I was full of hope and anticipation that yesterday's May 18th full moon would bring about another trans-formative experience within me. The universe did not disappointment. I had the most self-empowering, beautiful dream that was so real I woke up KNOWING that I had finally made the breakthrough I have been "working" on for so long. NOW, I can say that the journey of life is truly not about accomplishing anything on the external or seeking money, power, validation, relationships, or medical cures. It is about transcending all the mental limitations within the human psyche that blocks us from FEELING our true power. Only when we achieve this level of self-awareness can all mental, emotional, and physical suffering end. This is "The Way" out of the 3D matrix of separation, drama, trauma, and dis-ease. It is an inward journey as wells as making moment to moment choices in the external reality to be more loving and compassionate towards oneself and others and release attachments to the distractions of the external in order to focus more on the inner. For me, the journey has been a lot of energy work which involves dream work. Dreams, like everything, are made of energy created by the subconscious mind. Everything is created by mind even the solid things we call our bodies and our world. Nothing exists outside our consciousness. Going from 3D to 5D is an expansion of consciousness by means of massive energy that moves into the human mind from the Divine mind which is inseparable from the human mind. So technically the human mind experiences limitations and suffering only temporarily until we each make a choice to expand our consciousness beyond the limitations. This is the journey. The suffering we experience is actually the catalyst that keeps us focused on the journey when we are tired of experiencing pain and suffering and want to experience true FREEDOM. The journey goes on and on infinitely so there is no ultimate destination, just breakthroughs after breakthroughs each one propelling us further and further away from suffering and closer and closer to Oneness with God/Source. I've been on this journey consciously since my 2012 awakening. But all of humanity is on this journey either subconsciously or consciously each with our own individual twists and turns.
Let me first give a little background on the "dream work" that I have been doing. In dreams we process our mental and emotional experiences. We also "travel" to other parallel realities and expand our consciousness beyond our normal waking reality and explore possibilities that allow us to bring back into our waking reality what we need to progress along our path. The path I speak of is the "journey" towards self-discovery, which is also the journey to connecting to our spiritual nature and thus end human suffering. Suffering is our limiting human mind's experience of feeling disconnected from our source (our spirit, the part of us that is One with God). When we are disconnected we become a closed loop energetically and suffer mentally, emotionally, physically because we do not have the Divine energy required to clear all the denser reactive energies of fear, anger, confusion, hopelessness that occur when we get bombarded with the 3D programming that runs in the collective human consciousness. In a closed loop we are trapped in the 3D matrix and experience the illusions of separation that perpetuate endless suffering, war, strife, illness, hopelessness.
After my 2012 awakening, I received a massive download of energy into my mind and soon realized that I could become very aware in my dreams. Most people don't remember their dreams due to a lack of mental energy or self-awareness. Some of my dreams became lucid dreams in which I realized I was dreaming while I was still in the dream. This is a power state of mind because I began to connect the truth that EVERYTHING in my experience even my waking state, was happening in a dream, within my mind (my consciousness). This level of self-awareness allowed me to choose differently than most people. I became less fearful and reactive and more curious about how this all works and why I experience what I experience. This is why in 2018 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer that I knew that I was free to pick a less painful way to deal with it. I decided to do more "inner work" or energy work instead of traditional surgery and chemo which would have been more painful and in my mind, not really bring about REAL healing. I knew that illness is a distortion of mind and my body is a creation of my mind so I had to address WHY my mind was creating the illness.
Because of my choices I began to receive more energetic downloads that have progressively brought me into more expansive states of consciousness where I experience a deeper connection to my own soul and also connection to the higher realms of spirit where Divine energies purified my mental and emotional energetic fields from the dark and dense traumas that I held within my body and energy field. This was initially an difficult, sometimes horrific experience because I actually experienced the fear, anger, sadness move through and out of my consciousness. But I knew I had to surrender to the experiences and venture into the unknown that my limited human mind did not understand. If I did not keep going on the path, I knew the cancer would kill my body and I knew that was not the path I wanted. I wanted to heal my body and mind. After the tough purging experiences, the journey became less bumpy and I began to experience the energy of BLISS during my meditations. This melted away all my pain and resistance. This BLISS is a vibration in very cell of my being that was so pleasurable, beyond anything I had every experienced.
Every full moon and equinox/solstice I get an energetic boost. Yesterday's full moon resulted in more BLISS energy vibrating in my body as I laid in bed doing my evening meditation. Then I fell asleep blissfully and had this amazing dream that was a huge breakthrough. This past month, I was dreaming almost every night and some of the dreams were very dark. They were about releasing ancestral karma and releasing fear and blockages that were preventing me from accessing my full potential for co-creating magic and miracles. Releasing the dark, dense energies from my consciousness has been an ongoing process. There are layers upon layers. It's no surprise to me why I got breast cancer. WOW. There was so much "suppression of the feminine" in my energy field. It was from my ancestral line and also deep within the collective human consciousness that I am also inseparable from. All the violence against women throughout all time was stored within me. I believe we all have this same core wound within us. I had to witness and release it within my dreams. With each release I felt lighter and more BLISS energy came.
Last night, I finally had a dream that was not dark or addressing some block or fear. I had finally made it to a breakthrough point where it was fully able to experience a higher state of being that I knew was my true heritage after moving past and releasing all the hurt and trauma of my past and my ancestors. In this wonderful dream, I was in a parallel reality where I lived in a huge mansion overlooking a gorgeous scenery of rolling hills, blue clouds and ocean. In the dream I was "practicing" my mind powers within some fresh plant clippings. I would hold the leaves in my hand and "command" them with my mind to wither and dry up. Magically it worked and the leaves transformed as commanded in my hands. I got really excited that I could finally do this. So I traveled over to where a group of friends gathered. They were like my respected colleagues in this dream world like we were scientists working on how to accomplish mind over matter together and I was the first to figure it out. I brought them to my house and demonstrated to them with the plant clippings what I had just done and they were in awe and celebration. I was so excited. Then I told them that I could also now levitate myself. I confidently jumped into the air and levitated spinning around the room and floated with my legs crossed in a yogi position. They were all in shock. I told them to record this phenomenon with their iphones, which they all began to take pictures of me. I felt exhilaration, all my efforts have finally paid off and my magical abilities have finally come on line! I next went outside to the beautiful view and catapulted myself over the air floating over the hills and ocean flying around. I felt so empowered and magical. I then floated back in for a smooth landing on the concrete patio. Then I woke up slowly from this beautiful dream feeling like all my inner work and clearing of dark energies from the past has finally lifted me into this new state of being where I could now confidently and joyfully express my true powers not only within this dream state, but also carry this forth into my waking state, which is also a form of dream within the One mind.
Laying in bed feeling so vindicated, grateful, and confident I basked in the glory of this moment. I wondered how I should wield this new "level up" power. I felt a tension in my back, a knot that was hurting me yesterday. So I sent bliss charged energy into that area feeling very confident in my new abilities. Sure enough, energy began to flow into that knot and I felt a warm vibration so pleasure fill my entire back area. Within seconds this vibration dissolved the knot that I tried and tried to massage out yesterday and could not. Next, I sent the bliss energy into my armpit area where I had been feeling some discomfort and the vibration moved into my armpit and all the tensions melted away. It felt so good!
I'm so excited about how this wonderful dream affects my waking reality going forward. I know it has something to do with commanding the energy of bliss, Divine energy and using it to heal myself and affect my waking reality in miraculous ways. What a beautiful journey this has been and continues to be. I know if I keep flowing with the universe and surrendering to this inner work I will keep having these magical trans-formative experiences. This gives me not only hope but also a clear understanding of why I AM here and how I can serve by sharing my experiences and being an example of how we can each reach within ourselves overcome our fear and suffering and free ourselves from the 3D matrix that keeps us limited and powerless. May the PEACE of God be with you!
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