Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Star is born!

Watch out Lady Gaga, I'm coming out of the closet and sharing my gifts with the world:


I'm ready to embrace my mission and service to others as a light worker by letting my 5D Starseed consciousness shine!  This will give an extra dimension to my blog and help spread the positive healing energy that I came here to share with any one who might be interested.  There is a shift coming and humanity is becoming more sensitive to subtle energies.  We are evolving and it's time to get out there.  Time to SHINE and SHARE from the heart, no more judgments, no more resistance.  Let's embrace light, innocence, forgiveness, vulnerability and creativity.  And yes, human life is chaotic, toxic even at times, but it's what we came here to experience.  By climbing out of the huge holes we individually and collective dig for ourselves, we triumph and discover our true nature which is pure LOVE.

It's time to make peace with our wounded egos.  Set aside childish things and grow up.  The key is self love.  Connect to the heart for guidance no matter what you are dealing with.  As more Starseeds heal their past karma, the consciousness of humanity will soften to a new way of being.

Special thanks to my new mentor, friend and fellow Starseed Mathew John for encouraging me to step forward on my path.  This Lymphedema episode and subsequent fast that I went on has allowed me to become so clear in my mind that I AM not limited and I have the right to be truly me.  It's so fantastic how Starseeds come from different backgrounds to enable us to connect to as wide a population as possible to spread this message of SELF LOVE and ONENESS.  We got this!

I plan on making a lot more videos because the beautiful energy that comes through when I share the messages that flow through me.  It's so fun!  I can have an audience of ZERO in Youtube Land; it doesn't matter.  I want to share my insights, my peaceful energy, and my connection to my I AM with anyone who might benefit.  My wounded ego used to want to succeed so badly that it created a another counter ego that never wanted to be wrong which created another sabotager that never wanted to fail.  All this static in my mental/emotional body choked the flow of inspiration from my experience and I didn't live the highest possible outcome.  All was by design because those unwanted outcomes inspired within me a deep deep letting go of limiting thoughts and beliefs that have freed me from FEAR.  I embrace it now and no longer resist it and it quickly dissolves and transforms into LOVE which is the source of all and heals all wounds.

No longer does my ego feel that putting myself out there is a scary thing.  The practice of self love and devotion has expanded my heart to allow all the ego's shadows to return to the light of my soul.  Those once abandoned orphans within me now have a home and they have no need to block my desires.  The difference is the vibration I now consistently experience.  This BLISS.  All this energy wants to flow, so let love flow forth!

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