Sunday, April 21, 2019

Oneness is the Only Way Out of This Mess

I normally don't watch or read the news because I know the 3D world is full of fear and atrocities and the only way to salvation is to LET GO of the old ways of being in separation and come into a state of Oneness from within.  Being overly identified with culture and religious beliefs even if the original intention is to be peaceful and come closer to God can often lead to separation and ultimately violence.  This is why when people ask me if I'm a Christian or a Buddhist I reply "I'm nothing and I'm everything because ALL is valid and yet none of it is really what I AM."

How do we humans bring about peace on earth?  By each of us individually coming into a place of Oneness with ALL and releasing any need to "belong" to any cultural of religious group in order to feel like we have power or purpose.  I label myself as a Starseed, but I know that we all come from the stars and within all of us is the "seed" of the Christ.  Not in a Christian religious way, but the TRUE way which is that of unity and Oneness.

This Easter Sunday, I send out a prayer of love and healing to all of humanity asking for tolerance and forgiveness.  Religions, scriptures and dogma are outwardly focused attempts by mankind to seek what is already there within the heart.  The human mind can not truly find peace with God when outwardly focused and identifying with belief systems (BS).  In truth God has NO dogma or rules that need to be followed.  It's up to us humans to create our own way of being and often times because our limited minds can not grasp the magnitude of existence, we invent belief structures to box ourselves into a small box where we can feel a sense of comfort and control; that this or that is the right way.

This is why The Way out is to go inside within the heart.  We can liberate ourselves from human angst and the endless search.  Otherwise, we are victims of external influences, societal and religious messages that we have to believe and behave a certain way.  Once we fall into these limiting traps, it becomes a "us against them" drama and this karmic cycle will keep repeating over and over, one group against another and it will not end.  This is the OLD way of being.  Fighting terrorism is feeding terrorism.  Feeling empathy for one group and revulsion for another only keeps us on the karmic wheel and we collectively suffer endlessly.

The 5D way of being is to rise above all of it by going into the heart and connecting directly to our Divinity within.  We must transcend separation and duality.  Remember, all of this is a 3D holographic show of lights and there is no need to become lost in it.  Once we take our personalities, cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs too seriously, we start putting our precious energy into crusades and campaigns to influence others and it starts to escalate into war and terror.

Send love and forgiveness to those who are still suffering in 3D strife, but don't let yourself become enraged and embolden.  True peace and change comes from releasing the need to "right the wrongs" of the world.  The microcosm is the macrocosm.  You don't fight cancer.  You make peace with cancer. Resist Not Evil. That is the only way to liberation.  Be in the world but not of it.  Breathe in the breath of life into your hearts and you will be able to rise above it. We do not heal the world by fighting, identifying with or pitying anyone. There is only One here expressing ALL of creation.  The One need not fear or fight the ALL because ALL is One.

Easter Sunday represents Peace and Love to ALL and HOPE that human kind can transcend the "death" mentality of separation by conscious choice and stop feeding subconscious reactions.  The ultimate show of LOVE is to respond to atrocities with forgiveness and acceptance.  It is my hope that more and more of us ascend to 5D consciousness and leave behind the need for atrocities to manifest and wake people up the hard way.  Earth can be a school of hard knocks but that's what we signed up for when we incarnate here.  There is a way out of this mess....Oneness.

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