This post is an update to my last blog about co-creating the universe 101 that I wrote last year. I AM predicting that the Seahawks will be in the Superbowl with the Baltamore Ravens. At the time of my prediction in 2018 the energy vortex was starting to form into manifestation so we did not win in 2019. The important thing is to not let doubt and fear get in the way. Even though it is late 2019 now, the energies are finally pulling together. Now it looks like these are the 2 top teams for Super Bowl 2020!
So now I'm going to place a sportbooks bet on it and if I win I will use the money to host a free retreat at mt cabin in Granite falls It's so fun to "play" with the universe this way. Gambling is so fun if you understand how the universe works. We pick and choose what we want to create based on available options. If we are neutral and not attached to outcomes then we can affect the quantum field in a powerful way..
So as co-creators with the universe we have to trust and not be afraid of failure. Let go and let the universe unfold beautifully.
Let's explore more what it means to be self-realized or enlightened. We give up judgement. Period. That means we don't beat ourselves up anymore when we fail to accomplish our goals. We don't compare ourselves to anyone else because that's futile. You can't change places with people folks. Get over it. So trying to be better than someone else is like a hamster running inside a wheel. You can try and try but in the end, you are just still you. Luckily being you is pretty awesome so let's move on from trying to be anyone else but you.
Once all that is behind you and you've reach a certain level of self awareness where you just know "it really doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong" then you can start co-creating consciously with the universe. Keep in mind that you are always creating your reality unconsciously. That's why "bad things happen to good people". There is a cosmic dance of lights going on here. We are like children playing cowboys and Indians and doing it so well that we are lost in our roles and forgetting we are really just playing and we can play any game we want. When we get lost in our roles we often box our minds into a corner, a limiting mental box of "I AM a cowboy, so I hate the Indians that's what I do, it's me, it's my world." Then someone comes along and says, hey someone is playing a new game called "peace on earth" and we say, "oh no, that's not who I AM. I'm a cowboy, so there can't be peace with Indians."
Then sooner or later enlightenment comes along and upends our world. This is a natural course of evolution. NOW we think "what am I without my role? ". I will tell you what you are. You are limitless! Period. So just relax. Take your time. Decide what you really want to co-create in your reality. It could be anything your soul desires. How fast and what way your creation will manifest in your reality is up to your God self to out picture into your mind/body and world. Often times, the manifestations appear as strange co-incidences that are so imaginatively subtle, even genius when we start to notice how the universe reflects back to us our deepest thoughts, desires, emotions. This is a very subjective process. If you are new to wielding your co-creative powers, it takes patience and focus. It feels like writing with the opposite hand when you first start it because the human mind does not easily focus well on one vision for long so directing creative energy takes practice and focus. In the same breath it also takes NEUTRALITY. This is an important concept. It means no fear or doubt regarding the outcome. You just send heart felt desires out to the universe and let it go!
Unconscious creations (which often result in undesirable outcomes) are not created in neutrality. They are often created by out of control thoughts and emotions, especially fear,stress and worry. Conscious creation (creating experiences you intend) require more consistency in your thoughts and emotions. But when we create from the heart it is easy to maintain consistency because the heart is so strong electromagnetically; it alters the matter-light (the light that creates the experience of matter or form).
Let me give you a personal example. When I first experienced the heighten state of self awareness in December 2012, I remembered my spiritual identity. So I knew that I can whimsically manifest anything I desired without effort because I was child of God and endowed with God's creative powers. One day as I was kicking around a football with a friend I had a spontaneous desire that my favorite football team, the Seahawks, should win the super bowl and play against my "arch enemy" team, the Denver Broncos. I did not doubt for a second that it could come true in my reality because I knew who I was. Now this is a high level of mind creations because there is perfect faith here. Perfect faith is an internal knowing so profound that there is no room for doubt.
What did I do? Did I keep my desire a secret? No. I pronounced it was a matter of fact to the entire world, "I love the Seahawks and they will make it to the super bowl and play against the Broncos!". I even posted it twice on my Facebook page and the date of the post was in December 2012. If you go to my Facebook page history you will see the 2012 post. At the time, I did not really follow NFL football day to day. I had no idea how the Seahawks were doing and it was very late in the season. So at the time that I made this call, both the Seahawks and the Broncos were not really doing well enough to make it to the playoffs that year.
However, in 2013, the very next year things changed. At that time, I had completely forgotten the crazy prediction I made the year earlier. That year, both teams did really well and not only made it to the play offs, but guess what? They both played in the super bowl in Feb 2014 and my beloved Seahawks won their first and only super bowl championship. As I look back I can see that my heart felt desire came true because I did not hesitate. I did not doubt even though the current information at the time did not support what I wanted to create, I trusted the universe would magically out picture my wishes in Divine time.
Now this year 2018, my husband and I wish to manifest Seahawks and the Baltimore Ravens in the super bowl. I have not posted it on Facebook, but I will just state it in this blog for all to see. My state of consciousness now is not the same as it was in Dec 2012. I am more integrated now. More balanced. I am curious to see how it unfolds this time. Go Seahawks!
Envision what you want to manifest in your mind's eye (your imagination) and play it over and over like a movie. Feel into it. Live it like it was real. Then don't obsess about it or when how or where it crosses over into your reality, just let the universe do all the heavy lifting for you. Release your attachment to it. A watch pot never boils right? Stay in NEUTRALITY. If things don't go your way, you have not failed. You are still the LOVE/LIGHT and you are still powerful. There is just a misalignment between what your human ego mind wants and what your greater mind (your soul) wants. This is when you have to let go and realize co-creating is not about force. It is about FLOW. Jesus tells me there will be a level of mastery that can be achieved by humans in which instant manifesting can easily occur, but this requires each individual to continue on the path towards Christhood, which is a high level of self-awareness when there is no longer any separation between the human mind and the God/universal mind. It's a beautiful process of evolution that we are all progressing towards. We first need to learn how to crawl before we can walk. It's like giving a sharp ninja sword to baby. Believe me, it is more wise to allow the baby time to mature. So have patience. You are the LIGHT of the world that is true but you have diapers on still and that's OK. We are each precious creations and the journey is eternal. We have eternity to explore and play with the energy of creation. The real goal NOW is to step into our power and stop the external search for God and look within ourselves where God is.
What if you wanted to manifest something more profound than football game outcomes? What if you wanted to heal cancer? This gets a little complicated. It depends on your soul journey and the reasons why your have cancer. I already posted previously about how my cancer tumor disappeared AFTER I went through some intense energy clearing. Cancer or illness can be tricky because of the energy involved. When you think about football games, it's light and just fun. When you think about cancer or illness, the energy is more severe and there can be some fear or pain. It's not easy to move creative energy when you are ill and not feeling or thinking at a higher vibration. When the body is sick, it is a message to look deep within your own mental and emotional systems to see what is causing the density and blockages in your field. I recommend those who are ill seek an energy healer who has had experience with clearing cancer. We are here to help each other after all.
What about co-creating wealth? It would depend on your individual relationship with money or success. Are you whole enough in your being so clearly see that you are a not here to experience lack of any kind? Many people (I AM one of them) grow up in poverty and have to learn how to view themselves in a different light. Some have a strong drive to succeed and become wealthy because of their childhood poverty, and some succumb to a lower mindset and do not try to lift themselves up. Poverty in itself can be a great teacher either way. I have an abundant view on life. Even when I grew up poor, or have had financial struggles in life, I knew that I would always have what I needed and truly wanted. This attitude has allowed me to share generously from the heart regardless of how much money I have. So address your personal reason on why you want wealth. If the reason is fear-based, like you feel others will love you more if you are wealthy or you feel insecure if you don't have a lot of money in your bank account because you don't trust the universe to provide for you in Divine timing, then you are in a state of low energy which will not produce the results you want.
So my beloved soul sisters and brothers, we co-create with our hearts and our minds fully united in self love. If we love ourselves fully we can co-create with ease. We FLOW with the universe and synchronicities pop up everywhere reflecting back to us what we put out. Trust that this creative process is in you and all around you. We are light. We are love. We are One. May the peace of God be with you.