Sunday, January 13, 2019

Why does God allow all the suffering, disease and atrocities?

This is a HUGE mental block for humans.  We can't understand why everywhere we look there is suffering and drama.  We can't accept that we do it to ourselves; that it is ALL self inflicted.  This is because we are in separation, which is the illusion of the dark 3D holographic earth.  The only part of the population that seems truly happy are under 10 years old who still have some innocence in them.  Then life (the programming of the 3D matrix) snuffs the light of innocence out of us with all the negativity, the "should's" the "what if's" and the "watch out for".

Our world is a holographic training simulation for souls to learn how to transcend suffering and return to LOVE.  We don't remember this while we are in our bodies because that is the purpose of the dense and dark 3D reality.  It doesn't allow enough Divine light in to enable souls to remember their true origin which is formless pure awareness that is spirit, that is of God.  This world is a TEMPORARY play-pen for souls to explore any and all mental constructs about self and be able to act out all these constructs in a SELF contained simulation that seems real but is not real, and not permanent.  It is a FREE WILL simulation.  It's a matrix of illusion that seems REAL to our senses.  So all the nasty suffering is temporary and will end once we LET GO and return to the light of pure awareness, of spirit.

It takes real transformation from within to truly "get it" and understand, accept, forgive, and love God's creation, which is really US (you, me, them, all that ever was and ever will be).  I do have compassion for those of you who don't get it yet.  Who are still stuck in the 3D matrix of separation and duality.  I was there 7 years ago and it wasn't easy living a life of angst, not feeling comfortable with what was happening in my world and not knowing the real purpose of life and why we are here.  It seemed everyone was just in SURVIVAL mode and not fully ALIVE with joy, with LIFE.

Those who are not awake don't remember their true origins so they think this is all there is and there is nothing MORE to life.  There is a sense of pointlessness and helplessness, especially when we get older and our bodies start succumbing to illness, depression, dis-ease from a years and years of not "getting it."  We are unable to truly love unconditionally and our relationships become dysfunctional and toxic.  Either way there is suffering until we wake up and remember why we are here.  Waking up means healing and becoming WHOLE again.  Healing the core wound of separation from Source/God.  When I first woke up, I was SO ANGRY that God had allowed me to FALL asleep in the matrix.  I literally broke down and threw a tantrum like a 2 year old child because I was so upset that God left me alone in this horrible world where no one seems to know who they really are and they unconsciously cause so much harm and hurt towards themselves and others.  I cried and screamed for over an hour until there was nothing left inside me; I became EMPTY.  Then the love of God slowly filled me back up with such intense unconditional love.  I became whole again.  Then the illumination happened and my memory started coming back to me and I remembered God's plan and that I was 100% complicit in that plan.

I wanted to embody on earth so I could experience the MIRACLE of separation.  In spirit we are all One.  It is not possible to be separate from God. So this 3D matrix is a miracle.  Because only in experiencing the illusion of separation and then AWAKENING to my true spiritual nature did I really fully understand my own capacity to LOVE and FORGIVE.  If nothing "bad" ever happens to me I would not know how to truly LOVE myself back into balance.  I would not have soul wisdom.  This wisdom keeps expanding as my consciousness and self awareness expands.  I can use this wisdom to help others out of their own self created suffering but also I can now co-create with God how I want my world to BE.  I can see with the eyes of spirit and make choices that are based on Oneness and not separation, which is to choose LOVE instead of FEAR.

This journey is not done in one lifetime.  It takes many thousands of incarnations to fully traverse the 3D matrix until the soul finally "gets it".  I call it "running the gauntlet of separation".  Do not feel disheartened that you are not yet awake and feel the bliss, freedom and joy that I do.  It's a beautiful journey once you understand and have some tools and guidance from way-showers like me.

Evil (or suffering) exists only in this 3D matrix of illusion.  It doesn't exist beyond it because there is only Oneness in reality.  So evil is illusion; it needs to have an opposite (called "good") for it to exist.  In Oneness there is no opposite.  The angelic realm that exists beyond our 3D matrix is based on Oneness so it is not possible to feel anything but BLISS in the angelic realm.  This illusion we are in is a very realistic one when you are on earth where there is child abuse, war, holocausts, cruelty, hatred and despair.  The evil is created by souls who exercise their FREE WILL by refusing to grow up and return to LOVE.  This is allowed only in the 3D matrix.  These souls are not allowed to graduate from the 3D matrix until they return to LOVE.  We can exercise our free will  by choosing LOVE and transcend the suffering and get the HELL out of Dodge, our of the 3D matrix.  This escape hatch is through the heart.  It is activated by self love which triggers the journey HOME.  We don't have to hang out here with all the evil souls who reject the light and want to pull us into their own self created hell.  And this ascension to 5D (exiting the 3D matrix) is not a location "up there" in the sky.  It is a higher consciousness that experiences LIFE through Oneness, unity, LOVE.  It is a state of heaven on earth where I AM.  Why don't you join me, the PEACE is beyond human understanding and you won't ever want to return to the old way of being.

That is the good news.  It's going to be tough for many of us who can't LET GO and FORGIVE.  So many of us can not accept that wars, the holocaust, child rape should be allowed.  That was why the evil souls rejected the light of God.  They did not want to allow free will and therefore allow ANYTHING to occur based on free will.  So they used their creative energies to create more suffering so prove that free will is a flawed plan.  But as I stated in my previous blog post, God does not make mistakes.  Free will is genius because it allows us to learn from our poor choices.  There are universal laws that can not be circumvented.  These laws keep destructive actions in check because "what we put out we get right back".  These evil souls are in torment because their choices have blocked their own light and disconnects them from PURE LOVE which is so amazingly wonderful and beyond anything this 3D matrix has to offer.  The only way they can be redeemed is by LETTING GO of their need to control other humans by hurting them.  Sticks and stones may break your bones, but don't let them turn you into a helpless victim or a vengeful renegade.  You have choice to react in a higher way.  The evil ones want you to fight back and take on a crusade to end all human suffering.  This keeps your soul stuck in the 3D matrix for a long long time until you finally LET GO of the epic battle between good and evil and your return back to the light.  The only way to end human suffering is to FORGIVE and see through their drama ploys.  You can NEVER have true inner peace if you keep trying to change the world "out there" and try to make everyone else behave nicely.  You can only save yourself and BE the change; shine your soul light so others can see that there is another way.

I also mentioned that there are no victims.  So the child rape, murder or genocide that humans commit against other humans can be transcended and forgiven.  YES, breathe that in folks.  You can forgive it and LET GO and move back into the light.  The evil souls don't want you to forgive.  They want you to stay in torment like they are.  They want to prove God was wrong for giving us free will.  They want us to be flawless robots without any creative power or true wisdom. Don't fall for it. You are MORE.

It's difficult for me to explain to someone who had not awaken why they are not a victim and that their suffering is all in their heads.  They are letting all the negativity energies suck them into the drama. How can your suffering be in your head when you are a child that is being raped or tortured or even murdered?  Let alone the "victims" of the holocaust and genocide?

Take a deep breath with me here.  Suspend your attachments to your body, your mind, your role, your human identity.  YOU ARE NOT ANY OF THOSE.  You are pure awareness (consciousness), spirit.  You are me.  I AM you.  We ARE ONE.  We are the body of God.  We don't have to suffer anymore.  It's time to take full responsibility for our lives and leave behind victim-hood, and the knee jerk reactions to "do something" to fight against or change what is "out there".  It's not what happens to you that matters, it is how you react to what happens to you.  Do you fight evil, or do you see through the illusion and start looking within your heart?

Take another deep breath with me NOW.  It is and has always been the lack of self awareness that has caused humans to fall deep into the darkness.  When you think you are your body, your role, your ethnicity, your human, you will suffer and you will become a victim or a perpetrator.  When Jesus (and I am not religious in any way) who was an enlightened master, embodied on earth to be a way-shower by His example, He knew that the evil ones (the ones who reject the light) would kill his body.  It did not stop Him from speaking his Truth.  He did not come here to fight evil.  He came here to show that evil should not be judged or resisted because it is ultimately illusion.  Evil needs an opponent to exist, if we don't give any energy to or against it, then it will dissolve from our reality. We are not our bodies.  He can let the physical body die or be abused or tortured without attachment or identification with it.  Physical death is not the end of the soul.  What did Jesus say on the cross?  "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

Can you do that?  Can you give them too?  Your salvation depends on your ability to look away from all the trauma and drama of the 3D matrix and FORGIVE it and LET GO.

You might ask (because you are still stuck in separation) if we turn the other cheek with the evil ones, what happens to them?  Well, they are stuck in separation (or hell) like you are until they stop asking about what those others are doing.  Stick to your own salvation and leave the judgement to God's perfect plan.  The evil ones serve a wonderful purpose in tormenting you until you stop playing their game and AWAKEN.  They will keep putting the screws to you until you LET GO.  The blind can not lead the blind out of hell.  So get yourself out of hell first by looking only to the light within.  Then you will see only the light of God and perfection in ALL.

Come back into the light of God.  It is all a play of lights.  It is all for LOVE, all of it.  Your existence is a miracle.  You are a miracle.  Why waste your life focusing on illusions when you can BE MORE NOW.  My love and blessings to you ALL on your journeys of SELF discovery.


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