This childhood experience was just one of many many times I felt unloved, even hated by my mother was such a terrible burden for my inner child. Self love, lots of it, gave me courage to look at the deep wounds within. It’s taken a great deal of inner work to get to HERE NOW.
The inner “work” would not have ever unfolded if I did not have the breast cancer and the lymph edema set back that triggered and even deeper dive into self love. Now I am so much lighter physically mentally and emotionally. I AM free of the emotional baggage and food addiction. I AM free to love without fear of being hurt. I now see the perfection in ALL. What happened between my mother and me was perfect. It allowed for growth and healing to occur and finally progress resulted. This progress is human evolution into a Divine light being making miracles!
Now that I’m finally healed within my energy and consciousness, I know my life is going to be even more full of incredible miraculous experiences. It’s all subjective folks. We can choose to completely change ourselves from the inside. Yes, we all eventually die and return our soul back to Heaven. But only to come back in a new body and continue our endless journey. We truly are free and limitless. We just need to release the trauma that keeps us vibrating at lower states of consciousness and feeling powerless and unable to truly live in joy. These lower vibrations block our energy flow and cause pain and dis-ease like cancer or addictions in our bodies. The 2 main causes of cancer is smoking and obesity. These are addictive behaviors. We have to ask ourselves why we have addictions?
Now that I’m light and free I plan on making the best use of my remaining time in this now healthy beautiful body. Healing is first a state of wellness in the mind and emotional body. The physical body always follows the mental and emotional bodies as a holistic unfolding. All is connected. All is energy. All is consciousness. All is happening within you first before it manifests in the physical. Remember it’s all a 3D holographic reality so you (consciousness) can explore itself as a self. It’s an endless cycle of self discovery through the imagination of our mind. How do you want to experience existence?
I’m going to LOVE like there’s nothing else I would rather do. I’m going to engage with life and nature with wonder, relish, intimacy, and gratitude! I’m my universe. I have the most awesome life. My husband and son are my glory, my soulmates and I can now see the Divine perfection in them. I’m going to love them and everyone I know like my long time soulmate. Life is just getting good! Finally....
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