Hello my beloved soul family of light,
My connection to the angelic realm has been intensifying as more photonic light is being dispersed throughout the earth. So many old energies are rising up for clearing and healing. What has been brewing in the financial markets since the 11/11 gateway has been a spectacular out-picturing of what these energies are doing to our current 3D reality. When seemingly everything was going just fine the DOW plunged 2000 points since 11/11/18 and accelerated since the 12/12 gateway. As an ego personality I should be one of those stressed out investors after seeing my stock account drop six figures in a matter of weeks.
I am so grateful for how merciful and balanced the universe is. Someone like me who is so plugged into spirituality can also be plugged into society and have a family, home, cars, stock accounts. We can be abundantly blessed and also enlightened. We don't have to be monks and hide out in a cave anymore. We can be fully integrated in society like agents of light infiltrating the earth to awaken those who need to see the light expressed in a way that they can relate to. That means I AM one of you. I have an ego human mind that doesn't know everything and experiences all the same challenges like financial losses, cancer, childhood trauma, all that makes us what we are. I wish the angels would tell me when to buy, hold and sell stocks, but they don't. That would just side track me from the mission. If I had the magic golden touch, my ego would be 100% focused on the external manifestation of amassing a gigantic fortune. Thank GOD there is a higher intelligence operating through me. I get just enough guidance and inspiration to have everything that I truly need and truly desire. And that is balance. Perfect. No more no less.
I am not my ego. I AM so much more. I AM the light and the bridge between heaven and earth. Do not fear the upcoming changes. The ascended realm is here to help us adapt and focus on NEW goals. Acquiring wealth and owing a nice house, car, and flying first class is really cool and fun for the separate ego that focuses on only personal and material experiences. But NOW is the time of ascension. NOW is the time for choice. I choose to BE the light. I choose peace and prosperity for all. This means the old systems of personal gain and greed must transform into something MORE supportive of our evolving human consciousness! We can usher in peace and end all war by making ONE small choice at a time to share, love, forgive, be open minded and just BE. We can BE more and do less. This will likely crash the stock markets more but let it go folks. It's time for a new way of being.
The ascended masters tell me we all will have exactly what we need to accomplish our soul missions in this lifetime. The energies will support us as we continue to expand, surrender, forgive, and allow the changes to transform us and our world. Those who refuse or reject the new energies are fighting a futile battle. Have compassion for their suffering will be short lived as things accelerate, all will flow with the River of Life as it increases it's breadth and intensity in these new times. They tell us to fear not. This is our time to shine. Go out and multiply your talents and call on the angels to help you KICK ASS as a warrior of light. If you are not feeling the intense joy and bliss or getting the massive downloads that inspire you to create and accomplish your desires, then ask the angels to release the blocks. Here's a hint: FORGIVE, SURRENDER and TRUST. The angels work with me all the time to show me what I have to let go of so I can keep expanding and receiving more light. Heck we all have so much baggage from past lives and even our childhood. We can't get out of our own heads without some high vibrational assistance which acts like a pressure washer in our energy fields.
So now instead of obsessing about my stock account, I have decided to flow with the new energies and ignore all the crazy gyrations. I will focus on this blog to share my story and experiences with awakening consciousness which have been so incredible and life affirming. LOVE is the only reality. Everything else is imagination!
I AM here to support and love you all on your respective journeys!
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