Monday, January 7, 2019

The Metamorphosis from 3D to 5D

The Ascension path from a 3D consciousness to a 5D consciousness is an inward journey that eventually transforms the individual first inwardly and then slowly these internal changes become reflected outwardly in both the physical body and countenance.  It's been almost 7 years since my first awakening event in 2012,  and some people who know me and remember how I used to look before my awakening versus how I look today tell me my appearance (or countenance) has really changed especially recently since the intense energies have been flowing through me.  I appear to them softer, more attractive, glowing and peaceful...almost angelic (hint, hint):

And "no, I did not get any 'work' done because I would not intentionally put myself through pain because I am very sensitive, emphatic and traumatize easily". No judgement towards others and their choices.  Now of course, if there was an invention where you can just go through a low cost, pain free, no recovery time or side effects, procedure that can improve my looks or body I would certainly go for it!

Luckily for all of us, there already is such a procedure.  It's called "connecting with your soul".  This procedure is just a natural part of human evolution.  Like all quantum leaps, it takes a small subset of the population to be the forerunners or way-showers, but the rest of the species will start going through the same metamorphosis as the energetic impulses ripples outward to the inter-connected consciousness of humanity.  By their BEingness and how they interact with others, these way-showers will bring about more peace and harmony in their world.  When more than one way-shower gathers, their energies amplify because they share completely and openly from their hearts with all who come their way.  They are at peace so they don't go around forcing or "converting" others.  They just shine their light of pure unconditional love, which doesn't fear condemnation or judgement from the world because it is not of this world, it is from the angelic realm, the HOME that we all come from before we incarnated on beautiful earth.  The NEW human is a Divine being, fully embracing it's human-ness without judgement.

How can it be?  With all the baggage (karma) we are born into and all the horrible trauma and atrocities we have inflicted on one another, how can we allow ourselves to accept that we are Divine?

My sweet, wonderful, beautiful, magnificent human, you already are Divine, and you will always be of God as the source of all reality.  You belong to the light.  All is valid.  All is choice.  All is well.  I can't prove it to you.  I can only BE the light.  And it's your choice to believe and take the Quantum leap towards your own destiny.  There are hundreds if not thousands of way-showers like me, who are awake and ready to assist.  Some of these people are integrated in society like me.  Some are more "out there" and put themselves in positions as energy healers as those I have connected with through services like Quantum Conversions.  We won't validate your smallness, your dis-ease, your traumas.  We will reflect only your light.  We amplify only your light.  We hold space of unconditional love in our BEingness.  We read your energies and recognize your blocks and baggage because we have transcended the same within ourselves.  Just look to the light within and allow it to show you the way out.  If you are reading these words you are receiving support and pure energy of transformation from the angelic realm.  That's right.  These words are coming directly from Heaven.  You know the Truth by discerning within your heart where your own Holy Spirit exists patiently waiting to be discovered.  My love and light to ALL who lives within the One consciousness that I AM.

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