Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Power of Self Love

Transcending human suffering is all about LOVE of self.  It sounds cliche but it's true.  Everyone seems to want to escape their suffering without going through the "work" of self love.  It's not easy to truly love yourself.  Now that I AM enlightened to my true nature, self love is really all there is.  It's a power so profoundly trans-formative that once you get it going it becomes a upward spiral of energetic momentum.  Becoming a WHOLLY HUMAN BEING is about removing EVERYTHING that stands between you and YOU.  If you are not willing to love yourself through any and all circumstances, the soul's energy (which includes plenty of heavenly help) can not filter down through all the layers and layers of BS (excuse the language) that has been placed there by all of our unconscious choices, thoughts and feelings about ourselves that is dysfunctional and based on the negative programming we receive from media, TV, society at large, politics, family, and many other miserable people stumbling around in the darkness of their own mental creations.  Misery loves company folks and it's a very compelling force to settle into the "comfort" of being a "negative Nelly" or a cynic.  Because you won't be the nail that sticks out.  It's what everyone else is used to.  So it does take courage to be the ONLY ONE in your circle that is not deterred and wants to follow the deeper yet subtle calling of the heart for MORE and for a NEW way of life based on limitless possibilities.

I practice self love every moment of everyday.  Whenever I AM in front of a mirror I tell myself "I love you.  I honor you. I adore you. Your are my Divine light."  I literally make love to myself and caress my face and body.  I don't give myself any rational reasons for giving myself so much love and attention.  I just do it out of pure delight for being "just me".  Can you do this too?  I know you can.  It's in all of us under those layers and layers of BS.  Fall madly and deeply in love with YOU for no good reason!

This will get you on the path to self realization.  It will likely fast track you and create so much ease and grace in your life.  You will notice yourself becoming more optimistic and peaceful and you will start LETTING GO of all the layers of BS.  Will this practice heal your cancer into spontaneous remission like I experienced?  There is no guarantee but what do you have to lose?  It's better than the status quo and following the crowd trying to be normal and suffer in silence because deep down you know you are meant to be MORE on earth than just getting by, paying taxes, raising kids, getting an illness or mental breakdowns?  But don't judge the crisis or triggers that bring you down because often times these are signs of an awakening soul.  When all hell breaks loose, you just might be ready for MORE.

I had to let go so much BS that I can't even begin to list it all.  My higher self (soul) really designed an incredible journey for me.  YES, we do design our incarnations on earth.  As a soul we exist outside of space and time.  The earth experience is a grand cosmic holographic virtual reality made of light.  Don't take yourself so seriously with all the drama and trauma you experience.  It really is all a play of lights and it is spectacular to say the least!  Once you journey towards completion (or ascension) you will begin to look at your entire life as a holographic story book and you will see the perfection in all of it, the good, the bad, and the trials and tribulations.

My heroine's journey from Dec 2012 to this year has unfolded to about a 7 year "tribulation" cycle.  It started in 2012 as feeling the RAPTURE of heavenly love and being energetically pulled upward and away from all the density and darkness of the earth plane.  So it's not a physical body being sucked up to the sky, it is an energetic pull towards LOVE.  Then the next 7 years has been a journey of integration of this LOVE back into the physical existence by going through many layers of releasing, purifying, letting go of all the baggage that no longer serves LOVE of ALL. 

So this year is the 7th year which I call my "completion" year.  It doesn't mean I turn into light and ascend back to heaven like the scriptures.  That would be very cool, but alas, it's an escape fantasy.  We are not getting off that easy folks.  No, the point to incarnation is to EMBODY the light and bring heaven on earth.  A soul that has completed the journey back to WHOLENESS, is one that is finally FREE to live a life that is intentional and purposeful in each moment without being easily swept away by other people's dramas and other people's ideas about how to act and behave and think.  A WHOLLY HUMAN BEING is one who is centered in LOVE and holds no more judgement of self and others.  This does not mean I can or do conform to any outward display of superpowers, though I'm pretty physic and feel energies with more and more intensity.  Every moment is an experience of NEW and it's delightful.  I feel like a little child on Christmas day all the time because even every breath I take is NEW and so indescribably pleasurable.  It does mean that I am in a state of pure awareness most of the time.  My thoughts are not racing.  I am so peaceful that my body vibrates with pure BLISS.  I define this bliss as an all encompassing sensation of EVERYTHING all at once.  Bliss is the One in ALL.  It is ultimate peace of mind and body because there is nothing in the world that can affect this bliss because it comes from within me; it comes from my soul shining through.

Sooner or later we all go through this transformation by free will choice.  When you start seeing and feeling more and more of this energy out-pictured as people like me walking around the supermarket you will start thinking.  This Chi person, "she's talking loco, but I like it! Maybe it is safe for me to come out of my closet and join her in LOVE."

And hopefully when it happens to you, there won't be so much "tribulation" and more grace and ease.  It depends on how much baggage you have to let go of.  7 years seems like a really long time but during that time I was progressing and having many amazing breakthroughs.  So it is about the journey itself and we can not compare ourselves to others.  It is a very subjective and personal journey.  However, there are mile markers along the way to guide you.

Some of the journey milestones were major shifts in my perspective and seeing what my underlying beliefs were that was causing all the suffering and turmoil in my life.  I had to transcend each one consciously by witnessing it and all the negativity it created before I could come to the realization that holding onto it was hindering my progress.  These beliefs or "baggage" I let go of were somehow very near and dear to me like an old security blanket.  It took a lot of self love and self compassion to really sit with myself and allow my soul to present them to me for release.  With each release I expanded more and more.  WHOLENESS is not a destination.  It is just a new beginning.  A venture into the unknown with a child like innocence that NOTHING on earth can ever harm me again because I AM.  So are YOU.

Here is a brief list of the baggage I let go of.  Once I let them go, they energetically get "deleted" from my holographic experience.  It's  a very strange feeling when the release happens.  I feel lighter, free, more peaceful.  Some major shifts were very uncomfortable and felt like a dying of the part of me before a new version of me is rebooted.  It's like labor pains and child birth.  Definitely not easy, but oh the delightful and uplifting feelings at the end of each purge makes it all worth it.  So here goes the list in no particular order since we all experience shifts uniquely:

- Fear of Death
- Fear of Poverty
- Fear of the unknown
- Fear of intimacy and vulnerability
- Fear of freak accidents, pain and disease
- Fear of abandonment and rejection
- Fear of punishment from God
- Fear of aging
- Fear of being unlovable for any particular reason
- Fear of not being real (i.e. I AM really just a hologram?)
- Fear of evil or dark forces doing harm to me
- Fear of loss (i.e. property, loved ones, looks, identity)
- Fear of unfamiliar or new experiences
- Fear of what others might think about you

- There is not enough for everyone, not sharing generously from the heart
- Love is weak
- When you get older you have to start acting like a grown up and let go of child-like innocence
- Value Judgments - Expecting others to behave in anyway that is different from "what is"
- Survival of the fittest, winner takes all mentality
- People become mentally or physically illness through no fault of their own
- Our reality shapes and mold us, we don't shape and mold our reality
- Everything physical is made of solid matter that doesn't "change" with our thoughts and intentions
- Money is only honorable if you work hard for it (money is just money folks)
- People who kill, steal or commit atrocities are not worthy of my love and forgiveness
- Being poor is undesirable/ Poor people are ignorant and lazy
- Being rich will provide security
- It's up to me to set people straight and tell them how to behave so they don't disturb or hurt anyone
- Not trusting strangers, valuing long-time relationships over meeting new people, being stuck in a rut
- God only blesses the good people and punishes the bad people, so I better be "good" or else
- You have to be religious and go to church/temple to receive direct spiritual communication
- You only have one life to live (we live many lifetimes)
- There is an epic battle between good and evil and I am suppose to "fight evil"
- If I have cancer then I must have done something bad to deserve it
- I can not feel peace and freedom until everyone "out there" behaves nicely and there is no more violence.
- Educated people especially doctors know more than I do about my own mind and body
- I am only a flesh and blood human and can not magically change my outer conditions and circumstances
- Science has all the answers, I just need to study and learn more
- Religion has all the answers, I just need more blind faith, God works in mysterious ways
- We are victims of random fate and bad things happen to good people so why even try
- There is a good way to behave and a bad way to behave
- My thoughts are random and out of control need to be suppressed, maybe anti-depressants can suppress them
- My thoughts and feelings have no influence over my health, and physical circumstances
- The world is in turmoil and needs some kind of savior to rescue us.

- Resentment
- Anger towards self or others
- Rage against God/creation for all the suffering in the world
- Distrust towards self or others
- Shame about self or others
- Guilt about self or others
- Jealousy and envy towards others
- Competition, wanting to be better than others
- Co-dependency Neediness, wanting others to love me for any reason
- Identity issues faced when disruptive changes happen in life
- Lack of love, people in my life not treating me the way I would like
- Lack of respect for self and others
- Lack of self worth, always needing to prove myself
- Grief, sadness over loss of loved ones, pets, my innocence, parts of myself
- Hopelessness, despair and helplessness
- Confusion and frustration of not knowing why I am even here or what my purpose is

That's a really big list I know.  WOW.  No wonder it can take lifetimes to purge and re-program our holographic reality both individually and collectively.  For the few of us who are "on the path" of enlightenment, it could be done in this lifetime.  And if you are doing the work, you will get the credit.  Nothing is lost.  You pick it back up in the next incarnation where you left off.  So if you transcend and release FEAR OF POVERTY, the next life will be one of financial ease and abundance.  If you let go over FEAR OF INTIMACY, the next lifetime you will have more deep fulfilling relationships.  It's all good no matter how far along you get in this lifetime.  Remember, we are eternal spiritual beings having a holographic experience of being a human on earth.  You create your own reality with your BS (belief systems), thoughts and feelings about self and others.  Why not choose differently and let go of what limits you NOW?

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