Saturday, December 22, 2018

Change is part of life: Parable of the Chevy and the Tesla

Enlightenment is a journey of self-awareness.  It's a gradual booting up of an operating system upgrade (ascension to 5D as most awakened souls call it) where the consciousness of the human expands and transforms into a completely new experience self.  It's not something the average person strives for really because it is such a quantum leap that the human mind can not fathom how or even why this transformation takes place.  Does it happen to everyone. Short answer is YES!  But it is not initiated by the human/ego mind which is the current experience of self.  It is a seed of Spirit that sprouts within the human heart as naturally as life creates new life.  It is an external spiraling out of God's love and plan for all of creation, all of us.  That is why it is beyond us to control or sort out with the linear thinking human mind which can only remain ignorant of what God is.

So it is through the energy center of the heart that transformation takes place, then expands out to all.  And since we are all connected to this intricate web of life, when one person or soul wakes up, there is an uplifting of ALL.  That is why the momentum in awakening consciousness is so strong NOW.  When I query the quantum field (which is tuning into the creative energy of the universe/God with a particular intent, thought, question to retrieve information) to understand what all this means for me in my own life I begin to connect the dots and see that many points of light already in place on earth at this time.

I can describe this vision I see as a parable.  There is a strong movement (due to expanding human consciousness) away from gasoline cars towards electric cars.  The growth in electrical vehicles is accelerating.  Mass consciousness is changing.  We all want a new way of transportation that is not only a pleasure and ease to operate and maneuver but is also not using smelly toxic gas extracted out of the earth with fracking.  This is not a judgement; it is what is being experienced by the masses.  I used to drive a Chevy when I was 20, and now 30 years later I drive a Tesla.  I have evolved in my choices.  I picked the Tesla because I wanted a NEW experience of beauty, ease, harmony, abundance.  This car has autopilot and even parallel parks all by itself.  How many of us would love not to have to do our own parallel parking and to be able to close our eyes and relax in comfort while moving along in perfect harmony with all of rush hour traffic.

When we first started driving a Tesla in 2016 there weren't that many around.  Today, there are Tesla's everywhere we go.  We can pull up at a local stop light and there would be an identical color make model Tesla right in front of us.  Plus, as we learn to share and not "own" things, riding in a Tesla would be a common experience for all who want to.  I see auto piloted electrical cars being "shared" by the masses coming soon to your neighborhoods.

I see human consciousness evolving towards greater beauty, ease, health, harmony and abundance for all who choose the light! Some may see the world in the opposite perspective as the chaos energies rise up for release.  Take heart, these energies can not thrive on earth anymore.  The light frequencies are changing.  Remember our reality is a hologram made of light frequencies.  The changes are here now. We co-create reality with our minds.  Higher consciousness of love can bend reality, and is exponentially more powerful than fear.  We will make new choices.  We will learn to share and connect with one another across the globe.  We will heal the earth in innovative new ways.  I see it.  I feel it happening and we are not alone.  There will be more and more ET contact experiences now that the veil is lifting from the earth.

If you are scared, confused, stressed or worried about anything in your life, just BREATHE.  It's going to get better.  I AM here for you all.  My door is wide open to listen, love, heal and connect with all hearts who yearn for something MORE than what the material world can offer.  Together we can birth a new earth, a new way of being where competition, greed and separation is only a distant memory of childhood squabbles.  As you read these words, I send you PEACE, LIGHT, LOVE.

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