Sunday, April 21, 2019

Oneness is the Only Way Out of This Mess

I normally don't watch or read the news because I know the 3D world is full of fear and atrocities and the only way to salvation is to LET GO of the old ways of being in separation and come into a state of Oneness from within.  Being overly identified with culture and religious beliefs even if the original intention is to be peaceful and come closer to God can often lead to separation and ultimately violence.  This is why when people ask me if I'm a Christian or a Buddhist I reply "I'm nothing and I'm everything because ALL is valid and yet none of it is really what I AM."

How do we humans bring about peace on earth?  By each of us individually coming into a place of Oneness with ALL and releasing any need to "belong" to any cultural of religious group in order to feel like we have power or purpose.  I label myself as a Starseed, but I know that we all come from the stars and within all of us is the "seed" of the Christ.  Not in a Christian religious way, but the TRUE way which is that of unity and Oneness.

This Easter Sunday, I send out a prayer of love and healing to all of humanity asking for tolerance and forgiveness.  Religions, scriptures and dogma are outwardly focused attempts by mankind to seek what is already there within the heart.  The human mind can not truly find peace with God when outwardly focused and identifying with belief systems (BS).  In truth God has NO dogma or rules that need to be followed.  It's up to us humans to create our own way of being and often times because our limited minds can not grasp the magnitude of existence, we invent belief structures to box ourselves into a small box where we can feel a sense of comfort and control; that this or that is the right way.

This is why The Way out is to go inside within the heart.  We can liberate ourselves from human angst and the endless search.  Otherwise, we are victims of external influences, societal and religious messages that we have to believe and behave a certain way.  Once we fall into these limiting traps, it becomes a "us against them" drama and this karmic cycle will keep repeating over and over, one group against another and it will not end.  This is the OLD way of being.  Fighting terrorism is feeding terrorism.  Feeling empathy for one group and revulsion for another only keeps us on the karmic wheel and we collectively suffer endlessly.

The 5D way of being is to rise above all of it by going into the heart and connecting directly to our Divinity within.  We must transcend separation and duality.  Remember, all of this is a 3D holographic show of lights and there is no need to become lost in it.  Once we take our personalities, cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs too seriously, we start putting our precious energy into crusades and campaigns to influence others and it starts to escalate into war and terror.

Send love and forgiveness to those who are still suffering in 3D strife, but don't let yourself become enraged and embolden.  True peace and change comes from releasing the need to "right the wrongs" of the world.  The microcosm is the macrocosm.  You don't fight cancer.  You make peace with cancer. Resist Not Evil. That is the only way to liberation.  Be in the world but not of it.  Breathe in the breath of life into your hearts and you will be able to rise above it. We do not heal the world by fighting, identifying with or pitying anyone. There is only One here expressing ALL of creation.  The One need not fear or fight the ALL because ALL is One.

Easter Sunday represents Peace and Love to ALL and HOPE that human kind can transcend the "death" mentality of separation by conscious choice and stop feeding subconscious reactions.  The ultimate show of LOVE is to respond to atrocities with forgiveness and acceptance.  It is my hope that more and more of us ascend to 5D consciousness and leave behind the need for atrocities to manifest and wake people up the hard way.  Earth can be a school of hard knocks but that's what we signed up for when we incarnate here.  There is a way out of this mess....Oneness.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Starseed Collective Consciousness

I had another deep and major breakthrough during meditation this month.  I went into this bliss state and further into the cosmic heart into a pure "nothingness" state of being.  All my realities collapsed into an instant.  All past, present, future disappeared into a void and I realized that EVERYTHING has already occurred and I was pure consciousness.  From that state I realized I could truly call forth and connect to anything/anywhere because I AM the ALL.  So I set intention to connect to the highest state of being and what came forth was the "Starseed Collective Consciousness".  It was a NEW energy that represented all incarnated Starseeds on earth at this time.  I felt the desires of this energy and the potential and excitement it contained to birth forth and connect in the physical reality as 5D earth.  It was me and I was it. It was also all of YOU out there who have awakened and are embodied, seeking connecting, truth, expression and freedom to co-create in a new way, a way of the heart that is boundless and flowing.

This has led me to evolve my mission and expand even further beyond my own embodiment to include a broader scope that reaches out to my family of light that is not in the invisible realms, but also those who are here on earth NOW as embodied humans who know their own truth.  We are all unique but share the common bond of LOVE for humanity.  I realized that I now need to move beyond just playing my favorite game of Blackjack.  I have to expand my power and energy to be more inclusive of other Starseeds who can use my love and support on their own unique journeys and may want my support in manifesting the abundance, health, wealth, joy, and creative expressions that weave together the exciting new realities of 5D earth life!

This Starseed Collective consists of people like me who are awake and aware and have gone through all the drama and trauma of 3D earth and are ready to heal themselves and ascend to the 5D existence.  We all need each other's love and support.  We all need to share resources and collaborate.  Change can only happen when each individual (like myself) embraces and embodies fully the new energies.

We must "BE the change" that we want to see in the new world while existing also in the OLD world of 3D suffering of dis-ease, addictions, judgement, separation and trauma.  How do we make this transition and be the bridge between heaven and earth?  It's simple.  Just ALLOW the heart to guide and be present to the moment of opportunities to SHARE ad SERVE others.  This is not done in an ego way where we obsess of the problems of the 3D world like I did before in 2013 when helping homeless people.  This new way of being is non-judgmental so I don't go on some campaign to end homelessness.  I just stay present in my daily life and see how I can serve without being attached to a crusade "against" some flaw in society.  Thinking about flaws is an old 3D mentality that does not serve us in the new earth. There are no problems and flaws, there are only opportunities to share love, and resources.  This means we stop judging and we bring down all the barriers.  We Starseeds don't go around ignoring "others" who we deem "non-Starseed".  Technically we are ALL Starseeds, yet 99% of us are still in 3D suffering mode and those of us who have transcended to 5D that like I have by undergoing the massive energy purification of our minds and bodies have the inner power and guidance from the angelic realms to affect others who are suffering and heal them and bring them into the Starseed Collective Consciousness one soul at a time.  We do this by being present to opportunities and not "preaching" of judging.  By our actions and intentions we "shift" others and empower them towards healing and wholeness.

For example, I love animals (Starseeds love animals) was at a local dog park (I don't have a dog, but was led by my inner guidance to enter the dog park) and I saw a 3 legged golden retriever.  I used to have a golden retriever so I felt a resonance with this dog who was so full of love and playfulness.  Her disability did not diminish her spirit.  I talked to her owner, Shelby, and asked if her dog (Mishka) had a prosthetic leg.  Shelby said yes, but she did not have time to train Mishka how to use it because she herself was in crisis and temporarily between homes and staying with her mom who does not want Mishka around.  Shelby was on the verge of giving up her dog to the shelter and I could feel her emotional pain.  Tears came down my face I could not control.  So I told Shelby I would take Mishka and help her rehabilitate with the prosthetic leg while Shelby looked for a more permanent home.  I did not really know how to rehab dog, but my inner guidance took over and it actually went really well.  Mishka and I spent alot of time together and I worked with her to help her gain awareness of the prosthetic and I sent healing energy into her right side to help strengthen it since she did not use her right side.  At the end of our time together Mishka started balancing and putting weight on her right side which she did not do before.  Shelby also was magically "blessed" to find a new home for both of herself and Mishka at a home where dogs were loved and welcomed!  So the universe somehow miraculous flowed in loving grace and I was able to be part of this unfolding.

Here's another example.  I have many many examples of how I miraculously flow with the universe by being heart-centered and open to "serving others" in a fun, non-judgmental way.  While I was playing with Mishka in the cul-de-sac, the neighbor's dog came to play with Miskha and then eventually the neighbor (who I rarely see) came out to checkout the 3 legged dog.  I told my neighbor, Lori, the story, and she was so touched by my act of kindness.  We talked about our sons who are both 14 years old. Laurie mentioned her son, Ty, got recently suspended from school because he got into fights with bullies and it wasn't his fault, he is "on the spectrum of autism" and doesn't regulate his emotions well.  I told her (being guided by spirit to say so) that I would work with her son because I am a trained Hearthmath coach.  She gladly accepted, so right that minute I spoke to Ty and asked him if I could meditate with him for a few minutes.  Ty (feeling my loving non-judgmental energy) accepted and within 20 minutes he shifted and came out of his shell.  Since then, we have had 5 sessions together and he is so much more happy and even got an "A" in math by using the meditation techniques I showed him.  Now, Ty, is empowered and his soul has come on line.  He loves tuning into his heart and feels more centered and in control of his emotions.

Another example, one of my tenants at a condo I own, Chris, keeps paying his rent late even though he is an employed electrician.  I intuitively knew he was having addiction issues because when I talk to him he seems completely "out of it" and smelled of pot and alcohol and his eyes were cloudy and he seems defensive and belligerent.  He also wouldn't let me inspect his room (I do safety inspections every few months).  So I made a choice to approach the situation from a heart-centered perspective instead of exercising my legal right to evict him.  I told him nicely that I want to listen to him and see if I can help him since I'm an energy healer.  He softened and eventually after some coaxing let me see his room.  It was horrendous.  There was trash everywhere and empty beer bottles piled so high.  He was hoarding trash in his room and was obviously spiraling out of control.  Since I had much experience working with homeless people I knew that Chris was not going to be able to get another place to live if I evict him.  The number one thing that can prevent homelessness, is to have someone actually CARE about others who are in crisis at the time they need it most.  So I told him I would help him clean up his room and if he agreed to let me meditate and do energy healing with him, I would not evict him and give him a second chance.  He felt my pure intention and non-judgment and he agreed without getting defensive.  After only one healing session, Chris felt the energy move through his body and his eyes cleared up.  He texted me yesterday that he would like another session tomorrow and he has "cut way back on drinking" already.

Here's another example (I can go on and on because I do this all the time).  While I was in Vegas this past week, I walked by a homeless young woman.  I always make eye contact with everyone I pass and bless them in my heart, this includes homeless people.  Sometimes I give them a few dollars, sometimes they don't return my eye contract so I bless them and move on.  With this woman, Brittany, I was guided to talk to her.  I squatted down and got comfortable next to her and we talked.  Thousands of Vegas vacationers walked by us without looking at her.  Brittany says she has been homeless in Vegas after getting robbed while vacationing from Ogden, UT 18 months ago.  She said she was tired of this homeless life and was ready to go home and patch things up with her estranged family but she doesn't have the $90 for the Greyhound bus ticket.  My intuition told me she was telling the truth. Some homeless people do lie and say this so you give them more money, but in this case it was different.  I told her I would take her in an Uber to the Greyhound station and buy her a ticket to Ogden, UT.  She was over the moon with joy!  We walked into the next casino (the Palazzo) to catch the Uber.  Brittany said "they don't let me in the casino because I don't have ID".  I knew that the security people judge homeless people and use this "let me see your ID" as a way to keep them out.  I told her she was with me and they won't bother us, which they did not.  The security guy was actually very helpful when I asked him directions on where to pick up the Uber.  We made in the Uber and chatted and joked while in the car.  I really enjoyed her company, she was my equal in every way and I treated her with kindness and respect.  The Uber driver was so moved that he said "God bless you, Chi" when we got out at the Greyhound stations.  These acts of kindness do not go unnoticed by others as we Starseeds shine our light upon the world.  As we become "the change" others will shift and see that there is a new way to being and a new way of interacting with one another.  Now Brittany is back home with her family and her journey continues and I know she is being blessed.

I can go on.  These examples are only part of what I have done in the past few weeks, let alone what I have done and can continue to do in my life.  What can YOU do to BE the change?  How can I inspire you and help you?

I invite all Starseeds to join Joy Luck Club and see what we can do together to bring forth NEW earth together.  Heaven is a state being my beloveds.  Heaven is in the heart.  I love you ALL and bless you on your journeys!