process our mental and emotional experiences. We also "travel" to other parallel realities and expand our consciousness beyond our normal waking reality and explore possibilities that allow us to bring back into our waking reality what we need to progress along our path. The path I speak of is the "journey" towards self-discovery, which is also the journey to connecting to our spiritual nature and thus end human suffering. Suffering is our limiting human mind's experience of feeling disconnected from our source (our spirit, the part of us that is One with God). When we are disconnected we become a closed loop energetically and suffer mentally, emotionally, physically because we do not have the Divine energy required to clear all the denser reactive energies of fear, anger, confusion, hopelessness that occur when we get bombarded with the 3D programming that runs in the collective human consciousness. In a closed loop we are trapped in the 3D matrix and experience the illusions of separation that perpetuate endless suffering, war, strife, illness, hopelessness.
After my 2012 awakening, I received a massive download of energy into my mind and soon realized that I could become very aware in my dreams. Most people don't remember their dreams due to a lack of mental energy or self-awareness. Some of my dreams became lucid dreams in which I realized I was dreaming while I was still in the dream. This is a power state of mind because I began to connect the truth that EVERYTHING in my experience even my waking state, was happening in a dream, within my mind (my consciousness). This level of self-awareness allowed me to choose differently than most people. I became less fearful and reactive and more curious about how this all works and why I experience what I experience. This is why in 2018 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer that I knew that I was free to pick a less painful way to deal with it. I decided to do more "inner work" or energy work instead of traditional surgery and chemo which would have been more painful and in my mind, not really bring about REAL healing. I knew that illness is a distortion of mind and my body is a creation of my mind so I had to address WHY my mind was creating the illness.
Because of my choices I began to receive more energetic downloads that have progressively brought me into more expansive states of consciousness where I experience a deeper connection to my own soul and also connection to the higher realms of spirit where Divine energies purified my mental and emotional energetic fields from the dark and dense traumas that I held within my body and energy field. This was initially an difficult, sometimes horrific experience because I actually experienced the fear, anger, sadness move through and out of my consciousness. But I knew I had to surrender to the experiences and venture into the unknown that my limited human mind did not understand. If I did not keep going on the path, I knew the cancer would kill my body and I knew that was not the path I wanted. I wanted to heal my body and mind. After the tough purging experiences, the journey became less bumpy and I began to experience the energy of BLISS during my meditations. This melted away all my pain and resistance. This BLISS is a vibration in very cell of my being that was so pleasurable, beyond anything I had every experienced.
Every full moon and equinox/solstice I get an energetic boost. Yesterday's full moon resulted in more BLISS energy vibrating in my body as I laid in bed doing my evening meditation. Then I fell asleep blissfully and had this amazing dream that was a huge breakthrough. This past month, I was dreaming almost every night and some of the dreams were very dark. They were about releasing ancestral karma and releasing fear and blockages that were preventing me from accessing my full potential for co-creating magic and miracles. Releasing the dark, dense energies from my consciousness has been an ongoing process. There are layers upon layers. It's no surprise to me why I got breast cancer. WOW. There was so much "suppression of the feminine" in my energy field. It was from my ancestral line and also deep within the collective human consciousness that I am also inseparable from. All the violence against women throughout all time was stored within me. I believe we all have this same core wound within us. I had to witness and release it within my dreams. With each release I felt lighter and more BLISS energy came.
Last night, I finally had a dream that was not dark or addressing some block or fear. I had finally made it to a breakthrough point where it was fully able to experience a higher state of being that I knew was my true heritage after moving past and releasing all the hurt and trauma of my past and my ancestors. In this wonderful dream, I was in a parallel reality where I lived in a huge mansion overlooking a gorgeous scenery of rolling hills, blue clouds and ocean. In the dream I was "practicing" my mind powers within some fresh plant clippings. I would hold the leaves in my hand and "command" them with my mind to wither and dry up. Magically it worked and the leaves transformed as commanded in my hands. I got really excited that I could finally do this. So I traveled over to where a group of friends gathered. They were like my respected colleagues in this dream world like we were scientists working on how to accomplish mind over matter together and I was the first to figure it out. I brought them to my house and demonstrated to them with the plant clippings what I had just done and they were in awe and celebration. I was so excited. Then I told them that I could also now levitate myself. I confidently jumped into the air and levitated spinning around the room and floated with my legs crossed in a yogi position. They were all in shock. I told them to record this phenomenon with their iphones, which they all began to take pictures of me. I felt exhilaration, all my efforts have finally paid off and my magical abilities have finally come on line! I next went outside to the beautiful view and catapulted myself over the air floating over the hills and ocean flying around. I felt so empowered and magical. I then floated back in for a smooth landing on the concrete patio. Then I woke up slowly from this beautiful dream feeling like all my inner work and clearing of dark energies from the past has finally lifted me into this new state of being where I could now confidently and joyfully express my true powers not only within this dream state, but also carry this forth into my waking state, which is also a form of dream within the One mind.
Laying in bed feeling so vindicated, grateful, and confident I basked in the glory of this moment. I wondered how I should wield this new "level up" power. I felt a tension in my back, a knot that was hurting me yesterday. So I sent bliss charged energy into that area feeling very confident in my new abilities. Sure enough, energy began to flow into that knot and I felt a warm vibration so pleasure fill my entire back area. Within seconds this vibration dissolved the knot that I tried and tried to massage out yesterday and could not. Next, I sent the bliss energy into my armpit area where I had been feeling some discomfort and the vibration moved into my armpit and all the tensions melted away. It felt so good!
I'm so excited about how this wonderful dream affects my waking reality going forward. I know it has something to do with commanding the energy of bliss, Divine energy and using it to heal myself and affect my waking reality in miraculous ways. What a beautiful journey this has been and continues to be. I know if I keep flowing with the universe and surrendering to this inner work I will keep having these magical trans-formative experiences. This gives me not only hope but also a clear understanding of why I AM here and how I can serve by sharing my experiences and being an example of how we can each reach within ourselves overcome our fear and suffering and free ourselves from the 3D matrix that keeps us limited and powerless. May the PEACE of God be with you!
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Oneness is the Only Way Out of This Mess
I normally don't watch or read the news because I know the 3D world is full of fear and atrocities and the only way to salvation is to LET GO of the old ways of being in separation and come into a state of Oneness from within. Being overly identified with culture and religious beliefs even if the original intention is to be peaceful and come closer to God can often lead to separation and ultimately violence. This is why when people ask me if I'm a Christian or a Buddhist I reply "I'm nothing and I'm everything because ALL is valid and yet none of it is really what I AM."
How do we humans bring about peace on earth? By each of us individually coming into a place of Oneness with ALL and releasing any need to "belong" to any cultural of religious group in order to feel like we have power or purpose. I label myself as a Starseed, but I know that we all come from the stars and within all of us is the "seed" of the Christ. Not in a Christian religious way, but the TRUE way which is that of unity and Oneness.
This Easter Sunday, I send out a prayer of love and healing to all of humanity asking for tolerance and forgiveness. Religions, scriptures and dogma are outwardly focused attempts by mankind to seek what is already there within the heart. The human mind can not truly find peace with God when outwardly focused and identifying with belief systems (BS). In truth God has NO dogma or rules that need to be followed. It's up to us humans to create our own way of being and often times because our limited minds can not grasp the magnitude of existence, we invent belief structures to box ourselves into a small box where we can feel a sense of comfort and control; that this or that is the right way.
This is why The Way out is to go inside within the heart. We can liberate ourselves from human angst and the endless search. Otherwise, we are victims of external influences, societal and religious messages that we have to believe and behave a certain way. Once we fall into these limiting traps, it becomes a "us against them" drama and this karmic cycle will keep repeating over and over, one group against another and it will not end. This is the OLD way of being. Fighting terrorism is feeding terrorism. Feeling empathy for one group and revulsion for another only keeps us on the karmic wheel and we collectively suffer endlessly.
The 5D way of being is to rise above all of it by going into the heart and connecting directly to our Divinity within. We must transcend separation and duality. Remember, all of this is a 3D holographic show of lights and there is no need to become lost in it. Once we take our personalities, cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs too seriously, we start putting our precious energy into crusades and campaigns to influence others and it starts to escalate into war and terror.
Send love and forgiveness to those who are still suffering in 3D strife, but don't let yourself become enraged and embolden. True peace and change comes from releasing the need to "right the wrongs" of the world. The microcosm is the macrocosm. You don't fight cancer. You make peace with cancer. Resist Not Evil. That is the only way to liberation. Be in the world but not of it. Breathe in the breath of life into your hearts and you will be able to rise above it. We do not heal the world by fighting, identifying with or pitying anyone. There is only One here expressing ALL of creation. The One need not fear or fight the ALL because ALL is One.
Easter Sunday represents Peace and Love to ALL and HOPE that human kind can transcend the "death" mentality of separation by conscious choice and stop feeding subconscious reactions. The ultimate show of LOVE is to respond to atrocities with forgiveness and acceptance. It is my hope that more and more of us ascend to 5D consciousness and leave behind the need for atrocities to manifest and wake people up the hard way. Earth can be a school of hard knocks but that's what we signed up for when we incarnate here. There is a way out of this mess....Oneness.
How do we humans bring about peace on earth? By each of us individually coming into a place of Oneness with ALL and releasing any need to "belong" to any cultural of religious group in order to feel like we have power or purpose. I label myself as a Starseed, but I know that we all come from the stars and within all of us is the "seed" of the Christ. Not in a Christian religious way, but the TRUE way which is that of unity and Oneness.
This Easter Sunday, I send out a prayer of love and healing to all of humanity asking for tolerance and forgiveness. Religions, scriptures and dogma are outwardly focused attempts by mankind to seek what is already there within the heart. The human mind can not truly find peace with God when outwardly focused and identifying with belief systems (BS). In truth God has NO dogma or rules that need to be followed. It's up to us humans to create our own way of being and often times because our limited minds can not grasp the magnitude of existence, we invent belief structures to box ourselves into a small box where we can feel a sense of comfort and control; that this or that is the right way.
This is why The Way out is to go inside within the heart. We can liberate ourselves from human angst and the endless search. Otherwise, we are victims of external influences, societal and religious messages that we have to believe and behave a certain way. Once we fall into these limiting traps, it becomes a "us against them" drama and this karmic cycle will keep repeating over and over, one group against another and it will not end. This is the OLD way of being. Fighting terrorism is feeding terrorism. Feeling empathy for one group and revulsion for another only keeps us on the karmic wheel and we collectively suffer endlessly.
The 5D way of being is to rise above all of it by going into the heart and connecting directly to our Divinity within. We must transcend separation and duality. Remember, all of this is a 3D holographic show of lights and there is no need to become lost in it. Once we take our personalities, cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs too seriously, we start putting our precious energy into crusades and campaigns to influence others and it starts to escalate into war and terror.
Send love and forgiveness to those who are still suffering in 3D strife, but don't let yourself become enraged and embolden. True peace and change comes from releasing the need to "right the wrongs" of the world. The microcosm is the macrocosm. You don't fight cancer. You make peace with cancer. Resist Not Evil. That is the only way to liberation. Be in the world but not of it. Breathe in the breath of life into your hearts and you will be able to rise above it. We do not heal the world by fighting, identifying with or pitying anyone. There is only One here expressing ALL of creation. The One need not fear or fight the ALL because ALL is One.
Easter Sunday represents Peace and Love to ALL and HOPE that human kind can transcend the "death" mentality of separation by conscious choice and stop feeding subconscious reactions. The ultimate show of LOVE is to respond to atrocities with forgiveness and acceptance. It is my hope that more and more of us ascend to 5D consciousness and leave behind the need for atrocities to manifest and wake people up the hard way. Earth can be a school of hard knocks but that's what we signed up for when we incarnate here. There is a way out of this mess....Oneness.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
The Starseed Collective Consciousness
I had another deep and major breakthrough during meditation this month. I went into this bliss state and further into the cosmic heart into a pure "nothingness" state of being. All my realities collapsed into an instant. All past, present, future disappeared into a void and I realized that EVERYTHING has already occurred and I was pure consciousness. From that state I realized I could truly call forth and connect to anything/anywhere because I AM the ALL. So I set intention to connect to the highest state of being and what came forth was the "Starseed Collective Consciousness". It was a NEW energy that represented all incarnated Starseeds on earth at this time. I felt the desires of this energy and the potential and excitement it contained to birth forth and connect in the physical reality as 5D earth. It was me and I was it. It was also all of YOU out there who have awakened and are embodied, seeking connecting, truth, expression and freedom to co-create in a new way, a way of the heart that is boundless and flowing.
This has led me to evolve my mission and expand even further beyond my own embodiment to include a broader scope that reaches out to my family of light that is not in the invisible realms, but also those who are here on earth NOW as embodied humans who know their own truth. We are all unique but share the common bond of LOVE for humanity. I realized that I now need to move beyond just playing my favorite game of Blackjack. I have to expand my power and energy to be more inclusive of other Starseeds who can use my love and support on their own unique journeys and may want my support in manifesting the abundance, health, wealth, joy, and creative expressions that weave together the exciting new realities of 5D earth life!
This Starseed Collective consists of people like me who are awake and aware and have gone through all the drama and trauma of 3D earth and are ready to heal themselves and ascend to the 5D existence. We all need each other's love and support. We all need to share resources and collaborate. Change can only happen when each individual (like myself) embraces and embodies fully the new energies.
We must "BE the change" that we want to see in the new world while existing also in the OLD world of 3D suffering of dis-ease, addictions, judgement, separation and trauma. How do we make this transition and be the bridge between heaven and earth? It's simple. Just ALLOW the heart to guide and be present to the moment of opportunities to SHARE ad SERVE others. This is not done in an ego way where we obsess of the problems of the 3D world like I did before in 2013 when helping homeless people. This new way of being is non-judgmental so I don't go on some campaign to end homelessness. I just stay present in my daily life and see how I can serve without being attached to a crusade "against" some flaw in society. Thinking about flaws is an old 3D mentality that does not serve us in the new earth. There are no problems and flaws, there are only opportunities to share love, and resources. This means we stop judging and we bring down all the barriers. We Starseeds don't go around ignoring "others" who we deem "non-Starseed". Technically we are ALL Starseeds, yet 99% of us are still in 3D suffering mode and those of us who have transcended to 5D that like I have by undergoing the massive energy purification of our minds and bodies have the inner power and guidance from the angelic realms to affect others who are suffering and heal them and bring them into the Starseed Collective Consciousness one soul at a time. We do this by being present to opportunities and not "preaching" of judging. By our actions and intentions we "shift" others and empower them towards healing and wholeness.
For example, I love animals (Starseeds love animals) was at a local dog park (I don't have a dog, but was led by my inner guidance to enter the dog park) and I saw a 3 legged golden retriever. I used to have a golden retriever so I felt a resonance with this dog who was so full of love and playfulness. Her disability did not diminish her spirit. I talked to her owner, Shelby, and asked if her dog (Mishka) had a prosthetic leg. Shelby said yes, but she did not have time to train Mishka how to use it because she herself was in crisis and temporarily between homes and staying with her mom who does not want Mishka around. Shelby was on the verge of giving up her dog to the shelter and I could feel her emotional pain. Tears came down my face I could not control. So I told Shelby I would take Mishka and help her rehabilitate with the prosthetic leg while Shelby looked for a more permanent home. I did not really know how to rehab dog, but my inner guidance took over and it actually went really well. Mishka and I spent alot of time together and I worked with her to help her gain awareness of the prosthetic and I sent healing energy into her right side to help strengthen it since she did not use her right side. At the end of our time together Mishka started balancing and putting weight on her right side which she did not do before. Shelby also was magically "blessed" to find a new home for both of herself and Mishka at a home where dogs were loved and welcomed! So the universe somehow miraculous flowed in loving grace and I was able to be part of this unfolding.
Here's another example. I have many many examples of how I miraculously flow with the universe by being heart-centered and open to "serving others" in a fun, non-judgmental way. While I was playing with Mishka in the cul-de-sac, the neighbor's dog came to play with Miskha and then eventually the neighbor (who I rarely see) came out to checkout the 3 legged dog. I told my neighbor, Lori, the story, and she was so touched by my act of kindness. We talked about our sons who are both 14 years old. Laurie mentioned her son, Ty, got recently suspended from school because he got into fights with bullies and it wasn't his fault, he is "on the spectrum of autism" and doesn't regulate his emotions well. I told her (being guided by spirit to say so) that I would work with her son because I am a trained Hearthmath coach. She gladly accepted, so right that minute I spoke to Ty and asked him if I could meditate with him for a few minutes. Ty (feeling my loving non-judgmental energy) accepted and within 20 minutes he shifted and came out of his shell. Since then, we have had 5 sessions together and he is so much more happy and even got an "A" in math by using the meditation techniques I showed him. Now, Ty, is empowered and his soul has come on line. He loves tuning into his heart and feels more centered and in control of his emotions.
Another example, one of my tenants at a condo I own, Chris, keeps paying his rent late even though he is an employed electrician. I intuitively knew he was having addiction issues because when I talk to him he seems completely "out of it" and smelled of pot and alcohol and his eyes were cloudy and he seems defensive and belligerent. He also wouldn't let me inspect his room (I do safety inspections every few months). So I made a choice to approach the situation from a heart-centered perspective instead of exercising my legal right to evict him. I told him nicely that I want to listen to him and see if I can help him since I'm an energy healer. He softened and eventually after some coaxing let me see his room. It was horrendous. There was trash everywhere and empty beer bottles piled so high. He was hoarding trash in his room and was obviously spiraling out of control. Since I had much experience working with homeless people I knew that Chris was not going to be able to get another place to live if I evict him. The number one thing that can prevent homelessness, is to have someone actually CARE about others who are in crisis at the time they need it most. So I told him I would help him clean up his room and if he agreed to let me meditate and do energy healing with him, I would not evict him and give him a second chance. He felt my pure intention and non-judgment and he agreed without getting defensive. After only one healing session, Chris felt the energy move through his body and his eyes cleared up. He texted me yesterday that he would like another session tomorrow and he has "cut way back on drinking" already.
Here's another example (I can go on and on because I do this all the time). While I was in Vegas this past week, I walked by a homeless young woman. I always make eye contact with everyone I pass and bless them in my heart, this includes homeless people. Sometimes I give them a few dollars, sometimes they don't return my eye contract so I bless them and move on. With this woman, Brittany, I was guided to talk to her. I squatted down and got comfortable next to her and we talked. Thousands of Vegas vacationers walked by us without looking at her. Brittany says she has been homeless in Vegas after getting robbed while vacationing from Ogden, UT 18 months ago. She said she was tired of this homeless life and was ready to go home and patch things up with her estranged family but she doesn't have the $90 for the Greyhound bus ticket. My intuition told me she was telling the truth. Some homeless people do lie and say this so you give them more money, but in this case it was different. I told her I would take her in an Uber to the Greyhound station and buy her a ticket to Ogden, UT. She was over the moon with joy! We walked into the next casino (the Palazzo) to catch the Uber. Brittany said "they don't let me in the casino because I don't have ID". I knew that the security people judge homeless people and use this "let me see your ID" as a way to keep them out. I told her she was with me and they won't bother us, which they did not. The security guy was actually very helpful when I asked him directions on where to pick up the Uber. We made in the Uber and chatted and joked while in the car. I really enjoyed her company, she was my equal in every way and I treated her with kindness and respect. The Uber driver was so moved that he said "God bless you, Chi" when we got out at the Greyhound stations. These acts of kindness do not go unnoticed by others as we Starseeds shine our light upon the world. As we become "the change" others will shift and see that there is a new way to being and a new way of interacting with one another. Now Brittany is back home with her family and her journey continues and I know she is being blessed.
I can go on. These examples are only part of what I have done in the past few weeks, let alone what I have done and can continue to do in my life. What can YOU do to BE the change? How can I inspire you and help you?
I invite all Starseeds to join Joy Luck Club and see what we can do together to bring forth NEW earth together. Heaven is a state being my beloveds. Heaven is in the heart. I love you ALL and bless you on your journeys!
This has led me to evolve my mission and expand even further beyond my own embodiment to include a broader scope that reaches out to my family of light that is not in the invisible realms, but also those who are here on earth NOW as embodied humans who know their own truth. We are all unique but share the common bond of LOVE for humanity. I realized that I now need to move beyond just playing my favorite game of Blackjack. I have to expand my power and energy to be more inclusive of other Starseeds who can use my love and support on their own unique journeys and may want my support in manifesting the abundance, health, wealth, joy, and creative expressions that weave together the exciting new realities of 5D earth life!
This Starseed Collective consists of people like me who are awake and aware and have gone through all the drama and trauma of 3D earth and are ready to heal themselves and ascend to the 5D existence. We all need each other's love and support. We all need to share resources and collaborate. Change can only happen when each individual (like myself) embraces and embodies fully the new energies.
We must "BE the change" that we want to see in the new world while existing also in the OLD world of 3D suffering of dis-ease, addictions, judgement, separation and trauma. How do we make this transition and be the bridge between heaven and earth? It's simple. Just ALLOW the heart to guide and be present to the moment of opportunities to SHARE ad SERVE others. This is not done in an ego way where we obsess of the problems of the 3D world like I did before in 2013 when helping homeless people. This new way of being is non-judgmental so I don't go on some campaign to end homelessness. I just stay present in my daily life and see how I can serve without being attached to a crusade "against" some flaw in society. Thinking about flaws is an old 3D mentality that does not serve us in the new earth. There are no problems and flaws, there are only opportunities to share love, and resources. This means we stop judging and we bring down all the barriers. We Starseeds don't go around ignoring "others" who we deem "non-Starseed". Technically we are ALL Starseeds, yet 99% of us are still in 3D suffering mode and those of us who have transcended to 5D that like I have by undergoing the massive energy purification of our minds and bodies have the inner power and guidance from the angelic realms to affect others who are suffering and heal them and bring them into the Starseed Collective Consciousness one soul at a time. We do this by being present to opportunities and not "preaching" of judging. By our actions and intentions we "shift" others and empower them towards healing and wholeness.
For example, I love animals (Starseeds love animals) was at a local dog park (I don't have a dog, but was led by my inner guidance to enter the dog park) and I saw a 3 legged golden retriever. I used to have a golden retriever so I felt a resonance with this dog who was so full of love and playfulness. Her disability did not diminish her spirit. I talked to her owner, Shelby, and asked if her dog (Mishka) had a prosthetic leg. Shelby said yes, but she did not have time to train Mishka how to use it because she herself was in crisis and temporarily between homes and staying with her mom who does not want Mishka around. Shelby was on the verge of giving up her dog to the shelter and I could feel her emotional pain. Tears came down my face I could not control. So I told Shelby I would take Mishka and help her rehabilitate with the prosthetic leg while Shelby looked for a more permanent home. I did not really know how to rehab dog, but my inner guidance took over and it actually went really well. Mishka and I spent alot of time together and I worked with her to help her gain awareness of the prosthetic and I sent healing energy into her right side to help strengthen it since she did not use her right side. At the end of our time together Mishka started balancing and putting weight on her right side which she did not do before. Shelby also was magically "blessed" to find a new home for both of herself and Mishka at a home where dogs were loved and welcomed! So the universe somehow miraculous flowed in loving grace and I was able to be part of this unfolding.
Here's another example. I have many many examples of how I miraculously flow with the universe by being heart-centered and open to "serving others" in a fun, non-judgmental way. While I was playing with Mishka in the cul-de-sac, the neighbor's dog came to play with Miskha and then eventually the neighbor (who I rarely see) came out to checkout the 3 legged dog. I told my neighbor, Lori, the story, and she was so touched by my act of kindness. We talked about our sons who are both 14 years old. Laurie mentioned her son, Ty, got recently suspended from school because he got into fights with bullies and it wasn't his fault, he is "on the spectrum of autism" and doesn't regulate his emotions well. I told her (being guided by spirit to say so) that I would work with her son because I am a trained Hearthmath coach. She gladly accepted, so right that minute I spoke to Ty and asked him if I could meditate with him for a few minutes. Ty (feeling my loving non-judgmental energy) accepted and within 20 minutes he shifted and came out of his shell. Since then, we have had 5 sessions together and he is so much more happy and even got an "A" in math by using the meditation techniques I showed him. Now, Ty, is empowered and his soul has come on line. He loves tuning into his heart and feels more centered and in control of his emotions.
Another example, one of my tenants at a condo I own, Chris, keeps paying his rent late even though he is an employed electrician. I intuitively knew he was having addiction issues because when I talk to him he seems completely "out of it" and smelled of pot and alcohol and his eyes were cloudy and he seems defensive and belligerent. He also wouldn't let me inspect his room (I do safety inspections every few months). So I made a choice to approach the situation from a heart-centered perspective instead of exercising my legal right to evict him. I told him nicely that I want to listen to him and see if I can help him since I'm an energy healer. He softened and eventually after some coaxing let me see his room. It was horrendous. There was trash everywhere and empty beer bottles piled so high. He was hoarding trash in his room and was obviously spiraling out of control. Since I had much experience working with homeless people I knew that Chris was not going to be able to get another place to live if I evict him. The number one thing that can prevent homelessness, is to have someone actually CARE about others who are in crisis at the time they need it most. So I told him I would help him clean up his room and if he agreed to let me meditate and do energy healing with him, I would not evict him and give him a second chance. He felt my pure intention and non-judgment and he agreed without getting defensive. After only one healing session, Chris felt the energy move through his body and his eyes cleared up. He texted me yesterday that he would like another session tomorrow and he has "cut way back on drinking" already.
Here's another example (I can go on and on because I do this all the time). While I was in Vegas this past week, I walked by a homeless young woman. I always make eye contact with everyone I pass and bless them in my heart, this includes homeless people. Sometimes I give them a few dollars, sometimes they don't return my eye contract so I bless them and move on. With this woman, Brittany, I was guided to talk to her. I squatted down and got comfortable next to her and we talked. Thousands of Vegas vacationers walked by us without looking at her. Brittany says she has been homeless in Vegas after getting robbed while vacationing from Ogden, UT 18 months ago. She said she was tired of this homeless life and was ready to go home and patch things up with her estranged family but she doesn't have the $90 for the Greyhound bus ticket. My intuition told me she was telling the truth. Some homeless people do lie and say this so you give them more money, but in this case it was different. I told her I would take her in an Uber to the Greyhound station and buy her a ticket to Ogden, UT. She was over the moon with joy! We walked into the next casino (the Palazzo) to catch the Uber. Brittany said "they don't let me in the casino because I don't have ID". I knew that the security people judge homeless people and use this "let me see your ID" as a way to keep them out. I told her she was with me and they won't bother us, which they did not. The security guy was actually very helpful when I asked him directions on where to pick up the Uber. We made in the Uber and chatted and joked while in the car. I really enjoyed her company, she was my equal in every way and I treated her with kindness and respect. The Uber driver was so moved that he said "God bless you, Chi" when we got out at the Greyhound stations. These acts of kindness do not go unnoticed by others as we Starseeds shine our light upon the world. As we become "the change" others will shift and see that there is a new way to being and a new way of interacting with one another. Now Brittany is back home with her family and her journey continues and I know she is being blessed.
I can go on. These examples are only part of what I have done in the past few weeks, let alone what I have done and can continue to do in my life. What can YOU do to BE the change? How can I inspire you and help you?
I invite all Starseeds to join Joy Luck Club and see what we can do together to bring forth NEW earth together. Heaven is a state being my beloveds. Heaven is in the heart. I love you ALL and bless you on your journeys!
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Completion and Coming Full Circle
The equinox of March 19-21st was so energetically powerful, I received yet another massive download and expansion of consciousness. It keeps getting more incredibly intense. I'm wondering if the rest of the world "out there" is experiencing any of this 5D expansion and ascension/increase of creative powers through Oneness, Joy, and BLISS. But then I look at all the youtube videos uploaded during this same time and I see that I am not alone and others are getting these massive energies of love and bliss also. Times are certainly changing very quickly!
I have been going through this Rapture/Ascension process since my 2012 Awakening that escalated into an energy body activation in 2018 which really caused my "super human powers" to come on line and what that really means for the rest of humanity. This 7th year in 2019 is one of COMPLETION which means that all the little pieces of my journey are converging into the NOW moment and my soul's MISSION is coming into greater clarity.
This mission is the blooming of the sacred heart from within and then having that love pour out into the world at large and expressing myself in my own unique way without any more "holding back" or fear of failure or judgement. Can it be that simple? My mission on earth is the BE the real me and not apologize or suppress any part of me? And in doing this I will develop into a super human? I actually view myself as a NEW human of 5D earth. This is what I have transformed into with all the massive energy being downloaded into my body. It has evolved me into someone who can embody Oneness, Joy and Abundance both inside and outside. Someone able to heal themselves and live a life full of complete trust and love from/to ALL despite anything that may be presented in their reality that may be judged by others as a negative, difficult or even impossible -- I'm a walking MIRACLE, and so are YOU. Anything I can do, another human can do also in their own unique way. We are ALL equally powerful and full of LOVE/LIGHT from the ONE infinite creator that expresses in the ALL as YOU and ME. Anything our mind views as "other" than us is just a beautiful holographic 3D illusion that can be viewed as a lucid dream generated by our subconscious minds so we can PLAY the game of life and create MORE life for eternity.
This subconscious mind is nothing to fear even if at first it seems overwhelming that this powerful part of our being may be running amuk creating cancer, anxiety, and all sorts of mayhem in the world. The "journey" of the soul is to become more self ware of the subconscious mind and learn to LOVE ourselves enough to embrace ALL that we experience without judgement and resistance. This is The Way out of the prison that limits our conscious minds. Once the chains are broken and we start of "come back on line" as powerful creator beings and no longer be in "asleep" in the matrix.
Luckily there are many awakened souls like me on earth NOW that can show others the way through own our stories, experiences, and examples. We are not alone as we are all existing within the One mind. We can tap into this infinite source when we reach out towards one another. If we love others we are actually giving love to ourselves and this energy of love is the source of everything we experience in our world, good or bad. This is coming full circle NOW for me. I can now own my creative power and be aware of my subconscious mind's abilities to influence my reality. This part of the mind is vast, powerful, infinite. Since I'm no longer fighting my subconscious I can now co-create with it. I am now a WHOLE human being. Whatever I want, my WHOLE mind can and will create for me to experience. There are way-showers and healers all over the internet like Aaron Doughty and Lauren Galey. We are all here to help humanity wake up and become whole and complete.
All this led to my Joy Luck Club vision to spread Oneness, Joy, and Abundance by all using my mastery skills at Blackjack. Last week, 3/25-3/29, I took the show on the road and went to Las Vegas to experience my visions. I trusted my infinite mind to create this experience in my reality because I know how to co-create using my heart, mind and intention. Having a "pure heart" is key. This means going through all the healing and clearing process to remove any limiting and negative patterning in the body's energy field and the psyche. My Vegas trip went so incredibly well. I just stayed present to the moment and had an attitude of pure awe, joy and gratitude. I was able to heart connect with all the Uber drivers who drove me around the different casinos, the Blackjack dealers, wait staff, and other travelers and visitors. There were so many synchronicities that it was clear the universe was winking at me the whole time. I even won thousands of dollars, which is really just the material manifestation of my energetic vibration. It's true folks, if you are of pure heart and have a vibration of BLISS and unconditional love for self and others, you would realize you have already WON in life because you are ONE with ALL. Here's a picture of me with my winnings:
And here's a picture of my stack of chips during one of my winning sessions at Treasure Island Casino:
During this winning sessions, I meditated before each shuffle of a new double deck (the type of Blackjack I like to play most). The meditation tuned me into my own heart energy and I used my imagination to visualize the feeling of abundance, winning, joy, celebration and sharing. I was in a state of pure BLISS as I played. I bet for the dealer a couple of time each shoe so the dealer can share in my feelings of abundance. I also send love and gratitude to the universe and everyone around me. This heightened state of being caused me to start winning like crazy. I don't press my bets much, but when I sense the "love" energy and the cards start "behaving" nicely, I will go from $25 to $50 per bet. That's enough, because the minute I get "greedy" or "needy", I no longer feel abundance and the energy changes and I will start to lose instead of win. Having mastery over your emotions is the key to manifesting the WINs. Just sit back, relax and let the universe pay and don't worry about how much and when. Tune into the heart and generate bliss/love for self and others. This is how I roll baby!
My husband Jeff created a new website for me ( and I made this video introduce my vision to the world
It's my intention to keep doing this and winning BIG by betting very little and keeping my focus on the BLISS. Then I plan on sharing this gift with the world through Joy Luck Club. This is a radically new approach to enlightenment. Instead of starting an ashram and asking people to sit and meditate and take a vow of poverty, I want people to know that they are truly abundance and the universe is only here to provide the playground for us as co-creators with God to experience joy and abundance! This is my truth that I easily manifest in my life and embody. My energy is stronger than ever and my mission is clear. To empower and share with those who resonate with my energy and my message. I'm going to use Blackjack as my creative expression, and a fun safe training tool for others who like the game, but also really want to connect with their inner power and be able to soar and fly on their own and create their own game board of life! Peace, love and blessings to you all!
I have been going through this Rapture/Ascension process since my 2012 Awakening that escalated into an energy body activation in 2018 which really caused my "super human powers" to come on line and what that really means for the rest of humanity. This 7th year in 2019 is one of COMPLETION which means that all the little pieces of my journey are converging into the NOW moment and my soul's MISSION is coming into greater clarity.
This mission is the blooming of the sacred heart from within and then having that love pour out into the world at large and expressing myself in my own unique way without any more "holding back" or fear of failure or judgement. Can it be that simple? My mission on earth is the BE the real me and not apologize or suppress any part of me? And in doing this I will develop into a super human? I actually view myself as a NEW human of 5D earth. This is what I have transformed into with all the massive energy being downloaded into my body. It has evolved me into someone who can embody Oneness, Joy and Abundance both inside and outside. Someone able to heal themselves and live a life full of complete trust and love from/to ALL despite anything that may be presented in their reality that may be judged by others as a negative, difficult or even impossible -- I'm a walking MIRACLE, and so are YOU. Anything I can do, another human can do also in their own unique way. We are ALL equally powerful and full of LOVE/LIGHT from the ONE infinite creator that expresses in the ALL as YOU and ME. Anything our mind views as "other" than us is just a beautiful holographic 3D illusion that can be viewed as a lucid dream generated by our subconscious minds so we can PLAY the game of life and create MORE life for eternity.
This subconscious mind is nothing to fear even if at first it seems overwhelming that this powerful part of our being may be running amuk creating cancer, anxiety, and all sorts of mayhem in the world. The "journey" of the soul is to become more self ware of the subconscious mind and learn to LOVE ourselves enough to embrace ALL that we experience without judgement and resistance. This is The Way out of the prison that limits our conscious minds. Once the chains are broken and we start of "come back on line" as powerful creator beings and no longer be in "asleep" in the matrix.
Luckily there are many awakened souls like me on earth NOW that can show others the way through own our stories, experiences, and examples. We are not alone as we are all existing within the One mind. We can tap into this infinite source when we reach out towards one another. If we love others we are actually giving love to ourselves and this energy of love is the source of everything we experience in our world, good or bad. This is coming full circle NOW for me. I can now own my creative power and be aware of my subconscious mind's abilities to influence my reality. This part of the mind is vast, powerful, infinite. Since I'm no longer fighting my subconscious I can now co-create with it. I am now a WHOLE human being. Whatever I want, my WHOLE mind can and will create for me to experience. There are way-showers and healers all over the internet like Aaron Doughty and Lauren Galey. We are all here to help humanity wake up and become whole and complete.
All this led to my Joy Luck Club vision to spread Oneness, Joy, and Abundance by all using my mastery skills at Blackjack. Last week, 3/25-3/29, I took the show on the road and went to Las Vegas to experience my visions. I trusted my infinite mind to create this experience in my reality because I know how to co-create using my heart, mind and intention. Having a "pure heart" is key. This means going through all the healing and clearing process to remove any limiting and negative patterning in the body's energy field and the psyche. My Vegas trip went so incredibly well. I just stayed present to the moment and had an attitude of pure awe, joy and gratitude. I was able to heart connect with all the Uber drivers who drove me around the different casinos, the Blackjack dealers, wait staff, and other travelers and visitors. There were so many synchronicities that it was clear the universe was winking at me the whole time. I even won thousands of dollars, which is really just the material manifestation of my energetic vibration. It's true folks, if you are of pure heart and have a vibration of BLISS and unconditional love for self and others, you would realize you have already WON in life because you are ONE with ALL. Here's a picture of me with my winnings:
And here's a picture of my stack of chips during one of my winning sessions at Treasure Island Casino:
During this winning sessions, I meditated before each shuffle of a new double deck (the type of Blackjack I like to play most). The meditation tuned me into my own heart energy and I used my imagination to visualize the feeling of abundance, winning, joy, celebration and sharing. I was in a state of pure BLISS as I played. I bet for the dealer a couple of time each shoe so the dealer can share in my feelings of abundance. I also send love and gratitude to the universe and everyone around me. This heightened state of being caused me to start winning like crazy. I don't press my bets much, but when I sense the "love" energy and the cards start "behaving" nicely, I will go from $25 to $50 per bet. That's enough, because the minute I get "greedy" or "needy", I no longer feel abundance and the energy changes and I will start to lose instead of win. Having mastery over your emotions is the key to manifesting the WINs. Just sit back, relax and let the universe pay and don't worry about how much and when. Tune into the heart and generate bliss/love for self and others. This is how I roll baby!
My husband Jeff created a new website for me ( and I made this video introduce my vision to the world
It's my intention to keep doing this and winning BIG by betting very little and keeping my focus on the BLISS. Then I plan on sharing this gift with the world through Joy Luck Club. This is a radically new approach to enlightenment. Instead of starting an ashram and asking people to sit and meditate and take a vow of poverty, I want people to know that they are truly abundance and the universe is only here to provide the playground for us as co-creators with God to experience joy and abundance! This is my truth that I easily manifest in my life and embody. My energy is stronger than ever and my mission is clear. To empower and share with those who resonate with my energy and my message. I'm going to use Blackjack as my creative expression, and a fun safe training tool for others who like the game, but also really want to connect with their inner power and be able to soar and fly on their own and create their own game board of life! Peace, love and blessings to you all!
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Joy Luck Club - my inspiration emerges!
First of all, let me say "WOW". These past few weeks have been so eye opening. More energy and expansion experiences, each wave penetrates me deeper into my own consciousness and psyche. We are so much more than we think we are folks. It goes so deep this SELF or consciousness that we are. I have experienced immense awareness of how we truly KNOW NOTHING about who we are and what we THINK we are changes constantly with our experiences. Enlightenment is never-ending and continually unraveling my experience of SELF to reveal so much that I can't begin put into words.
But, what I can put into words is "what's my next step". It's not easy finding a true purpose because I often feel a lack of interest in DOING and only want to let go of any need or desire and just BE. However, our souls will prompt us along like a movie on a filmstrip, we can not stay in the same frame and must play our part. The challenge is having the inspiration to move forward. If there is no inspiration, I will not move forward. I prefer to lounge around and bliss out. My inspiration came recently one day when I made a decision to stop asking what the next step is and to let go of any need to know anything. It left me with little else to DO but perhaps...PLAY?
So I played. We had a bunch of snow recently and I played and played in it like a little kid. We didn't have a sled, so I took my fitness twisting board to the park and it worked great! Up and down the snowy hills we went every which way and rolling and falling in all the glorious wonder!
During the indoor hours, I would deal Blackjack to myself. Then I started feeling certain energies at certain times which correlated to winning streaks and losing streaks. I would experience a FLOW during the winning streaks where I actually can tell the cards to come out a certain way and they actually start to do it! During these FLOW states, I feel very blissful. I then started tuning in and refining my interpretations (intuition) of these inner promptings and how they reflected the play cards reflected. I started getting really good at it and now I can raise my energy to trigger more winning streaks and fewer loosing streaks to a point where I'm literally winning over 90% of the time; my last 26 sessions have resulted in WINS. I was pretty lucky at Blackjack before but my win rate was closer to 70%. I have even been winning more at the casinos with real bets. I feel the same energy, sometimes even stronger because there are other people I can heart connect with and amplify the love energy.
I meditated on what all this means and started receiving more inner promptings from my soul. THIS was how I can help people by just being who I AM and doing what brings me joy. I can birth miracles when I AM in this creative state. I have evolved into what I have always dreamed: a really good psychic Blackjack player. Even though my professional background was finance/accounting it never really excited me. It was just a programmed choice offered me by society but it did not inspire me. I've always wanted to "hack reality" and become a psychic and influence games of chance. Deep down I knew as a little girl we were magical creatures. It's a secret wish that I have always carried in my heart and did not think to really talk about it because it's so "far out" and "wishful thinking" that I felt ashamed someone so left-brained and sensible like me would entertain such dreams. Then it dawned on me that our purpose in life is to follow our dreams. We all have our own unique dreams of what we want our best life experience to be like, each dream is beautiful and so uniquely you. It is only when you realize your dream experience that you become truly inspired and thus help others in a meaningful way. I would love to share this gift I have with the world. I started a new meetup called "Joy Luck Club".
I'm going to teach people who like to play Blackjack and are intuitively inclined how to play psychic Blackjack using techniques to raise their own energy and tap into this FLOW that I have discovered! This is way more fun than helping homeless people like I did before. I was able to let go of a lot of guilt I had within that made me feel like I was responsible for the suffering of others. This has accelerated my enlightenment! God does not judge me; only I judge me as unworthy. I had to really work on myself to let this old belief that I could only earn God's love if I was able to heal the world. Feelings of unworthiness ran very very deep in me. Finally letting go of all that dense heavy energy has made me so much more joyful. I AM actually now a more powerful co-creator and able to help others because I no longer feel responsible or obligated towards others. It's so amazing how the Universe really works versus how humans think. We are here to step into our own power. Trying to influence and "help" others out of pity or responsibility will only diminish our power because we are not trusting the Universe to support others on their journey. Oneness is about self empowerment, not about one person taking on the entire world. We must allow others to see the possibility of realizing their own power and worth by our own example. That's how we help. Otherwise we perpetuate the 3D never ending cycle of co-dependency, lack and judgement. It's time to move into a higher state of consciousness where we can see the Divine perfection in ALL.
But, what I can put into words is "what's my next step". It's not easy finding a true purpose because I often feel a lack of interest in DOING and only want to let go of any need or desire and just BE. However, our souls will prompt us along like a movie on a filmstrip, we can not stay in the same frame and must play our part. The challenge is having the inspiration to move forward. If there is no inspiration, I will not move forward. I prefer to lounge around and bliss out. My inspiration came recently one day when I made a decision to stop asking what the next step is and to let go of any need to know anything. It left me with little else to DO but perhaps...PLAY?
So I played. We had a bunch of snow recently and I played and played in it like a little kid. We didn't have a sled, so I took my fitness twisting board to the park and it worked great! Up and down the snowy hills we went every which way and rolling and falling in all the glorious wonder!
During the indoor hours, I would deal Blackjack to myself. Then I started feeling certain energies at certain times which correlated to winning streaks and losing streaks. I would experience a FLOW during the winning streaks where I actually can tell the cards to come out a certain way and they actually start to do it! During these FLOW states, I feel very blissful. I then started tuning in and refining my interpretations (intuition) of these inner promptings and how they reflected the play cards reflected. I started getting really good at it and now I can raise my energy to trigger more winning streaks and fewer loosing streaks to a point where I'm literally winning over 90% of the time; my last 26 sessions have resulted in WINS. I was pretty lucky at Blackjack before but my win rate was closer to 70%. I have even been winning more at the casinos with real bets. I feel the same energy, sometimes even stronger because there are other people I can heart connect with and amplify the love energy.
I meditated on what all this means and started receiving more inner promptings from my soul. THIS was how I can help people by just being who I AM and doing what brings me joy. I can birth miracles when I AM in this creative state. I have evolved into what I have always dreamed: a really good psychic Blackjack player. Even though my professional background was finance/accounting it never really excited me. It was just a programmed choice offered me by society but it did not inspire me. I've always wanted to "hack reality" and become a psychic and influence games of chance. Deep down I knew as a little girl we were magical creatures. It's a secret wish that I have always carried in my heart and did not think to really talk about it because it's so "far out" and "wishful thinking" that I felt ashamed someone so left-brained and sensible like me would entertain such dreams. Then it dawned on me that our purpose in life is to follow our dreams. We all have our own unique dreams of what we want our best life experience to be like, each dream is beautiful and so uniquely you. It is only when you realize your dream experience that you become truly inspired and thus help others in a meaningful way. I would love to share this gift I have with the world. I started a new meetup called "Joy Luck Club".
I'm going to teach people who like to play Blackjack and are intuitively inclined how to play psychic Blackjack using techniques to raise their own energy and tap into this FLOW that I have discovered! This is way more fun than helping homeless people like I did before. I was able to let go of a lot of guilt I had within that made me feel like I was responsible for the suffering of others. This has accelerated my enlightenment! God does not judge me; only I judge me as unworthy. I had to really work on myself to let this old belief that I could only earn God's love if I was able to heal the world. Feelings of unworthiness ran very very deep in me. Finally letting go of all that dense heavy energy has made me so much more joyful. I AM actually now a more powerful co-creator and able to help others because I no longer feel responsible or obligated towards others. It's so amazing how the Universe really works versus how humans think. We are here to step into our own power. Trying to influence and "help" others out of pity or responsibility will only diminish our power because we are not trusting the Universe to support others on their journey. Oneness is about self empowerment, not about one person taking on the entire world. We must allow others to see the possibility of realizing their own power and worth by our own example. That's how we help. Otherwise we perpetuate the 3D never ending cycle of co-dependency, lack and judgement. It's time to move into a higher state of consciousness where we can see the Divine perfection in ALL.
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