The most mind blowing revelation during my 2012 awakening was "there is only ONE of us here", and the reality I experience was happening within this ONE and that there is nothing "out there" all was an inner experience, even physical reality is an inner experience. This initially plunged me into a huge identity crisis because Who Am I really if there is no real physical reality? Then during my 2018 awakening, the most significant revelation was "God does not make mistakes." Period. And this means I AM not a mistake, not a miserable flawed sinner doomed to suffer in darkness.
I AM NOW tasked with trying to integrate what these revelations mean in my life and create a NEW life for myself that does not have the OLD mentality of limitations and suffering. What is the purpose of life if it is all happening within this ONE consciousness and if am not an objective human body on an objective physical earth in real space and time?
Just a side note for those who think I am on an acid trip, think again. Quantum physics has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no way the objective physical world exists "out there". Try watching this video on how this works. It is all a play of lights...vibrating particles of light. Your body and world feels real because your 3D senses are all that you know and are familiar with and you have been pre-programmed to experience it as real. All is happening within MIND. Both our individual human minds and the ONE mind, which encompasses ALL human minds as part of and inseparable from ONE. I love this video with Rick Paris (a shaman who underwent an amazing near death experience). He explains the whole holographic illusion of earth, quantum realities, creation of reality using the mind, it's so awesome, and very true as I have personally discovered through my own visceral experience. Open your minds to NEW possibilities folks, take the RED PILL and come further down the rabbit hole with me.
Who I AM is pure awareness. I do have an incarnation (an experience of a body playing various roles within the 3D holographic matrix). Pure awareness is spirit. It is (I AM) formless, ineffable, limitless. It is consciousness. This spirit is of God. It is God as far as we humans can "explain" what God is. It is the Source, the energy of Creation, that we ALL are because we are self-aware, we exists, we feel, we think, we breathe, we are Creation in our totality.
People who are stuck "in the Matrix" as the movie so cleverly eludes to are under a control program of 3D earth. This program is a "school of hard knocks" simulation for souls, which are unique creations of formless spirit to allow God to experience it's Creation and expand the individualized expressions of itself (me and you) so we can learn how to co-create with our minds in a way that is in alignment with LOVE and COMPASSION. The 3D matrix is not designed to keep souls trapped forever. It is meant to be transcended. That's why in this time on earth, there is a mass awakening and evolution of human consciousness. I'm not the first to awaken these past 7 years. There are many, thousands. Soon it will be hundreds of thousands leaving the old matrix. Some go through near death experiences, some like me experience spontaneous awakenings, some are really stubborn and will experience major life changing crisis (the punches in the face), and some are just born with a wisdom (like many children these days) that allows them to remember their TRUE nature. You know these children, they have a mind of their own and do NOT allow themselves to be programmed by society. They speak from their hearts and you can not suppress their light and make them conform to societal norms.
The older folks like me, we are in "sleep" mode and have to learn through difficult and challenging life experiences to LET GO and SURRENDER to the perfection of Creation which does not make mistakes. How many times does life have to literally punch you in the face before you wake up? And why does life tend to punch us in the face? Because we refuse to wake up and step into our power. For eons, humanity has been suppressed within the 3D matrix, which allows us to "act out" our free will powers in a "play pen" for souls. We get to experience an epic battle between good and evil until we are tired of it. It's like children playing in a sandbox building castles and having make believe battles. Then comes a time when some yearning is triggered within the soul when it starts seeking for the way out of the matrix, the way HOME.
HOME is not a location. It is in the heart. The dormant seed of spirit lives within our holographic hearts. It contains a homing signal that guides us back into the light away from the dark matrix. Humanity is learning and growing up. We have made it this far without blowing ourselves up (with a lot of angelic help). And yes, there is still plenty of suffering. But this is not a mistake. It is a choice to suffer. Our ignorance and attachments to the "realness" of this hologram causes our own suffering. Until we make a conscious choice to see beyond our limited roles within the matrix, we can not leave it behind. Look to the children. They know the way out. Their eyes are full of God, full of innocence that we grown ups "think" we have lost. It is the thinking that we are less and limited that strips us of our mind power to create a heavenly world. This thinking is just thinking. It can be redirected, re-programmed. Don't blame society or your parents for programming you into a neurotic self-doubting Prozac popping basket case. Just forgive them for they know not what they do. Brush yourself off and realize you are more than your holographic reality. Take your power back. Exit the matrix and come HOME NOW.
I hear your thoughts already. You feel a quickening, maybe it's true, maybe you are MORE. But there's an incredibly strong pull to fall back asleep in the matrix because it is familiar. There is so much FEAR in you. The unknown and the NEW is very scary. Even with all the self-created drama and trauma you can't let go. You want to stay in victimhood or keep up the epic fight against some "external" cause that is only going on in your head. You want to band with the masses, the other people in your circle or in the world with the same mentality. The pain, apathy and hopelessness is part of you and has become your identity. I assure you it is not your true identity. Everything in your life that defines you is a holographic illusion and you cling desperately to it. Like I said, God does not make mistakes. The 3D matrix is not a forever situation. It is crumbling and dissolving quickly. Just observe it and you will see all the dark energies of chaos throwing a tissy-fit because the 5D energies are exposing them as dysfunctional, comical and impotent. News stories of people getting stabbled or beheaded can only be scary if people are actually tunning into it. But honestly, are we all a little tired of tuning into the horror and drama? It's a hologram that is like a B-rated horror movie. It's not worth watching folks. The fear mongering no longer works on the people because consciousness is catching onto the illusions. No the earth is not going to blow up. What is crumbling are old systems that have been reinforcing the experience of powerlessness. God's plan is one of redemption and salvation. No this is not about some religious crusade, that is soooo old school. Let's move past that trap shall we. It is about the truth of YOU. Who are you really?
I promise you if you venture down the rabbit hole you will find out how glorious and powerful you really are. And yes, you will have to let go of many limiting beliefs to realize your true potential and venture into the unknown. Luckily for you, there are many thousands of trailblazers that have gone ahead and progressed into the 5D existence, which is one of PEACE, UNITY, HARMONY, WISDOM, MIRACLES and LOVE.
Here's is God's plan for heaven on earth, or what we awakened ones call 5D existence:
Like the 100th monkey scenario, a core, yet small population (which can easily include YOU) wakes up to their true nature as spirit by connecting with their heart and opening WIDE enough to receive the Holy Spirit of transformation (unconditional love). Then start the journey of awakening in their own unique way, by shedding all the limiting mental constructs. Then more light will illuminate your mind and body which heals all mental and physical illness, which are really caused by all the trauma and drama that we hold onto unconsciously. We then become AWAKE in the holographic reality like the Buddha, like Jesus, and many other masters who have walked on earth to show The Way, The Truth and The Life. We glow with peace and compassion and extend unconditional love to all as peaceful warriors of light; we are wise as serpents (no one can fool us back to sleep) and harmless as doves (no one can fight against us because they feel our love and non-judgement which is like a balm to their souls).
We also receive Divine assistance in helping and healing others with our energy which now flows directly from Source/God. The flows is intense and strong because we no longer have limiting mental constructs that block the flow of LIFE energy into our minds and bodies. The pure love and bliss we feel changes us from the inside out. We no longer have angst or fear inside so our minds are clear and calm. We go from SURVIVAL mode to CREATIVE mode, like the very imaginative and fun Minecraft video game that millions love to play. And PLAY we shall because removing all the baggage from our system allows us the feel PURE and innocent as little children again. We will play and co-create a new earth. We play with energy, we co-create with energy, we heal with energy, we are NOW energy beings no longer limited to just the physical material expression of the 3D matrix. We create, we SHARE all resources generously, we no longer buy into the lack and fear mentalities of old earth. We facilitate the crumbling of old earth by our choices. Awakened ones are not hanging out at the mall buying stuff or outwardly consuming material things. Have you noticed the fall in the stock market especially with retail stocks, gas prices, airlines, hotels. The economy is changing, consumption is changing. Less is MORE NOW. Why be materialistic and consume stuff and compete with the Jones next store like our parents did when we can sit in meditation and receive incredible BLISS and inspiration for all our creative impulses that are simply genius and beyond anything the material world has to offer?
The wisdom of the soul will flow through with MORE and MORE insights, solutions, revelations that will uplift everyone in our lives and eventually our world! Oh yes, the pure genius the flows from spirit that will express itself has NEW inventions, and new ways to collaborating with others from the heart that will heal our world. It's all coming folks. Health and aging will also take quantum leaps. With more Divine energy in our mind and body, we will experience longer healthier lifespans that will not degenerate with age like the old 3D matrix of darkness and limited light. Our 5D children will be born with inherent wisdom and remember their spiritual nature. These children will become future leaders and visionaries that will bring forth peace and prosperity that we can not even begin to imagine. There is more than just hope for the future, we have made it past the 2012 milestone without blowing up the world. This new 5D energy is finally here and we have more than earned our place in the cosmos as an evolved species ready to take flight into the UNKNOWN.
You can join the party or stay asleep in the matrix and not feel or experience anything new. It's your free will choice what or how you want to create with your consciousness. We are all equally loved, equally worthy, equally gifted and endowed with God's limitless creative power no matter if we choose to experience it or reject it.
Isn't that a wonderful vision for humanity's future? All my blog posts are channeled from spirit, my soul's light. This is my highest TRUTH and Divine blessing to ALL.
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