Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Star is born!

Watch out Lady Gaga, I'm coming out of the closet and sharing my gifts with the world:


I'm ready to embrace my mission and service to others as a light worker by letting my 5D Starseed consciousness shine!  This will give an extra dimension to my blog and help spread the positive healing energy that I came here to share with any one who might be interested.  There is a shift coming and humanity is becoming more sensitive to subtle energies.  We are evolving and it's time to get out there.  Time to SHINE and SHARE from the heart, no more judgments, no more resistance.  Let's embrace light, innocence, forgiveness, vulnerability and creativity.  And yes, human life is chaotic, toxic even at times, but it's what we came here to experience.  By climbing out of the huge holes we individually and collective dig for ourselves, we triumph and discover our true nature which is pure LOVE.

It's time to make peace with our wounded egos.  Set aside childish things and grow up.  The key is self love.  Connect to the heart for guidance no matter what you are dealing with.  As more Starseeds heal their past karma, the consciousness of humanity will soften to a new way of being.

Special thanks to my new mentor, friend and fellow Starseed Mathew John for encouraging me to step forward on my path.  This Lymphedema episode and subsequent fast that I went on has allowed me to become so clear in my mind that I AM not limited and I have the right to be truly me.  It's so fantastic how Starseeds come from different backgrounds to enable us to connect to as wide a population as possible to spread this message of SELF LOVE and ONENESS.  We got this!

I plan on making a lot more videos because the beautiful energy that comes through when I share the messages that flow through me.  It's so fun!  I can have an audience of ZERO in Youtube Land; it doesn't matter.  I want to share my insights, my peaceful energy, and my connection to my I AM with anyone who might benefit.  My wounded ego used to want to succeed so badly that it created a another counter ego that never wanted to be wrong which created another sabotager that never wanted to fail.  All this static in my mental/emotional body choked the flow of inspiration from my experience and I didn't live the highest possible outcome.  All was by design because those unwanted outcomes inspired within me a deep deep letting go of limiting thoughts and beliefs that have freed me from FEAR.  I embrace it now and no longer resist it and it quickly dissolves and transforms into LOVE which is the source of all and heals all wounds.

No longer does my ego feel that putting myself out there is a scary thing.  The practice of self love and devotion has expanded my heart to allow all the ego's shadows to return to the light of my soul.  Those once abandoned orphans within me now have a home and they have no need to block my desires.  The difference is the vibration I now consistently experience.  This BLISS.  All this energy wants to flow, so let love flow forth!

Monday, July 15, 2019

How I got my high vibe back after Lympedema....

In a span of 7 days I have gone from freaking out and thinking "OMG my cancer is spreading and I'm dying" last week when my left arm swelled up due to Lympedema to how I am this moment singing to myself "chill baby...don't worry about a thing, every little thing's gonna be alright."  Yes, Bob Marley.  And I'm in a total state of bliss and joy dancing around the house.  I feel so alive and yes, healthy.  I feel so good and my arm doesn't hurt.  The swelling has gone down significantly and I know my body is "taking care of business" so I can live the life I want to live.  One of joy and abundance without suffering.  Does this mean that I won't have anymore challenges with my health, or life in general?  HELL NO. That's not how it works because I, like every other human on earth, am here for the HUMAN EXPERIENCE of facing, accepting, and transcending all my limitations.  And my life has been full of challenges, and with each challenge I have faced it with the best of intentions and I have no regrets about how things played out because I AM HERE NOW feeling so blissful and complete in my being.  That's what happens when we move from 3D to 5D living.  We grow up and stop running from our "problems" or blaming others or giving our power away to the "specialists" who don't even know us but seem to know what's good for us.  How does helplessness and victimization help us?  It doesn't help me.  I choose to have faith in ME and my connection to my I AM presence.  I choose SELF LOVE.  This means I embrace myself right where I'm at.  No excuses, no buts.

When I self reflect on this "set back" in my health, I was able to let go of the need to be too critical because by making choices we learn from the results.  I did fall off the wagon the past 3 months.  I went off my plant based, low sugar diet and backed off on my exercise regime.  I had been eating all the "bad" stuff again because I felt I wanted to enjoy life and I felt great at the time.  I also stopped taking CBD oil and any supplements.  All of these choices could have allowed the cancer the opportunity to active causing blockage in my lymphatic system.  I have to be honest with myself without beating myself up about it.  This is part of accepting the situation without going into negative guilt and blame which causes the flow of I AM connection to be blocked.  It takes a high vibration of LOVE to connect to infinite source.  Self love is the utmost important.  Loving others is not possible until we love ourselves.

After my last post about my left arm, I meditated and doubled downed on the SELF LOVE.  It was not easy to hold myself lovingly without resistance as I felt the fear, tears and sadness move through me.  I am not afraid to die, but I felt after all I went through, I had so much love to share with the world and it's too soon.  As I held myself lovingly in stillness, the love energy of my I AM poured this loving comfort over me and I felt so reassured that ALL IS WELL.  I didn't know what this meant, whether my arm would heal or not, but I knew as long as I had this I AM connection I would not suffer.  I feel peace and love always with my connection with my I AM, which is the God in me, the source of all manifestation and abundance.  Then the inspiration came to me.  It was an intuitive knowing that "I am not a helpless victim.  I can take focused action to heal myself."

I received inspiration to exercise, practice self care through frequent meditation/visualization, daily exercise and yoga, resume taking CBD oil, self massage of the lymph under the skin, use compression bandages to reduce the swelling, and MOST IMPORTANTLY go on a water and fresh green juice FAST.  YES, stop eating and allow the body to catch up and detox.  Fast a long as I am guided to fast.  This inspiration was so deeply encoded in me that I did everything with fun and ease.  Even my husband Jeff and I had fun with the frequent massages and it increased our intimacy with each other and strengthened our relationship.  My body has dropped a few lbs weight already and because the inspiration was from my I AM I don't have to "effort" through it.  Caring for myself is quite fun.  Maybe I manifested this experience subconsciously just for the positive benefits that the "bad" situation would inspire.  We create our reality with our minds.  There are different levels of mind.  The human ego mind, the subconscious mind, and the Universal Mind of God.  But these levels are not separate.  All levels of mind are within the Mind.  So our entire existence revolves around moving our awareness through this Mind which is the source of all energy, all creation.  They are interconnected and serve the evolution of consciousness both individually and collectively.  We as human creations existing in a 3D holographic universe which is projected by the Mind.  This means all illness is created our subconscious minds.  Not to punish us, but as a feedback loop so we can experience the "NEXT BEST" outcome manifested according to our desires.  There is plenty of Divine energy to manifest the outcome we desire when we connect to our I AM presence.  This is being in the flow.  None of this makes sense until you personally experience in your own way.  Then you will see the interconnection of ALL.  Here's a pic of me today.

There's less swelling and my lower arm is not swollen at all like it was last week in Vegas.  After 5 days of literally no food (just green juice, tea, water, maybe a small peace of fruit each day)  I feel really GOOD.  I mean it. I feel clear in my mind, and light in my body.  There is a continuously high vibe sort humming around my body like my energy field is very bright and charged.  I still have a swollen upper left arm, and tenderness in my armpit lymph nodes.  But just feeling good and so much better than a few days ago gives me so much optimism.  I'm so grateful for my life and my human existence.  We are here to have a life that we desire.  We just have to surrender the need to control HOW this wonderful life plays out and learn to open up to the flow of the universe.  Who knows?  Maybe illness and dying of cancer can be a part of the joyous journey of self discovery and attainment of true connection to source energy that all souls yearn for.  What I have learned so far is to honor myself and the life journey.  We need not judge and fear illness, poverty, or the unwanted things in life.  What if these negative experiences are all part of the fuel that propels us higher and higher towards expansion and freedom.  Believe me, if my life was perfect, I would be a totally different person; probably far less spiritual for sure.  I'm going to embrace the life I have because so far, it's been truly unpredictable, miraculous, challenging, full of fun and a wild and crazy ride!

I'm honoring and letting others choose their healing options because this is part of our journey.  We each have to make our own choices, so honor others and their choices.  My choice was to seek healing from my I AM presence first and not go back to the doctor for invasive procedures.  My beliefs are different because of my personal experiences with life force energy and the messages I receive from the higher realms that are intended for me only.  I may have a follow up appointment with a  doctor or naturopath.  They might have useful advice for me also; maybe I will do a blood test.  But my first stop for advice is always to go within and tune into the heart; connect to my I AM.  From this place I can make the most loving choice for me instead of a fear based, more limited choice that might put me through unwanted experiences.  Our inner vibration (emotional and mental states) attracts like experiences that resonate with our vibration.  Part of self mastery to observe, and see how this creative process works.  Two people can face very similar circumstances, but react differently based on each person's inner vibration.  HOW we react to our current circumstances directly affects the NEXT manifestation or experience.  This is all very confusing and complicated stuff that is not easy to explain with words because words are linear.  The creative process is more like a sphere with 360 degree to inputs of vibrations that affect each persons perspective of reality.  I just connect and meditate to receive insights and answers to my questions about reality and about how creation works.  It's more of an energy communion and answers are telepathically understood.  I am developing into a channel, medium, or gifted intuitive.  These are spiritual gifts available when we connect within and remove our limiting blocks.

Bottom line....you are eternal....this life is not your first rodeo....you are not your body/world...all is Divine including you....you are not less than, broken, or a mistake, even if you are perfectly imperfect....you are the formless presence that peers through your eyes and the eyes of all you see.  This presence is the real you, the I AM.  It blesses all, loves all, and is all.  This real you wants the you that feels less than, powerless and unlovable to know that you really are limitless and you are loved just as you are with all your limitations.  These limitations are not you.  They are your play things like Rubik cube. Don't run from it.  Be curious.  Learn.  Touch.  Attempt, try and fail.  Get frustrated and lost in the process.  Then when you are ready to quit.  Solve it using the only tool that works....self love.  This raises your vibration so you can connect to the I AM presence within for inspiration and guidance.  Then insights will come and you will delight in how amazing you really are when flowing with the I AM that you are!  Much love and light to all!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

We are what we think?

One of the reasons I didn’t want to get surgery, chemo and the invasive conventional cancer treatments was because I was fearful of the harm it would do to my body. For example one serious complication is Lymphedema which is a crippling swelling of the arm or leg due to build up of lymph fluid that is block from drainage because lymph nodes are damaged or missing.

Well guess what I’m officially the only person I know who has Lymphedema without having any conventional cancer treatment! A few days ago I started getting swelling and pain in my left arm and it got worse after I flew to Vegas this week.  The arm swelled bigger! Then I stupidly decided to check my blood pressure (which was unusually low) on that left arm and it hurt as the cuff squeezed. After that my arm swelled even more! So I frantically Internet searched and diagnosed my condition which initially brought relief because I knew what was happening to my body. Then it sunk in that I have Lymphedema which is what I wanted to avoid by not getting cancer treatment!

I was frantic and scared. My brave side gave way to a whimpering little mouse. Will the rest of my likely short life be in agony dragging around a useless large left arm? But after a good long meditation during which tears flowed and self love came up to greet self doubt in loving embrace I slowly came to realize the potential gift of this experience. Perhaps the universe reflects our fear to us as an experience so we can grow in self love? Maybe karma (this cosmic mirroring) is not something to try to avoid. Maybe if we just allow the universe to teach us by embracing what is present in the moment to feel and experience we can find what we are truly seeking. Completion. This peace. I feel it as a current in the
unified field of energy that is us and is everything.

Our thoughts came from this field and creates our reality. Good or bad we are ever constantly experiencing our thoughts. Just be still and meditate and these deep insights come and I don’t feel so powerless. I see that there is connection in all things. We are part of something vast. Tap into this field and feel the peace underlying the reality being experienced. That is unconditional love. I’m at peace with death, cancer, Lymphedema, or the next thought that enters my vibrational pallet. There is joy in being present with life and not judging what manifests for my eternal musings. Much love to you all!