Thursday, January 24, 2019

Why am I here? What is my purpose?

To be a co-creator with God on planet earth and show others how by sharing my story, by connecting, by BEING my true self.

What are the clues to my next step?  What do I fantasize about?  What are my dreams and yearnings? What feels restricting to me and what feels liberating? I know I can shoot for the moon because I am limitless but what is “the moon” to me? Everyone is different.  I have tried the outward efforts (helping homeless people and making personal sacrifices to lift up others regardless of whether they are really on board with it) but I have learned the hard way that my soul doesn’t want to please anyone else or save the world. My soul really wants to express itself fully as “spirit would if it was in a body” which means my soul is very interested in what interests ME.  Everything that went into creating ME has been pure perfection.  All of it.  So if my purpose is not some altruistic pursuit of good deeds, then what is it?  I have always wanted to have physic powers and create abundance with it.  It’s my dream to do it for myself and show others how to do it for themselves if they really want to.  This includes health, wealth, and abundance.  I want to demonstrate FAITH in the universe.  I am not here to suffer.  I am here to transcend all limitations.  I am here to be LOVE, JOY, COMPASSION in every moment through my own choice and actions.  God’s creation is brilliantly set up to bless us with all, so that of our desires and dreams/wishes are magically fulfilled.  God does this by creating limitless energy and constantly pouring this creative energy into our beings while we are incarnated on earth.  Then it is up to us individually to decide how to use this energy to make our wishes and dreams come true.  It is NOT true that we have to live in lack, suffer in any way, or give all our material possessions away in order to receive God’s blessings.  We can see, by expanding our consciousness, God’s reality in which there is no such thing as lack.  Humans create suffering and lack with their limiting beliefs and buying into the negativity of mass consciousness.  Once we each awaken to our true nature as spiritual beings that are connected to an infinite source of creative energy, we become unstoppable.  We co-create anything we desire in perfect flow and harmony with everything and everyone around us.  

Material possessions are only manifestations of our thoughts, beliefs, wishes, and desires.  If we lack material things that we really want it is only our perception of lack; it is not reality.  So how does an individual soul use the limitless creative energy from God?  We dream. We fantasize. We ponder. We experiment. We interact. We connect. We visualize. We express through words, actions, intention, and heart felt wishes.  What specifically we dream about is up to us.  The clues are in the data of our lives, our personal interests, character traits, aptitudes, and outlook on life.  I have always loved numbers, playing blackjack, investing, talking to people, and now with my expanded awareness, I can use these personal interests and skills to create with real POWER of MIND, or God’s creative energy.  The power is our natural state of curiosity and adventure, like little children when they see a new play ground.  We explore and we play without worrying about negative outcomes or any harm.  Children just go for it with gusto!  That’s the life affirming attitude that we must have to really step into our creative power.  So I’m going to double-down on my dreams NOW.  I have more faith in myself now after all the intense purification I went through during my 2018 kundalini awakening.  The first step in manifesting your dreams is to be clear, honest and uncompromising in what you truly desire.  You have to embody the experience you want to create before actually experiencing it in physicality.  The physical part is the last part of the body/mind system that transpires during the creative process.  The first part is to use your imagination and create what you want to experience in your mind’s eye.  I want to be the best physic blackjack player that I can be.  I am able now to feel the energy of a blackjack table and transmute negative energy into pure love from the angelic realm that flows through me as I am now an open door to Divine energies.  This transmission of love energy allows me and everyone at the blackjack table to win consistently.  In my imagination, I foresee incredibly miraculous success playing with the love energy.  This will eventually capture the interest of others who will wonder “how does she win so consistently”.  Then I will show others how to apply a winning mindset to their own lives and creative interests.  I’m trusting the universe completely to out picture my dream into physical reality in the most genius and delightful way.  I don’t need to get all the nuts and bolts in place.  I just need to be the director, the dreamer of my virtual reality.  Remember, it’s all happening in the ONE MIND.  Reality is a play of vibrating light particles!  This MIND is genius and it knows how to “compute” the highest outcome possible for you to experience and enjoy!

I define success as an inner confidence and peace that is not dependent on external outcomes.  To be able to do what you love in life and prosper from it is the ultimate success story.  It has nothing to do with an external standard. I don’t compare myself to others because that is self-defeating thinking.  Another gotcha to be aware of is being attached to the outcome.  As I stated in my previous blog posts on co-creating with the universe, it is only through self-love that we become our most powerful self.  This means that if things don’t go your way or someone else seems to have more success than you do, it is only an opportunity to re-charge, and keep on trying without letting self-doubt creep into your mind.  Allow the fearful thoughts of failure to enter your mind, but don’t let it linger long.  Remember, you do not have to define yourself by your thoughts or beliefs.  You are MORE. Brush yourself off and use the set backs as a chance to love yourself even more.  So many people give up on themselves when faced with failure.  Self-mastery is about relentless faith and trust in the universe.

If we are eternal beings how can we really loose anything or come into permanent harm?  Don’t take this virtual reality on earth too seriously.  Creation is for us to explore, learn, and enjoy.  But our true nature is formless eternal spirit.  We are only in our bodies for a short while, so we are not here to waste time worrying about anyone else or fixing the world.  We are here to co-create and use God’s energy to create the life of our dreams and in doing so, we free others from their self-imposed limitations and lift them up by BEING who we truly are which is LIMITLESS!

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