Saturday, February 23, 2019

Joy Luck Club - my inspiration emerges!

First of all, let me say "WOW".  These past few weeks have been so eye opening.  More energy and expansion experiences, each wave penetrates me deeper into my own consciousness and psyche.  We are so much more than we think we are folks.  It goes so deep this SELF or consciousness that we are.  I have experienced immense awareness of how we truly KNOW NOTHING about who we are and what we THINK we are changes constantly with our experiences.  Enlightenment is never-ending and continually unraveling my experience of SELF to reveal so much that I can't begin put into words.

But, what I can put into words is "what's my next step".  It's not easy finding a true purpose because I often feel a lack of interest in DOING and only want to let go of any need or desire and just BE.  However, our souls will prompt us along like a movie on a filmstrip, we can not stay in the same frame and must play our part.  The challenge is having the inspiration to move forward.  If there is no inspiration, I will not move forward.  I prefer to lounge around and bliss out.  My inspiration came recently one day when I made a decision to stop asking what the next step is and to let go of any need to know anything.  It left me with little else to DO but perhaps...PLAY?

So I played.  We had a bunch of snow recently and I played and played in it like a little kid.  We didn't have a sled, so I took my fitness twisting board to the park and it worked great!  Up and down the snowy hills we went every which way and rolling and falling in all the glorious wonder!

During the indoor hours, I would deal Blackjack to myself.  Then I started feeling certain energies at certain times which correlated to winning streaks and losing streaks.  I would experience a FLOW during the winning streaks where I actually can tell the cards to come out a certain way and they actually start to do it!  During these FLOW states, I feel very blissful.  I then started tuning in and refining my interpretations (intuition) of these inner promptings and how they reflected the play cards reflected.  I started getting really good at it and now I can raise my energy to trigger more winning streaks and fewer loosing streaks to a point where I'm literally winning over 90% of the time; my last 26 sessions have resulted in WINS.  I was pretty lucky at Blackjack before but my win rate was closer to 70%.   I have even been winning more at the casinos with real bets.  I feel the same energy, sometimes even stronger because there are other people I can heart connect with and amplify the love energy.

I meditated on what all this means and started receiving more inner promptings from my soul.  THIS was how I can help people by just being who I AM and doing what brings me joy.  I can birth miracles when I AM in this creative state.  I have evolved into what I have always dreamed: a really good psychic Blackjack player.  Even though my professional background was finance/accounting it never really excited me.  It was just a programmed choice offered me by society but it did not inspire me.  I've always wanted to "hack reality" and become a psychic and influence games of chance.  Deep down I knew as a little girl we were magical creatures. It's a secret wish that I have always carried in my heart and did not think to really talk about it because it's so "far out" and "wishful thinking" that I felt ashamed someone so left-brained and sensible like me would entertain such dreams.  Then it dawned on me that our purpose in life is to follow our dreams.  We all have our own unique dreams of what we want our best life experience to be like, each dream is beautiful and so uniquely you.  It is only when you realize your dream experience that you become truly inspired and thus help others in a meaningful way.  I would love to share this gift I have with the world.  I started a new meetup called "Joy Luck Club".

I'm going to teach people who like to play Blackjack and are intuitively inclined how to play psychic Blackjack using techniques to raise their own energy and tap into this FLOW that I have discovered!  This is way more fun than helping homeless people like I did before.  I was able to let go of a lot of guilt I had within that made me feel like I was responsible for the suffering of others.  This has accelerated my enlightenment!  God does not judge me; only I judge me as unworthy.  I had to really work on myself to let this old belief that I could only earn God's love if I was able to heal the world.  Feelings of unworthiness ran very very deep in me.  Finally letting go of all that dense heavy energy has made me so much more joyful.  I AM actually now a more powerful co-creator and able to help others because I no longer feel responsible or obligated towards others.  It's so amazing how the Universe really works versus how humans think.  We are here to step into our own power.  Trying to influence and "help" others out of pity or responsibility will only diminish our power because we are not trusting the Universe to support others on their journey.  Oneness is about self empowerment, not about one person taking on the entire world.  We must allow others to see the possibility of realizing their own power and worth by our own example.  That's how we help.  Otherwise we perpetuate the  3D never ending cycle of co-dependency, lack and judgement.  It's time to move into a higher state of consciousness where we can see the Divine perfection in ALL.